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About Pkay

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  • Birthday May 16

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  • Interests
    leatherwork, motorbikes, cars, Streetworks ?

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    just found I was generally good at it.
  • Interested in learning about
    as much of it as I can
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. You need to concentrate on the stitching as much as the decoration on the bag/pouch. You also need to consider flap closing methods as this can contribute greatly to your work. I use contrast stitching so I can see how much I need to improve.Keep at it
  2. you could suggest to your Mum that it may well have been darker when it was made. You could feed it and leave it to absorb the dressing then it would lighten off.
  3. I think you have done really well. It may help if you use a background tool for the outside parts as it will enhance your flower. Practice the background tool on a scrap first as it can be challenging to get consistent results.
  4. I never try and tool more than half the depth of the leather, in my experience to do so can weaken the leather. The strength of leather is in the surface layers and my work exploits that strength. The surface layers of leather are the most dense and I do not like to sacrifice the strength for decoration. I have achieved a greater 3D effect by using other techniques.
  5. I have never had this problem, I guess I don't hit the leather that hard ! you could try a lighter touch and then use an antiquing finish to make the names stand out. Or .. true the flap after tooling the name and then edge it ??
  6. could you add a photo of your fenders ??
  7. found these on etsy https://www.etsy.com/no-en/listing/123476401/full-d-ring-snaffle-bit-charm-in-gold not sure about the price ? You have not shown what size they are ?
  8. If you wet mold some veg tan hide it should be fairly easy to shape upper and lower beaks then leave them to air dry. Rest them over jar or pot to allow them to keep the shape. Make sure you turn up the head end so you can sew it to the head part or make the top beak overhead section and rear in one part. Sounds like great fun. Put a fold in the length of the beak to give it strength, an upturned V.
  9. I like it, a lot of work in the carving and dying !! I made some in the 80's, I will try and post a pic.
  10. You need to appreciate the limitations of leather made for upholstery. It is thin, usually chrome tanned so it will not take any embossing, it is finished so will only take some dyes. However it will be fine for many other uses including bags, purses and even clothes. When I have been able to pick some up cheap it can be very useful.
  11. I guess I could google this but with all the recognising, I thought I should ask what is a 'managers sales knife' ?? Is that like a managers sale carpet, chosen to sell for a short period.??
  12. I watched a tannery video on utube and they had a gauge with a dial gauge attached which allowed them to measure about a foot into the hide which would work well. I always find that the edges are hard and thicker than the leather I wish to use from the hide, not representative.
  13. there used to be a cork shop in Brighton but I have never seen it used as a fabric. Nice !!
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