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    Ontario Canada
  • Interests
    Leather, python programming

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    leather working.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    A long long time ago in a universe, wait, no a google search.

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  1. Tutorial page like seems to be not working anymore?
  2. Fantastic information! Thank you. What part of Ontario are you from? I'm just outside of Barrie and looking for a source locally (Ontario) that would have this machine.
  3. Tapatalk is the most common app for using forums. :D
  4. Supper clean! Love it. I look forward to seeing more of your fine craftsmanship.
  5. I love the clean and simple PDF! Welcome and keep up the fantastic pattern making.
  6. A big Canadian fan of your videos. Keep up the fantastic work and love your sense of humour in them.

  7. even Mink oil may take a few applications to start to soften it enough to get it pliable again.
  8. wen searching for pattern add the words "line art" to the end of your search term. For example floral pattern line art
  9. It happens more than I care to admit. lol.
  10. Check out Capital Findings. And if you need EMT, let me know. ENT is plastic btw. Lol
  11. Not sure if you have a Michaels craft store, but I found a 1Lb bar here in Ontario, Canada.
  12. You certainly have talent for leatherwork. Well done!
  13. You certainly have the tallent for it. Keep up the fantastic work.
  14. if you re-case it you may be able to use a modelling spoon to move the eye area to your liking.
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