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Everything posted by RustyMelton

  1. Thanks for the compliments Panther, Shirley, and John. Shirley it took 9 days to make that one, I'm pretty slow. It seems the farther I get done on them the slower I go, I'd hate to goof them up at that point. John thanks again for the idea about the lid, its easier to cut and I think it looks better too. I sort of like the snap under the lid but may put it on the outside on the next one so I can put a top handle on it.
  2. Looks great Brent. I've had a guy asking about putting a horse carving on a case but I've been a little scared to give it a try. Yours looks really good on the checkbook cover.
  3. It looks cool, what do you use to hold the bits of leather together?
  4. Thanks for the compliments everyone! Brent it's a pool cue case, I guess I should have said what it was.
  5. Hi Everyone, Here's a few pictures of a case I just completed for a customer. I tried a little different shape on the lid this time around after a suggestion by John Barton. Thank you John for the suggestion, I like the way it turned out. The color is lt. brown reduced down quite a bit with brown antique paste for highlights. Thanks for looking and all comments and advice are greatly appreciated!
  6. I've had two Hide Crafter tools break in the last month. One was the small beveler and the other was the small background tool. I saw them starting to bend and in no time they broke. So I've picked up a spare of each so if it happens again I'm prepared.
  7. I like the way the tooling comes up onto the lid of the cue case, it makes for a cool effect. I think his black bag he made is super nice too.
  8. Hi Larrupin', you'll like it here, alot of good folks.
  9. Hi JustWakinUp, I'm not very good at advice but I know where you're coming from, I've been there myself. I think if you aproach your wife with the honesty you had in your last post it'll be a good step in the right direction. I'm prayin for you and your family. Good luck in you interview.
  10. They look great. I really like the recipe book, very nice.
  11. Those are sooooo nice. Someone is going to be very happy with those.
  12. Oh man that's nice Tom, a really nice piece. I'll bet the party girls proud of it.
  13. I had the same problem. I started doing as Wildrose said and use a punch. My problems may have been like Art said about the thickness of the leather. Also as a few people mentioned, be sure and press down firmly on the working part of the snap. I went through a bunch of snaps trying to figure out what the heck was wrong. Also the tool that came with mine really wasn't very good.
  14. Bruce that's very nice of you. My wife has been after me to make her a purse and I haven't had a pattern. I was going to cut apart one of her purses to use it for a pattern, but no need to now. Thanks
  15. RustyMelton


    I think its for personal protection..... used for hitting someone on the head.
  16. Thanks Johnny, When it was layed out flat the pattern sort of looked like a cathedral window quilt. There's alot I wish I'd done a little different, but it still turned out ok.
  17. I thought I'd show you guys what I've been making. It's pool cue case using a Chan Geer pattern.
  18. Rick that looks great. I'll bet that the next one will go alot faster now that you got the first one out of the way. How long have you doing the braiding?
  19. That's a good looking gun rig, the leaves look really good.
  20. This will be the last I say on the subject,,,,,I have never never ever hyped my work. I think the most I have said is that it turned out pretty good or something like that. Never have I said I was the best at anything or will I ever. You can dog me at every turn if you want it only makes you look bad. I'm a very humble person that is only trying to learn and get better. So spin the tail to suit you John, I don't rely on leather work for a living, I work a 50 hour a week job. So take your jabs at me, we both the only reason you posted here was to start a fight.
  21. John, why ask all this now since you have already publicy confronted him yesterday? I notice you have left out some elements in your story. If your gonna tell the story you should at least give all the details. You act like Darins case is junk, you don't acually say that but in several instances you have tried to cast a dark light on it. For example when you said all the two case makers have in common is they both work with leather. Have you actually seen this case or any of his cases in person? You don't seem to care about educating all the uneducated when they procaim your work as the greatest, is your work the greatest? I noticed no mention of how you sent pms to at least one of Darins customers about his work and how it may not live up to the words the customer used to describe it when it was put up for resale. Thats just poor business in my humble opinion. I wonder if this is somemore of your educating people. Another example of your educating is when Chaz Dillion posted his first attempt at a case that wasn't even finished on AZ and here come your criticizems on his stampings. Why make that public and not send a pm. If someone did that to you the firestorm would start. I hope all posters have made you feel validated. To me it makes no difference one way or the other what you say but everyone should remember there are two sides to every story.
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