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Everything posted by Renaissanceman

  1. Old member, back in the saddle

  2. Spoke with them a few weeks ago, said they were slammed with Ebay orders.
  3. I like it, planned out with room for change. Noticed a while back someone was using PVC pipe. I believe it was layered/angled and hung on a wall. Curious if anyone is using this type system and could share plans/pictures?
  4. I would also agree about phoning in orders, instead of web purchasing. I haveheard doing business with any company you are better off calling. Web order shipping prices are almost always more expensive. ASK THEM what shipping will be. You will see quite a difference. Hope it helps
  5. Hi Tboyce, I have used both and have found that the water based don't stand up as well. I use Barge on most pieces. Hope this helps? The Renman
  6. Have to agree with Eaglestroker, Pig split is soft and durable.
  7. Chief, Same here, I was asking him that I use a lot of barge (with dyes you mentioned also) on projects, mostly linings and he suggested using some Aussie, because my hands have been cracking. I guess we are "a hide" just like the Veg tan we work with..lol.
  8. A little off topic, was in my local Tandy shop recently and the Manager mentioned that he even uses Aussie as a hand lotion. and puts on before he dyes/works with glue. Never used it myself these ways. Curious if any others have? RenMan
  9. I have tried a lot of adhesives on various projects. Have to agree with Matt T, Barge the best.
  10. I would have to suggest www.blackriverlaser.com They make sturdy acrylic templates at a reasonable price.
  11. Kevinp, Thanks for clearing up the mystery. Looking forward to seeing the pictures.
  12. Quick question to the group. I have been making bracers/gauntlets for a few years now and curious what is the difference with them and Vambraces? Is it the length, style or cut? Any comments welcome Renman
  13. Hi there, I agree, American Leather Direct (leather is quality). Also try ohiotravelbag.com (lots and lots of all kinds of hardware). Good luck RenMan
  14. I second BRL. Quality templates and Joyce is great to work with.
  15. Prince, Your work is truly inspiring/mad respect...Curious are any of your pieces featured in movies, TV, etc.? If so would like to know (if you don't mind). Thanks for sharing RenMan
  16. Greetings, Very nice carving/tooling. If I may suggest adding eyelets to the lace holes and adding a lining. Just a thought. Keep up the good work.
  17. I do have the P35. Uses 3/8"/10mm #356 by Arrow. Doesn't give a count on box cost approx. $11. Zack's also sells these. Have used it on 8-OZ leather goes through no problem. Hope this helps?
  18. Hey Leaherbaron, Great tip,thanks for sharing..
  19. Sorry about link...Not sure about the nevaclog. I have the Arrow and it works well (imho).
  20. Try this one, www.zachwhite.com just type stapler in search.
  21. Amazing as usual. Was this armor made for a movie/commercial/other?
  22. I agree with northmount, air brush bottles are great. Check out http://www.tcpglobal.com they have a large selection.
  23. Putting bees wax on your punches makes them cut better and easier to remove leather from inside the punch, also for smaller punches (say 1/16") use a thin needle to clear out leather. For threading a needle, use a flat mallet to smash down lace/thread, works very well on waxed thread.
  24. If you want a more permanent pattern, check out http://www.blackriverlaser.com Joyce is great to work with.
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