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Everything posted by David

  1. woo hoo I finally figured out how to get chat working again on my Mac.....all I had to do was dumb it down to the earliest version that I have

  2. Charlie, The inner row of lacing is purely decoration. Thanks for the nice words and for taking a look at the seat. Dave Thank you all for taking a look. The kind words are always encouraging. Dave
  3. Just completed a seat for Papa Clutch Customs, it will be sent out Monday. Hopefully in time for Sturgis. The antiquing is still drying in these pics so things will lighten up a bit. David Theobald
  4. thank you all, I do appreciate the comments. Dave
  5. Thanks all, I'll try to post some pics of the bike asap Dave Theobald
  6. Thanks Dave, glad you liked it D Theobald
  7. I just finished this today. This is going on Jeff Cochran's latest creation. It is something different for him... Hope to have pictures soon. Dave
  8. That is wonderful roo. I really like the simplicity Dave
  9. WOW, now I'm really impressed, that is beautiful stitch work.... but doing an entire gunbelt.... the thought of that makes my hands hurt. Great work Dave Theobald
  10. Hey Bob, Very nice holster, I would have no fears about selling the holsters....now putting the name 3:10 to Yuma on them.... or Hand of God rig.... that I'm not too sure about. Perhaps call them a facsimile of the holster seen in the movie ..... that implies they are not identical. But that's going to be a rig to be proud of. What kind of sewing machine? Dave Theobald
  11. Ahhh tattoo flash, gotta love it , nice job. David
  12. hopefully they have a new update for the Mac so the chat room works at my office............oops Did I really say that? Uhhhhh yeah.......well, Later, Dave
  13. My sequence goes something like: 1 I use Lexol as I am tooling the leather. 2 Neatsfoot oil let stand over night 3 Dye only once let stand until dry 4 Wet leather and apply antiquing paste while wet. 5 Wipe off paste immediately. Dry overnight 6 Rub on NeatLac using cloth. 7 Aussie Cream or Leather Balm Done Dave Theobald
  14. SO SORRY I AM REFERRING TO NEAT LAC NOT SUPER OR SATIN SHEEN...... my bad.... I posted this very early today...... If you want a semi or flat finish for your leather try using Deft wood finish, again rub it on do not brush it on. This wood finish is identical to the neat lac finish without the high gloss. Dave
  15. Yes I do mean neat lac, So sorry Dave
  16. HarleySue, Sorry I somehow missed this, That board is my tooling board and keeps the leather flat and prevents shrinking. Dave
  17. Terry you will probably have to resize the pics.... lots of freeware out there to do that job. I use Picasa, but there are others including the photo editing tool that comes with Windows. Dave Theobald
  18. Andy, Rub off is called crocking and is painfully common with black leather. The only thing that seems to work is to rub a coat of Super Sheen into the leather when completed. Use a rag to rub it in. Don't apply a heavy coat because it is a clear lacquer and it will crack and peal if you put a thick coat on. Dave
  19. Be careful when adding multiple coats of Satin Sheen or Super Sheen. If you apply the coats with a brush or dauber or a spray gun/airbrush, you will probably put TOO much on. Apply it instead with a rag and rub it into the leather. If you get too much of this product on your seat, it will crack and peal. Don't ask me how I know that! Dave Theobald
  20. Thanks to everyone for taking a look at this seat, it was a bit out of the ordinary for me. I hope the customer likes the results, I will try to post a couple pics of the bike if and when I get them. Best to all of you Dave
  21. The customer is a really nice guy. He's in law enforcement, so we hit it off really good, I'm hoping he'll send me some pictures when he finally has it on the bike. We'll see. Dave
  22. The customer wanted a dark to light tan fade. He stated he likes the look of a well tooled saddle. I'm hoping this works for him. I know I like it. Dave
  23. I want to put my $.02 also. I agree with Mulefool ... Chris.... Keep the phone number and the site works very well in Safari on my Mac also. Dave Theobald
  24. Roger, Good to see you back here Buddy, I hope this is just the first post of many many more to come. Hoping all is well with you Best to you, Dave Theobald
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