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Everything posted by Shorts

  1. Thanks Jordan. I'm sure your stitches will come along just fine. With me, some days are definitely better than others. A little insight here...I must say I'm pretty methodical in my stitching. Overall, if I feel resistance on the needle, it isn't going through the punched hole correctly. So I back it out and try again. Otherwise it'll tear through where it's not suppose to and leave jagged edges on the stitch groove. I take about 2hrs to finish stitching a holster (45min active stitch per side, then take a break, rethread needles, etc etc). In the production of the holster, the stitches get rolled over by the stitching wheel probably 2-3 times before it is dyed and sealed. The first time is immediately after stitching. I gently press the leather flat to smooth any raised areas from the needles or thread, then I run the lines with the wheel. The next time is after wet molding, usually about 30-1hr after leaving the holster to begin drying. I take the stitch wheel and run the lines again, front and back. This helps to mold and set the leather around the stitches into a uniform pattern again. Especially since the leather collapses and squeezes over the threads during molding. It makes a nice channel again and can make a big difference in the look of a finished product. That's often the last time I run the wheel. Another thing is, I only have use of my right hand. Making a holster from start to finish is an interesting production. I have to be pretty precise and careful in each step. I think that a decent holster emerges because I'm concentrating so hard lol
  2. Folks having trouble with rub off, are you sealing it? If so, with what? Don't mean to make it sound like a dumb question
  3. 'nuther one. I extended the leather on the muzzle. And my stamp, courtesy of Dbar Leather
  4. Thanks Pauly. Will do Yaklady, thanks for the explanation. I bet that's a real sight to see.
  5. That armor is way cool! I dare say I want it but what would I do, wear it to go to the grocery store?
  6. My current airbrush is just the cheap one from Harbor Freight, IIRC it is a fine tip but it is adjustable there on the screw. And at that, I have it set on the narrow end of the adjustment for spraying the outside. The for the inside of the holster I opened it up for more saturation and coverage. I'm actually going to start shopping for a new airbrush. This one has served its time and is giving me a little trouble on the button. It still sprays - I just have to have it pointed in the right direction :D
  7. Alright! I received my 4oz bottle of Resolene in the order yesterday and I have just finished applying it by airbrush to a holster. I must say, it freaked me out. When the Resolene landed on the black holster, the liquid looked like as I can only describe as 'black lit' You know, how a white shirt under a blacklight gets that superbright white that looks blue. Well, I decided to keep going and if it came out black lit, well, it'd be interesting. I dried it with warm low on the hair dryer like usual, then buffed the first layer. I must say, I was impressed! I like it. I found it very easy to apply with airbrush and I am emphasizing to anyone having trouble finishing projects --> AIRBRUSH. It will do wonders! Oh I will add, I sprayed the Resolene straight from the bottle. I think diluting it any ratio is not needed for spraying. I just set my nozzle to regulate how much spray I wanted to come out at 15psi and went from there. Resolene: - consistency similar to whole milk. - easy application with airbrush; didn't seem to mind uneveness in spraying; did not splotch when pooled a bit and dried - flexible coating; like it was dipped rather than sprayed, felt 'thick' Tan Kote: - thicker and stickier in the bottle - dries harder than Resolene - thinner(?) - finicky about brush on uneveness (I did not try to brush on Resolene so I can't compare that type of application) Resolene it a hint tacky when finished, so I'm leaving it overnight to completely set. I'll have a pic up soon. I think both products are excellent and have their place. I do think a Resolene holster, as it sits now on the shelf setting, has a friendlier tactile feel than a Tan Kote holster. Both finish beautifully when buffed. I think this would be a matter of preference and application. I'm glad I have tried both and can have practical application and validity to the product descriptions when you see these two products side by side. It means more when you can actually compare the two side by side in finished product than webpage description. Otherwise you ask yourself, "how flexible?", or "how glossy?"... etc. Kathy, thanks for the little push to get a bottle an check it out
  8. Thanks Oscar What a difference a day makes.
  9. I like using warm warm water with a bit of alcohol. Then mold and set. By 'set' I mean dry that the leather goes to natural color and is cool to the touch. I get the holsters pretty rigid by tossing it in the oven anywhere from 20min -1hr on a low heat setting. My oven temp is all off but it stay anywhere from 135-160 on the lowest fire. (I can still granb the metal racks by hand). The oven heat can really set the holster by be aware, it can also adjust the fit further than what you need. So, use the heat wisely!
  10. Resolene should work fine. I'd recommend spraying it on so you don't have to touch the writing. Basically you want to seal it up with a good acrylic sealer. Some Tan Kote or Bag Kote would work as well.
  11. Shorts

    Maker stamp

    I got my maker stamp from Dbar Leather. I'm really happy wth it, Daryl did a nice job. I'd recommend him to anyone looking for a stamp. Daryl, I attached a pic of your proof. So far, my practice swings haven't been enough to equal a nice even mark yet ...and boy do I have practice swatches all over the place
  12. GGEEZZZ A LOU! they're killing me! I have some things on my mind and the conversations replay in my head, becoming more and more animated. Of course I'm also trying to groove some stitch lines in one project, finish edging another and my tools are rebelling too! Ohh dear... Ever had one of those days?
  13. That's a lot of hardware - nice work
  14. Mike, looking forward to the pics and the friendly reminders of my options I have found that the 3.5 .45ap is the smallest I can go and still shoot comfortably and accurately (loved my Oacp). For some reason I could not hit the broad side of a barn with a 3" Springfield Micro Compact model. I don't know if it was me or the gun, but that was my first and last experience with a 3" .45. I should give it a fair shake again, maybe try a different model. I have started to consider bobtailing my Commander. I'm not real sure about taking that plunge just yet, but it's looking like a viable option. I will be doing some other work to it that'll require a refinish so it'd be the perfect time to include that modification. Have a good time at grandma's Srigs, the Jockstrap IWB But you do have a point, boost the machismo with the name. Hmm, I'd could have a field day with that project! Your observation on the rear wing is exactly what I experienced. ArtS, thank you sir
  15. Mike, thanks for the thoughts. I have found the same as your wife in that when the holster is moved back it is a bit more comfortable. This one, while not uncomfortable, does have that 'there' feeling, which is comforting. Unfortunately, by moving the holster rearward, the butt of the gun is much more exposed. I just have no width to my body that it really pokes out the back. To remedy that I think I'll go to a more compact carry. I have been eyeballing the Springfield EMP And I miss my Oacp Srigs, that's very true. I guess the flip side is to no alienate male customers - "Oh, that's a chick holster" But women do need holsters that work. It's a tough nut to crack. Ok, the holster itself, I had a few concerns. The straps do swivel, but in that, adds a bit of insecurity in their mounting points (the screw can be loosened over time with movement in the 'leftie loosey' direction). Once that is remedied, that'll be the majority of the edits. The next concern was the rear wing in the design. It has the potential to interfere with a clean grip/draw. Now, once the holster was molded and strapped on, I did have a clear draw and the grip was uncontested. I also had my husband try it on and he also had no issue with the rear wing interfering. Now, IWB on him, new ball game. He always carried in a shoulder rig. I did notice on myself and hubby that our belts wanted to creep up on the waistline over the holster. I don't know if that was due to the design of the holster or if that is a wear characteristic of IWB in general. I don't know if that was a fluke or not. I wore it several days ago doing housework and a lot of moving around and it did not move my belt. If it did, I did not notice. For comfort of fit on the hip, the holster is very unobtrusive. It did not have pressure points on me and DH didn't experience any either. His feedback was a taller sweatshield all the way to the end of the grip safety tang. I did mention this design came from my bikini belt slide. I used that pattern as a base because it did fit really comfortable. So I wanted to keep the gun in the holster the same way, just get it tucked inside instead of on the belt. I also wanted to keep the gun low on the waistline of the jeans instead of sitting higher up. I don't know how to do that now and reduce the hieght of the front and rear wings and still maintain the belt straps. I can however, go to a tuckable setup and if I do, I'll alter the position of the mounting points for them. I don't know. I'm still hesitant on this one. I want to get a solid IWB down. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm over thinking these things, or if they are only issues that pertain to me so I'm trying to fix a problem that may not exist to the majority. <sigh> Thanks everyone for the input.
  16. Thanks gentleman I'm on my way out the door but I have some more thoughts on this one. I'll reply when I get back. Take care
  17. After several attempts and much frustration, I think I more or less have an IWB I'm mostly happy with. I still have a few bugs I'm about to squash once and for all and need hubby to model and give feedback, but gosh almightly, I'm glad to get to this point. IWB was difficult for me as I'm not the ideal figure for this kind of holster. That's where a lot of frustration came from. I had little margin of error for comfort and concealment. Building this one was tough. I'm hesitant to post it but glad its this far along. Amazingly enough, this holster morphed from my bikini belt slide pattern.
  18. I'm looking to buy some belt clips like the compTac products. Is there somewhere to get these thing online in bulk pricing? Or do they have to be purchased set by set? That's kinda expensive. I'm looking for the plastic kind, not the metal spring clips.
  19. I have seen the screw posts/male on McMaster-Carr website. I'm tempted to order some myself for use with Tnuts.
  20. http://www.knifekits.com/vcom/index.php?kk...-main.htm~smain ^^ a place for online kits. I'm sure there are other suppliers, but this one I see often and have their stuff together which makes it easy to order from.
  21. Will do! The Harbor Bridge and Blue Mountains are on our list Flying foxes??? First I've heard of them but they sound neat!
  22. Thanks Clair, I will definitely look for those two stores
  23. Well, hubby and I are going to take a vacation to Sydney in September. I'm hoping some time in the vacation I can find a leather store and possibly bring home a few items. Anyone familiar what the export laws are for particular leathers? I'm traveling Tokyo to Sydney, then back. I have been able to order leather from the States and have it shipped to me so there is some leighway. Any resources that I can read through to know-before-I-go particularly pertaining to AU laws?
  24. McMaster-Carr has them for sale.
  25. Yeah I'm walking away frustrated now. The IWB I was so excited about came out not quite there and still has more work to do... and quality wise, it came out top notch. Now I got a pieceo f top notch junk. I've been trying several IWBs and I'm about fed up with it I've decided to finish sewing an OWB I've had sitting on my table for several days now and I absolutely cannot find my sewing glove! I'll just go make a steak for dinner and forget about leather before I cry. ^^ heh, how about that, "forget about leather" but I'm going to grill up a steak. Yeah, that's irony for you.
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