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Everything posted by MHolzer

  1. MHolzer

    New Masks!

    Thanks Sylvia
  2. MHolzer

    New Masks!

    Here's another one I just finished tonight. A verdigris gargoyle!
  3. MHolzer

    New Masks!

    Here are some new masks I've made in the last few months. Enjoy! Kind of a demon/goat/satan-y mask. Commissioned as a D&D prop. Verdigris colored mask. Sort of Asian inspired? Starry Night Mardi Gras Harlequin Black & Red Harlequin
  4. I want to order some 5-6 tooling leather from W & C but financially I can only swing it right now if I can figure out something to make with the split. I have been told by some people that while the split will retain molding properties, it becomes weak. So, what can actually be done with a split? Thanks!
  5. Verizon should be helpful enough in teaching you the basics of how to use a smart phone. As far as square goes, they have tutorials on their site that should get you up to speed.
  6. Joe, Square will work on just about any Android phone Verizon has. https://help.squareup.com/customer/portal/articles/156594-what-devices-does-square-work-with-
  7. I'd also recommend Square. I've been using them over 2 years now and have nothing but good experiences. They also send you a nice signage sticker for your booth/shop/whatever. Also, they let you accept AMEX without having to deal with all of AMEX's BS.
  8. MHolzer

    Bark Mask

    Here's my first go at woodgrain on a mask. Thoughts and suggestions please!
  9. Here's what I ended up going with. I haven't put on the sealer yet, so it's a bit more matte than the final product will be.
  10. I use the Folk Art brand metallic paints on my masks and have had pretty good luck with them so far. I seal it with Resolene or Super Sheen once it's dry.
  11. I just reorganized my shop today. I think it's a bit more functional, but we'll see once I am inspired enough to go do something! I still have crap everywhere, so please excuse the dust. View of the main area. The tooling bench area. The dying/painting station
  12. It's possible to strip the finish with a deglazer, but I honestly have no idea if the leather would still be toolable.
  13. I am working on a mask for Purim which is coming up in a bit over a month. I have decided to masquerade as the Golem of Prague, specifically the Golem created by Rabbi Judah Loew. The background of the golem can be read here. So, the golem was said to have been made of clay or stone, and I'm having a hard time deciding what colors to use on the mask. I'm asking for suggestions because I'm pretty terrible when it comes to picking colors. For what it's worth, the mask will likely dictate the rest of the costume. Thanks for your help!
  14. MHolzer


    Welcome! I LOVE your dryad mask! I've been meaning to try that technique out but haven't have the chance yet. I can definitely see both Merimask and Banwell's influences in your masks, and I think you've utilized their styles and techniques in a unique way. Keep up the good work!
  15. MHolzer

    Mask Pattern

    ...and I'm a terrible person for never getting that to you. Have you done the class yet?
  16. As one of the artists you were inspired by , I like your take on my demon-y mask. I think the features of the leaf mask are a bit crowded, though. Try printing or drawing your pattern on 11x14 paper. It'll make a big difference.
  17. Looks good I enjoy your color choices. If I may add my 2-cents: for a delicate mask such as your butterfly, you may want to try using an edger & burnisher to round off your edges, especially on the antennae and around the eyes. It'll soften the edges and can help coverup- fix cutting mistakes (I do this ALL time). I can't wait to see more of what you come up with!
  18. MHolzer

    Mask Pattern

    No problem. I should have time to redraft the pattern and get it digitized for you by then
  19. MHolzer

    Mask Pattern

    When do you need it by? I wouldn't mind simplifying my harlequin pattern to be used for educational purposes.
  20. MHolzer

    Live Tv Demo

    Yes, I'd consider most single-piece masks as simple enough to do, even as a first time project. Especially as a first time project because: Get to work with raw leather get to tool it get to wet mold get to wait patiently get to dye/paint/seal get to embellish (ie bells, paint markers, etc) And with a pattern like my harlequin, you can take the basic pattern and completely change the look with just a few knife cuts (a few cuts in the points of the harlequin and you've got nice twisty bits!). Thanks everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Ed, I didn't get a chance to mention much about tooling during the segment, but afterwords I got many compliments on how pretty the maul was by the crew
  21. MHolzer

    Live Tv Demo

    I just wanted to share the quick TV appearance I made today demonstrating how I make masks! Enjoy! TV Spot
  22. I love my bearman mauls. Mine are 10oz and 17oz in bloodwood.
  23. MHolzer

    New Mask Design

    OK, I think I understand what you're getting at. I will give that a try on the next round of these. Like I said, it's a new design so I have no problem tweaking it until it's right I actually sold the autumn colored one yesterday at the show I was at, so apparently it's a nice enough start!
  24. Damn dude, that's harsh. But you're right.
  25. Here's a pattern for fabric, but could be adapted to leather without too much hassle. A60E0d01.pdf
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