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Everything posted by Sonydaze

  1. Triflow is a great lubricant. It gets in everywhere and the teflon remains and lasts for a long time to keep lubricating. Years ago a friend used to distribute it and did demos with a chainsaw. They ran saws with no chain oil, just sprayed the bar with Triflow. You could use the saw for quite awhile without the bar getting hot. I think it would be excellent for manual lube sewing machines but wouldn't work with reservoirs or pumps as the the teflon would settle out and not go through the machine. Any drips could stain your work.
  2. In like brass for long term appearance, but brass plated steel is stronger and less expensive.
  3. I buy a fair amount of leather from Weaver. Since I live on Vancouver Island, going and picking hides is not an option. Generally Weaver sends me reasonably good hides. You have to understand the grade of any particular hide you are ordering and adjust your expectations. Over the years, I have had a few problems but Weaver has always worked with me to a good resolution. When ordering, specify any (reasonable) special needs and they are good to try and match them.
  4. I get my dies made by: http://economydiemakers.com/. Zlatko is great to work with and his pricing is very reasonable.
  5. http://www.sabicpolymershapes.com/polyshapes/en/Home/Home/home.html If this company has a branch anywhere near you, they have 4' x 8' sheets of plastic suitable for cutting on, in various thicknesses. The last one I bought was 1/4" thick and cost under $100. The top of my cutting table is two sheets of 5/8" plywood topped with a sheet of plastic. Being able to cut anywhere on the table saves a lot of time.
  6. Getting a Venture One card for your business saves some money.
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