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Everything posted by Shorts

  1. I'm still using my cheapo Harbor Freight airbrush and compressor. Came with a fine tip and I can still spray Resolene undiluted. There aer better airbrushes, but, that's all I have for now.
  2. I'm a sucker for dark colors - beautiful work. The ivory is an elegant touch.
  3. Awesome to see your progression. I have been thinking of doing the same, lining up my holsters as I have gone to each one to take pics and see how they've evolved. Keep up the good work
  4. I apply dye to the edge to wet, then burnish with a wooden dowel. Then I take a lump of beeswax, rub over the edges and go again with the wooden dowel. When that's smooth, I shine with horsehair.
  5. Oh my goodness! Mike! I completely blanked on getting back to you on the kanji name. I did ask hubby to ask his Jpn counterparts but he never got back to me. I'm so sorry for dropping the ball on that Thanks for the thoughts on the blue guns. If using airsoft be careful what brand and before using them, spec them out. I have a Commander airsoft that's bigger than the real gun.
  6. Good point. Ideally, I'd do the same, if you have a particular pistol, leave it with me so I can make it specific. Unfortunately, since I'm not in the US I don't have access to real models. So, blue guns are the only method I can use for the time being. The blue guns run anywhere from $35-$40 each, plus another $10 for shipping. I've got mine for $47ea total according to my receipts. So, its still a significant cost. Or would it offer greater flexibility to drop an initial investment in a handful of models? Again, mereyl speculating on the ways to go about it. hobby, thanks for your perspective. I'm interested in hearing others as well. Thanks guys
  7. Just curious as to when folks start adding guns to your inventory. I understand more often than not it will be a financially based decision. I've got several request for a gun I do not have, but I have no done them as I did not want to buy and wait for a new gun for only one holster. How do you decide to go ahead? I though possibly if I recieved at least a couple request for that model would I get the blue gun. That would allow me somewhat to recover the cost of purchase. Is that an error in strategy? What about a small additional cost for first run holster for guns? Sorry for the 20 questions. I'm just interested in expanding the line-up without going overboard, hopefully going about it smart.
  8. I actually placed an order for my hardware at dotfastenersdirect.com out of GA. Check them out
  9. Jeffzilla, good work. I have a BBQ pit exactly like that, and one arm, permanently. Are you trying to steal my life??....all you had to do was ask.
  10. Troy, that's just way cool - nice work!
  11. Out of curiosity, would pottery powders and pigments work in spirits?
  12. Still can't figure out why there is corrosion. I tested a round of snaps fresh out of the baggie. I also tested some snaps which had been applied to straps of leather to see if the split metal would react. Nothing. Got great strips of black leather, but no corrosion showing up on the parts. I'm stumped but more confident in the hardware at this point. I can get on with the holsters I was concerned about.
  13. Iron oxide I guess not if they are nickel plated brass. I'm no chemist and I didnt sleep at a Holiday Inn last night. But there is corrosion.
  14. Chuck, I had not even thought about a cold blue to darken the up - great suggestion! I have some in my gun supply box. I'll try that out today. Hillborne, you're in the right area. Part of my thing is I mark stitch holes all the way around, even on non-stitched opening. Just part of aesthetics I go with. But alas, not to the stitch holes Here's a hint to think over - its the tannins that makes it turn black. Go2Tex, that was it Thanks. BTW, you're from Floresville? That's a real small world! I grew up in Karnes City. Great to meet you.
  15. lol "blue gun" - true, I'd prefer the real thing in place. But that is not exactly what I was reffering to. Anyone else venture a guess? Mike, for the snaps, they are actually the black line 24 sbaps. In the process of dyeing and vinegarooning and cleaning (I remove errant dye with a swab of alcohol) the snaps actually lost some black coating and it looked really bad. So I took some 600grit paper and removed the rest so although it'd be shiny, the snap would at least be presentable and uniform. I agree though, the black snaps would actually look a bit better.
  16. The micro compact is taking forever to dry. I went ahead and did another dipping in vinegaroon since the solution cured a bit more overnight and the holster was still a gray color. Those holsters take a while to dry and I'm getting impatient! The neat thing about them though is you can bone the heck out of them. The leather is a bit more forgiving to the boning tool. But it is tougher to press and mold without a hydraulic press. You win a little, give a little On the micro compact I did need to trim down the top of the rear wing. The grip on the pistol is so short that it actually interferes withe the draw grip. I'll see how that adjustment takes. I haven't had the chance to even test fit the 1st one (no wing adjustment) but I have a 2nd one that's drying glue now with the adjustment. I'll find out soon enough I suppose.
  17. Here's the heartache from last night. It was the black-dye-gone-wrong holster. I need to clean up the snaps inside, they got dye residue pretty well set in and it looks terrible. But I've got the outside all buffed out, the edges done and while I don't think completely necessary for water-resistance, I'm going to Resolene this one, especially the inside so the fuzzies stay at bay. I once read somewhere on this site something to the affect that you're not an artist until you can fix your screw ups on the project you're working on. Well, I certainly don't consider myself and artist but I'm starting to understand a whole lot about repairing screw ups Can someone tell me what is in this picture that shouldn't be in this picture for this particular finish???
  18. rdb, that would be excellent if it darkened the hardware What happened was the snap posts rusted on a holster, the bottom half of the snap. They are regular line 24 snaps. The vinegaroon did not harm or change the snap face or female pieces. I don't understand the rust though, it should have darkened them. I just dabbed a bit of Naval Jelly on a Qtip and wiped the inside of the snaps.
  19. Just curious what everyone does in regards to hardware when you vinegaroon leather. I ask because on my holsters, some hardware must be on the leather before I can vinegaroon. (If I vinegaroon the leather immediately after cutting the pattern, it is more difficult to wet mold and bone later because the leather is more water resistant). Yet, If I install the hardware first, such as snaps, they rust in the vinegaroon process. What can I do? Will I need to get tedious and and brush vinegaroon the areas that hold hardware, dry, then apply hardware, stitch, wet mold, then brush vinegaroon again on the rest of the holster?
  20. I got the holster vinegarooned and its drying now. THat thing sure takes a long time. Some black dye did settle out in the several times dipping. But that was fine. Looks like I got really good coverage. Though throughout the process, even with this method, in the right light could see those darn blue areas. I still don't get it but I'm blaming the leather. I also dropped in another holster and belt straps in the solution. The belt straps I cut from the older piece, the holster body from the ew leather. The old leather actually turned darker in the same dip. I'm going to redip them all again in the morning after the solution cures some more. Quick question, when you guys add more vinegar to your supply, do you also add more nails/steel wool/steal to the mix to reactivate it to curing some more? I'll have pics tomorrow of the saved holster. I hope it stays as dar as it is now. It looks pretty good.
  21. UPDATE - I hvae been wearing this holster around the for entire morning. Got it on under a Tshirt and my loosefit Levis. I must say, it's pretty comfortable. I've been sitting and standing. I'm about to hit up some chores around the house and work on some other holsters. I've been needing t odo a good wear review on this holster. So far, so good. I've got one one the table now for the 3" micro compact I recieved a day or two ago. That should disappear nicely.
  22. I think they do use different mixes. The blue I am getting is deep blue, similar to a Navy and I'd even say Indigo. On this batch of leather that's been giving me trouble, it was from Tandy. It was their 'mid grade' of that line. This time around, I bought the next step up. I'm curious to see what the problem, was, dye or leather, but I don't want to spend time on a lost cause lol As for the leather I do purchase, it's baby steps. I buy the best I can afford at the time but I don't want that to give me a bad product right off the bat. I have noticed what you mentioned about water-resistant finish on the vinegaroon leathered. I have several test pieces from a whle back and I use them for shims or padding for various tasks. Well, I dropped a fair amount of water on the patch and rubbed it around. I wiped off andnoticed none of the water had soaked in. Not even a dark spot. I was impressed. I've had my vinegaroon batch sitting for almost a day. I might give it a whirl even though it's still early in the curing. I'll definitely be sure to rinse and buff the leather to remove any dye residue that may seap out.
  23. I needed a question answered if possible: If I use vinegaroon over a halfway dyed black holster, will this affect 1) the vinegaroon and 2) the holster? I'm thinking/hoping I can juts wipe the half-dyed holster down with the vinegaroon and it'll be finished. If it doesn't pan out, we'll, then I'll be able to answer my own question then As you may guess, my black dye sabotaged a holster again. I've had it with black dye. I do have new leather waiting to be worked with. I'm betting that's part, take that back, most of the problem but I'm so put off by the dye that I'll punish it too >:
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