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Everything posted by fredk

  1. . . . . a car, a hydraulic jack, the ground . . . .
  2. bunkhousetools They have a website. I bought mine from them. They are the correct size, made of very thick resin https://bunkhousetools.com/product-category/embossing-plates/?orderby=popularity But you're gonna need some real pressure for them See your other question
  3. I use a Tandy Pro press, others use arbour thingies, what ever can give pressure. I have number of different sized embossing plates I use And if the plate is not too big a ginormous whack with a mallet will do the trick too
  4. Not mine - I stole the picture off the internetty just as an example I wish I could make a belt as nice as that
  5. This is what I think of when I think of a 3 piece belt
  6. To me a three piece belt is back piece, a buckle billet and a billet with the buckle holes. All sewn together. Any one of the three sections can be removed and changed The 3- piece can be seen on a gun belt mostly
  7. We may need to get serious with the cleaners. IPA, Isopropanol Alcohol 70 to 99% then if that doesn't do anything Acetone
  8. I use modelling acrylic paints all the time These were done just last week; No problemo
  9. About spring 2018 I bought a pattern for a Plague Doctors mask from dieselpunk I started making it but it got thrown in to box unfinished. I had sewn together each of the side pieces but never joined them Yesterday evening I decided to see if I could finish it in time to included in the show this weekend. I made a few changes in the construction but not the design. I finished it about 14.45 today
  10. Thank you for the nice words peep I'll start on #3 in about 1 month
  11. That doesn't seem to be available in UK. A version of it is and I'm getting a price of £30 to £35 + s/h I'll stick with my latex / rubber gloves at £6 per 100
  12. yes it is I found an old photo of me. Taken in Chicago by an itinerant photographer. Early 1960s. I had actually learnt to ride a horse at my uncles farm in Indiana, or was learning when I was this age
  13. The annual crafting show is this weekend and I wanted some things ready to enter the show. One item I knocked up in a couple of days is this belt 'holster' for a gardening tool. A couple of pieces off some 'scrap' leather, about 2 mm, the front was wet moulded over a block of wood
  14. Its taken me quite a while to get around to the second of the game. This one will go off to number 1 dottir. The first game was a 'prototype'. After no.1 son and his friends played it a few times they suggested some changes which are incorporated on this game I used pre-dyed chrome tan to cover the board first but I had problems with it. The blue dye was not very good and rubbed off with any vigorous handling. I had to use thinned 'Evening Blue' dye to touch it in and polyurethane varnish on it, and use those brass corners on it. The game area is 2.5 mm veg tan. Cut over sized then stamped, dyed, hand painted, grooves cut then it was trimmed and contact glued onto the board. Most of the squares were hand painted which took me some time because of my currently impaired vision So here we go with photos Round the board, corner by corner I've devised a way of storing the instructions. A slip 'pocket' on the back of the board. Its made of glazed pig skin leather The felt feet at the boards corners raise the board high enough that the instructions are clear of the table The box for the gaming pieces is the same as before The dice cup is the same. I made two near identical ones 4 years ago. Its hard to see but the cup has the words ' The Book of Ard Mhacha'** impressed on it. Same as the box for the gaming pieces **The modern English translation is Armagh And to finish off the set, a dice tray I dithered and procrastinated about making this set but the annual crafting show is this weekend and I wanted it ready to enter the show
  15. Wow! my Cadillac Coupe DeVille only had 8 pots!
  16. I have two spare arms and extra hands. Its said the English have tails
  17. I can't help with the spurs but on cuffs, I use a spare arm which I have. I cut a piece of paper roughly to size, wrap it around the arm and mark it for cutting for a neater fit. That is then transferred to a piece of light card. That is tried on the arm to see if it fits well, if so I write on it what it is and to use it only on the flesh side of the leather, for if used on the grain side it will make the cuff smaller
  18. I had an interesting experience once I had been using red dye. The glove had a pin hole in it and a little dye got in. Left hand, around the tip of the middle finger, the finger nail and run down the side of the finger and some over the back of the hand. It wouldn't scrub off. A day or two later I was in shop paying for something when one of the assistants appeared with the first aid box. She promptly started to bandage up my finger and hand, despite my protests that it was only dye. She mis-understood the word dye for die. 'no you won't die from that but you need to see a doctor or go the hospital'. I promised I'd go straight to my doctor and thanked her. Well, she got testing out her first aid training and did a good deed at the same time
  19. I'm in the UK and I use UHU glue. Its a contact adhesive in a tube. Bostik is similar. I don't know what is available where you are
  20. How about hiding the ends in 'cord ends'? I use them on the ends of lacing on bracers Available in many styles and colours Or simply a large bead. I use beads to end the laces on draw-string purses. Both ends pared down and glued into a hole in a wood bead
  21. Look for name tags meant for dog collars Le Prevo sells them
  22. As I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death, I remind myself that you can't always trust Google Maps Yesterday I bought a world map, gave my wife a dart, and said, "Throw this and wherever it lands, I will take you on vacation." We're spending 3 weeks behind the fridge. What Bob Marley music do AWAC pilots play when on opps?? We're Jamin. I took my suit to the cleaners, who wanted to charge me 40 quid, so I gave it to the charity shop next door. They cleaned and pressed it and put it in the window. I bought it back for £15
  23. There is a product called Frisket. Its a translucent painting masking material. afaik its only available in sheets or a roll 10 inches in width. You would need to cut it into tape size widths. Its very low tack https://www.amazon.co.uk/Frisket-Cleanly-Removable-Adhesive-Self-Adhering/dp/B004O7AENS/ref=asc_df_B004O7AENS/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=697225711392&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9425414613565909889&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007334&hvtargid=pla-306935321735&psc=1&mcid=c62d28f3e02833db9b4962ff62e66dc5&gad_source=1 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Frisket-Cleanly-Removable-Adhesive-Self-Adhering/dp/B001F6J18K/ref=asc_df_B004O7AENS/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=697225711392&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9425414613565909889&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007334&hvtargid=pla-306935321735&mcid=c62d28f3e02833db9b4962ff62e66dc5&gad_source=1&th=1 I use short sections of Frog Green tape and just join up the missing parts a la a dot-to-dot puzzles
  24. Why does it need to be translucent? Frog Green or Yellow are low tack painters tapes. Green is lowest tack, but even Yellow is far lower than regular paper masking tape. I've been using them for years
  25. Further down the page a chappie has posted 'Templates' and he mentions his 'green tape' Ask him the brand
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