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Everything posted by oddball

  1. What do you call the different lacing techniques you used on the toe and around the part wher the foot goes in (is there a name for that area)?
  2. Not that this will clean but before I touch a dye bottle I point on a pair of blue nitril rubber gloves
  3. Our own Froghunter is the manager of a Tandy store about 1 hour north of boston in Chelmsford.
  4. I attended a workshop at my local Tandy and they had a pattern there. It was an old tandy pattern from the 60's or 70's.
  5. This is a top hat that I made for my youngest son.
  6. Thanks that got me on the right track.
  7. The flag holders that my troop had for parades etc. have gone missing and I would like to replace them. I am looking for a pattern or evan some pictures or for what it is worth what they are called so I can Google them myself. So far I had a few hits with flag holster but not many.
  8. Yes it is possible some where I have an article on doing that when I find it I will forward it.
  9. oddball

    I DO Exist!!

    I was wondering what you had planned for this piece. Looks really nice.
  10. if you drop the last ")" it is the correct adress
  11. Thanks I will give thos ea try and see how they work out. It will only be sketches for now I pulled a tendon in my form arm and any real work is off limits for a while.
  12. A young man from my first Cub scout den (11 years ago) just made Eagle Scout and I want to make him a wallet. He is very proud of his Scottish ancestory so I thought either The Lion or thistle would be nice. I sketched out a few thistles but my wife thinks they are too "Girly" and the lions I have found on line are small with a lot of fine detail. Can any one help?
  13. Fairy silhouettes http://www.istockphoto.com/file_closeup/ob....php?id=3905713 Fairy Stencils http://www.spraypaintstencils.com/fantasys...encilindex.html http://www.justscrapping.co.nz/cgi-bin/cra...;keywords=fairy http://www.naturalexpressions.org/AirBrush...d_Stencils.html http://www.stencilsource.com/s_children_1.html
  14. I love the venus meets sheridan!
  15. The 16 is good but take a look at your local sporting shops and see what they carry for 16 Ga. shells if they don't carry the shells you want I would suggest keep looking for a 20.
  16. I like the leaf pattern nice work.
  17. Well hows about skinned and tanned.
  18. I dont know about on a jacket but I painted a flame scheme on a tool pouch that has been caught in many rainstorms, about 3 years, and about 10,000 miles. The only thing is the leather is stiff and doesn't see a lot of flexing. The paint I used was just plain old acrylic paint from the craft store apple or apple barrel brand.
  19. If you want to store in a tube you might be able to get some shipping tubes from the mailroom or receiving dept. We get a lot of tubing and threaded rod in 3 or 4 inch heavy cardboard tubes with removable caps that would probably work well and might be something that would just end up in the trash.
  20. I am new to this so let me get this straight the idea of this challenge is to create a design using only knife cuts and no beveling etc. If not what exactly is meant by fingercuts?
  21. http://www.thirdcoastrs.com/ a ton of fun stamps, starting place fo new tooling ideas.
  22. I forgot to include a little of what I have done. I hope this isn't too much. My first carving project.Done about 3 years ago. A my first kit work.The upper sheath is supposed to be two ravens and the bottom a feather. A purse I made for my wife A wallet made for my oldest son. A sheath made for a friend. Yep I like flames and this is his cookout knife. A journal cover made for our Alzhiemers Walk team In honor of my Grandmother Rose. Yellow roses were her favorites. A small Id case/money clip done in fake snake. A tomahawk sheath I have made a few of these. Everyone loves the clasp. Close up of my quiver it is my own artwork the flaming aces , in fact the only artwork that wasn't is on the hair piece. full detail on the quiver carving.
  23. Nice work I love the celtic stuff.
  24. I built mine out of scrap plywood, a peice of diffuser panel for fluorescent lighting, and a piece of plexi to cover it all. I use an old fixture from a discarded lamp and a corkscrew flourescent bulb I will try and snap a picture or 2.
  25. I am a beginner at leatherwork. I have done a few projects when I was a Cub Scout leader and have made a few items for friends and family. I am interested in improving my carving skills and edging abilities. Some of my projects have been wallets, purses, knife sheaths, arrow quivers, cell phone cases, belts, and book covers.
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