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Everything posted by BradB

  1. I don't speak or read the language but was surfing around and ran upon this very cool website with leather work and thought I would share it. leather work in argentina Happy Surfing!! Brad
  2. That is SO Awesome!!! My son would love that, he is a dragon freak.. That is probably the best dragon I have ever seen done in leather!!! Where did you get the artwork for it, did you draw it yourself?
  3. I was thinking about doing the same thing with leather working tools as part of my logo but my wife thought that people who were not into Leather working might not know what they are and they wouldn't get it. Looking around though I see quite a few peoples logo's with LW tools in them. What do you guys think about incorporating our tools into the design?Not meaning to hijack your thread Jordan, just what you are trying to accomplish brought up the question in my mind again and I thought I would ask, hope you don't mind!! Do we get to see it??
  4. That looks very nice! I have trouble doing things that small, you definately did better than I could!
  5. Thanks, My wife and I worked together on the pattern I cant take all the credit. Thanks Luke! I am not really happy with the zippo case and am already working on a replacement, I should have stitched all the way around it..
  6. The belt bag was to try a design for my wife's purse. Even though I taped the back I still wound up with some warping from the thin leather that comes with the Tandy kits. The lettering was just messing around, first time at trying to do letters. The zippo case was quick and dirty, not real pretty but works great and gets the zippo out of my pocket!! Sorry for the bad pictures our camera is having issues so I used my cell phone.
  7. I told Johanna about this and she asked that I share it with everyone. I am not sure everyone knows about Kevin Kings situation, you can search the forums for info. There is another forum that the 2 of us belong to and a very generous person and an awesome leather worker there decided to help Kevin get started pounding some hide again and is auctioning off a custom chopper seat with the proceeds going to Kevin so he can get some supplies. If you need a seat or want to help a brother out then checkout the link: Seat Auction
  8. Thanks Bro! American beers??? Don't they make Swedish Beers?? What I really want to try is some Swedish Mead, I have made a few batches of Mead with a friend (he plays a Nyckelharpa in a Swedish folk band). I want to see how the mead from the home land differs from what we have here in America if any at all.
  9. I agree on the stitching all the way around and next time will do that. Yes I did remove the elastic band, I debated it, I may leave them on in the future just for storage if I keep them when they are full. Thanks for the advice and comments!
  10. Lets see what all was it the wife said I had to do... :-P Oh yeah: Mow the lawn and spread lime. Make a trip to storage with somethings and pick up Halloween decorations. Laundry, we all do our own at my house. Then I have to go to my mom's to fix her bathroom faucet. After all that is done if I have time and energy then I can work on my wife's purse and restitching an old bag and maybe finish the belt bag I started... Hmm.. This goes against my raising of Sunday being a day of rest..... It was cold and rainy when I woke up this morning, but the sun is out now! Have a great Sunday everyone!!
  11. Lol, No you cant remove it, it is on for ever... It worked great in the hot, muggy climate of Ft. Sam Houston, Tx. But I could see how it wouldn't stand up to the cold. We were not supposed to use it either, I think it actually was a reg. wasn't it?
  12. Having spent 10 yrs in the military and half of that as a Military Policeman we had to keep our uniforms looking crisp, starched and shiny. We used a product to make our jump boots look like patent leather, this was years ago, it was called Leather Luster. I actually found their website and they are still manufacturing it: Leather Luster Maybe this would be of help? Good Luck!! Brad
  13. Welcome!! Not sure this is what your talking about but here is a tutorial that Drac did on the forums here about braiding handles.http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=431
  14. Who? Probably not, I have shaved my head and had a goatee since I started going bald about 14-15 yrs ago... So who ever Eddie Montgomery is, he has to be copying me!!! okay I just looked him up, I am not a country music fan unless it is Willie or some of the guys my dad listened to when I was growing up and then only for nostalgic reasons!! I see what your saying though, but I refer back to... He is copying ME!!! lol
  15. Those look really nice for being "thrown" together!
  16. Here is a pictures of the wife and I in Peurto Vallarta and one of me trying to be artsy with the camera...
  17. lol... hmm I got a couple of those hanging around my house....
  18. Thanks I hope so, I first have to finish my wife's purse. she keeps changing the design right before I start working on it.... Grrrr.... Do you have any pictures of the back side of the strap and what did you use for padding if anything? I was thinking about adding some yoga mat between the layers of leather, they want it to be padded and lined. The yoga mat I have is one of the blue $10 ones from Walmart, I am using part of it for padding a motorcycle seat I have yet to start as well.... This working for a living is really starting to interfere with my hobby.....
  19. That looks great! I have almost an identical order for a friends son, hope mine turns out as great as yours did!
  20. I believe mine was as well. I forgot to add this in the first post, that is a mighty fine belt for a little fellow, I bet he wears it all the time!
  21. I wouldn't mind having one now!! I did have one when I was younger, I also had the broomstick with the stuffed horse head, mine was not this fancy or nice: Those were good times, you know when youngsters actually went outside and played and had to use there imagination.... Brad
  22. That is a nice sheath to go with a nice knife! Great job!
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