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Everything posted by OLDNSLOW

  1. I have some of the same issues, it is interesting to find that so many different individuals will have the same or similar problem without a definite answer. I think I have narrowed some of it down to old thread but not sure that is the sole issue.
  2. Ya that's part of what Is going on in addition to a whole variety of things that may be caused by the older thread.
  3. Mine does run through a lube pot but it does not seem to alter the problem it is still there. If I have to pull the thread out to change colors what ever the lead portion is, is pulled back out of the oil pot and wound back around the spool it is soaked in oil, but it does not seem to help the problem, I guess trying to be a cheap arse and trying to make the spool last is causing me problems in the long run.
  4. is it take to be old thread and does the storing process have anything to do with the life expectancy of thread. I have to imagine that most if not all thread comes off a boat from somewhere else, so I have to imagine that it is truly hard to tell how old the thread really is. My sewing machine sits in the garage and so does my thread so it goes through all of the ambient temp changes that we are subject to here TN, and for the most part some of my thread is now reaching 2 years of age but some is much newer. Now my thread is kept in the big freezer bags so that dust and dirt is kept to a minimum but I have to imagine that it still is subject to aging, but what is actually old? The other part to a problem that I have noticed is that the older thread gives my machine fits, it wont sew correctly, it will skip threads, it will make my machine squeak, and it breaks thread, so I have to imagine that this is again an indicator that the thread is old and needing replacement, but what again constitutes old in terms of thread when it may have sat on a boat somewhere then on the sellers shelves for a while. So how often do some of you rotate your thread and have you found that when a thread is showing signs of aging, does it start to make your machine go all wonky and start to act up and not sew right, or am I the only one that has had that kind of problem, I cant imagine that I am the only one to have these kinds of problems and hoping that Wiz and OnSUwe will be 2 of the responders to this set of questions as they are probably the most knowing in these areas, but looking for all those that have stories to share and methods of storage of consumables. Thanks OnS Ron
  5. There are several makers in the market place that offer these as part of their concealed carry line of products. I also have offered them for a few years now when I was asked if I could make one. The process is not difficult just a little more care needs to be taken depending on what is being used as a liner. I have offered both stainless steal and Kydex as liners for belts, and of course it takes 2 straps to complete the process. Both straps are of equal weight with the chosen liner glued between the 2 straps then sewed together, extra caution has to be taken when using stainless to make sure it is lined up properly so that the sewing process can take place.
  6. I have the same issue, when the thread is being pulled out of the pot it pulls the lube with it and then runs everywhere, I just keep a rag handy that I can wipe everything down with when done. I guess that with everything there is going to be a trade off, no lube hot thread and the other issues that goes along with that. I have just learned to live with that, I guess if there was a way to add a wiper to absorb the excess before it got all over everything else that would be a good solution, just need to figure out where to place it.
  7. I know a fella out here in TN that uses it on custom pool cues and it does not react like that at all that I am aware of, but it could be the type of wood, or a different type of oil, I don't really know anything about the oil and a little bit more about wood, did you try and wet sand it with some 1000 grit to see what it would do?
  8. In times like these words are never enough and I wish I had more to offer, what I am going to say is not legal advise. I had to fight the Social security people myself, I was 57 at the time and had decent paying jobs most of my adult life, it was not as though I was trying to take advantage of the system. I had been to well known facility in California for back issues that I had suffered from for years and it got to the point that I was in constant pain, the first 2 things the Dr said was ( I wont operate and when do you retire, I knew right then and there I was screwed. That is when I started my quest to draw out what I contributed for years in to the system, I to was denied and in the denial process had a heart attack, but I did not give up. I wrote my own appeals after reading and doing the research about the system, it took 2 appeals the last step was to go to a hearing with the SS Judge, That is when I hired an attorney. I did win the case and got all my back pay, but at the expense of living with the stress of not being really sure but feeling sure I would win. Don't give up that is what they want you to do, hand in there and fight it all the way, I wish I had more to offer but don't it is hard going from what I use to make weekly to now making that monthly. Good luck in your fight and again don't give up!!!
  9. some times I need to think things out real well in order for it to make sense to me, once I get passed that then It all falls in to place.
  10. I searched here along with most of the usual places but didn't turn anything up or I didn't dig deep enough, anyone have any ideas where to find a pattern for some of the latest Iphones maybe the 6 to the most current 8 plusses and even the 10? Thanks for any help or ideas in making a case.
  11. I used some welds when I first started and might go back to using it again.
  12. What have some of you used to thin out Barges glue besides their own blend of chemicals? I figure that there has to be something out there just need to find it. Thanks
  13. Thanks for your response and as others have said very nice work very nice indeed!!
  14. do you skive the leather at all from it's skirting weight to the working weight of the leather? And if so about what is the working weight of the leather while using it. Also what product do you use to clean the leather prior to the final coat finish? thanks for all the info!
  15. I agree with everything your saying good luck we are on the same path of discovery!
  16. Continuing where I left off, China is flooding the market with the cheaply made cases that flood the market with the stuff that comes for there, there is one Canadian company that is making cases that are very similar to cases that JB makes. It would be interesting to find out if JB worries about competition and does not want to share info? But there are tons of people that are introduced to the game of pool every year some of those people have the desire to go on and learn more about the game and will be interested in buying equipment. The stigma of the game is changing, and there are now more amateur tournaments all over the country that allows for the lessor ability player to compete and possibly make a few bucks as well as enjoy themselves doing it, that will be interested in buying equipment.
  17. If you look around in that market place you will find that there are maybe only a hand full of guys that make custom cases JB being one of them. That is not counting the one's that are one off, but the one's that do specialize really don't share much about what they do, in fact some of them will go to the extra mile to nock those that offer a product that is close in similarity, there are a great deal many cases that come in from China that flood the market. I have to finish this later.
  18. At slow speeds with thin leather there might not be any advantage, but I leave it place for everything that I sew it is just easier for me if using the same thread for multiple projects. You might want to work differently than I do and discover what works best. And again if someone is spraying to roll you have to decide what works best but how does the thread feel when you go to use it on the machine? If the thread does not feel like it is lubricated then it most likely it would need to be oiled again but YMMV.
  19. No one here seems to want to share much info on case making, it is something that I would like to get info on myself and there isn't much to find on the web Jb cases makes a nice case but doesn't share much. If you happen to find out more than I have please share as I would like to make a few, leather isn't the first craft I have been interested in but the one that is the case of cases anyway that is again hard to find any info on. Maybe the makers are a little afraid of competition but I have always flet that there is always enough work to go around.
  20. garypl I would do that if I were you and one other hint and I am sure SOME ONE will come along and say that what I am going to tell you wont work but I have been doing it with no problems, so here ya go, I have been putting in the pot silicone oil but here is the deal and I will double check this to make sure the silicone oil is not anything special that they say it is the only thing that will work, I went to Lowes and in the hardware dept they sell little bottles of the oil for like 3 or 4 bucks and if your a vet you get the 10 % off I have been buying that and putting it in the pot to lube the thread with instead of paying the high price that others want to drag you over the coals for. I will take a photo and post a little later the bottle of oil that I have been using.
  21. I tried the magnetic on first and it would move around a lot so I went to the cast iron one, and am much happier with it on the machine.
  22. who did you get the machine from? and maybe you could sell it to JLS so he doesn't feel left out in the cold.
  23. yup had to hunt one down and install it, you might call the guy in Texas he might have one or Bob might have a boat load of them I hear they are suppose to come with the white machine but don't.
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