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Everything posted by tazzmann

  1. Great looking seat! I was AF myself, but I would be proud to have a seat like that!
  2. Nice looking start howard. Can't wait to see how it is finished!
  3. That is awesome! I really like those. I wouldn't mind wearing them!
  4. Excellent work! My son is 7 and getting into leather work. Keep up the great work! I know what you mean Tom, the DS is competing with my son as well. LOL
  5. Thanks for all the kind comments. This quiver was done start to finish in just under 2 hours, the lacing was done in just under 20 minutes, so we didn't take a lot of time to color the inside or slick up the edges as much as I would have liked. A couple of friends of his were going to a local archery range and they all had their own target quivers, so he wanted one too. I did the cutting, lacing, basket weave and riveting, but he did everything else including the coloring. (He saw one of Beeza's seats and just loved the coloring and wanted to try it himself.) The coloring was fiebings Dk Brown oil dye and the center was just olive oil. The whole thing was finished with Leather Balm w/Atom wax. For a rush job, he was happy and I was mostly happy. :D P.S. Yes, we are traditional archers both shooting recurve bows. I do have a Ben Pearson compound bow, but rarely shoot it.
  6. Here is a project my son and I just finished. let me know what you think. We didn't have a pattern, but it works good for him. Yes, i know i forgot to nip off the end of a lace. That has been remedied since the photo was taken.
  7. I guess I am the only really odd one here. I live in the Great Northwest, home of Starbucks on every corner, Tully's coffee and Seattle's best....but I can stand the stuff. Taste's like dirt to me. I drink tea. Earl Grey at that.....am I living in the right country? :wtf:
  8. Just thought I would throw my $.02 in this conversation... The way I do my edges is: I wet the leather down prior to dying with a mixture of water (90%) and Lexol (10%). While the leather is still DAMP, I apply the dye. While the dye is still DAMP, I then take a circle edge slicker and run it over all the edges, I can get a glass smooth finish and not have to try and dye the edges AFTER slicking. The Lexol makes the oil dye I use seep into the leather more slowly, which I found gives a better, more even penetration and more work time for doing the edges. I then finish with Super / Satin Sheen or Leather Balm with Atom wax.
  9. My daughter just loves wolves. I showed her this pic and now she is bugging me to make her one. Thanks!
  10. I would also like to throw in that it looks very nice! Simple, yet elegant! Great work!
  11. tazzmann

    Lace pattern??

    After bringing it up in Photoshop, zooming in to 200%, and looking at the front edge, it looks like drac may be correct on this one, it does look like it is stitched and not laced. It looks like it is widely spaced stitches, with one part of the stitch going at an angle to create the rope effect. On the front it almost looks like two pieces of leather. You can just see the flesh side of the bottom piece sticking out.Each stitch looks like a 7 with the top of the 7 along the seat itself and then the leg of the 7 is what makes the rope look. I would like to play with this on a piece of leather and see if I can duplicate it. It looks interesting.
  12. tazzmann

    Lace pattern??

    I might be mistaken, but that looks like a Rope Edge Lace technique and basically, the lace is cut from the same material as the main part and skived to about half thickness. Then slits are cut around the outside of the main piece and a cord is placed along the edge. The lace is then wrapped around it and through the slits. I think I came across this in one of my older lacing books. I can check when I get home, if you would like.
  13. That is awesome twin! My 7 year old made his first wallet a month or so back. We sat down and made him a belt quiver yesterday. I am finishing the lacing for him tonight and then I will post a pic. My 9 year old girl got in on some leather action yesterday and started a dog collar for our dog. Better watch out, you made need two more benches like me! LOL Tell them, "great job"!
  14. WOW! Wish i could draw HALF that good! nice job!
  15. I won't go into the whole wild vs. domestic animal debate. No-one will ever win. Nice looking holster, though! I would be proud to carry it!
  16. Both pieces looking very good. Funny that you did a tissue box, my wife was bugging me last night to make an Easter theme one for our guest bathroom. Also, what is that at the end of your mantle? A match box?
  17. PSLAC also has plans for one by Bill Churchill. He uses Chicago Screws to open and close the blade.
  18. Should have seen that coming!
  19. Yeah, I think he is doing good. He just had his Blue and Gold ceremony and he helped me punch out some coasters with the different logos on them (Tiger, Bear, Wolf, etc...) which the boys got to take home. They were all really impressed and asked him LOTS of questions. He gave answers in typical 7 year old speak ("I hit it with a round metal thing and it made that shape. You'll have to ask my dad what it is called.") LOL Now my daughter is starting to get interested in leather. Not sure when I am going to have time to do MY leather work! LOL I think I might need a bigger shop!
  20. I too am intrigued about these. How does one order them from you?
  21. tazzmann

    Work bench

    I don't have any pics here at work, but my bench has been converted from a motorcycle engine rebuilding bench. As such, it is all steel frame with a 3/4 inch particle board top with a shelf over the top. Since it is only 6' x 2', it is not big enough for laying out and cutting large pieces of leather on. So..... my next door neighbor is a professional welder and is going to make me a 4' x 8' all steel table (including the top and shelf underneath) and I am going to lay poly over the entire top for a large cutting surface. Down towards one end, I will inlay a v-groove out of aluminum that will be used for cutting fabric in a straight line like the craft stores have and on the other end I am going to mount an anvil and maybe a press. The shelf underneath will be used for storing my leather flat instead of rolled up like they are now.
  22. Thanks again guys for the kind words. He is really getting into leather and I have been piecing him together some tools from TLF so that he doesn't have to use daddy's. He is currently working on a dog collar for our dog "Max". He is getting requests from the kids at school and cub scouts to make them wallets! LOL I told him he needed some more practice before he started making money at this. I will get a post up when he gets the dog collar done. Then maybe he will give me a break so I can post up a pic of the bike bag I just did. It was my first time doing flames and skulls, so interested in what you guys think.
  23. Yeah, I guess it all boils down to location, location, location. Here in Vancouver, there are a couple of gun shows run by local Granges. I have seen a couple of leather workers there selling their wares and doing pretty well. One guy only does the western style holsters, the other only sells belts. The last time I spoke to them they said they sell about half their inventory before the end of the day. Now, I don't know what price the guy wanted for his belts, but the holster guy was selling his from anywhere between $150 and $300. So I guess it all depends on where you live and where you go and what the market demand is.
  24. I used to take my belts and wallets to the local rodeo's and indian pow-wow's and would sell out in about 3 hours. Gun shows, I have heard, are also good places.
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