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Everything posted by BradB

  1. Thank looks really great Roger! Let us see they other parts for it when you get them done (bag and stuff)!
  2. That is a good looking Saddle for a first, not that I am an expert on saddles or anything, but looks great to me! Brad
  3. I work in the IT field and am a Database Administrator so I have quite a few and everyone in the house has there own, I would have to go around and do an inventory lol. Let's see 6 computers and 3 laptops and 2 servers, and parts lots and lots of parts. I would have to do an inventory because I built all but the laptops and servers which are Dell's. Then there are the game systems and cell phones lol... My Name is Brad and I am a Computer Geek!
  4. Thanks Art, yeah I would be worried about ruining any temper on the tool also, to bad they dont tell us what it is made of so we could re-temper it (I used to make knives, haven't in along time but am familiar with several types of tempering). I bought one of the Tandy kits which came with a bunch of stamps, some of them being crap so I may sacrafice them to the fire gods! hehe If I do I will post my results! I purchased several bolts today and am breaking out the files and dremel tool I may attempt to make some of my own stamps.
  5. BradB

    Repair Help

    I am just repairing/restitching the sides so I would just remove the gussets and reinstall and I am not redying just cleaning the leather and conditioning. Also this is my first repair so I am not sure what to charge.... :-( I am actually doing it for free but have told him if someone asks how much it costs to tell them what ever amount I come up with (if that makes any since) I owe him a favor.
  6. BradB

    Repair Help

    Attached are the photos of the bag as well as some of the problem areas (stitching coming loose and cracks). So should I take it apart and clean it or clean then repair, I am leaning towards taking it apart and clean. What would you charge for a pretty simple repair such as this? Thanks! Brad
  7. I read about someone burning off the chrome of the crafttools and it made the impressions a lot crisper, does anyone here do that and how would one go about doing it?
  8. So my Boss at my real job is really interested in my leather work, so much so that he brought in the leather school book bag he carried in first grade. He is from Germany and I guess when he went into first grade some 30 odd years ago this is what they carried (will post pics later), bright orange with reflectors and thin backpack configured straps. He asked that I repair it for him, it is dirty and the finish is cracking cue to it being dried out and needs to be restitched. This is where I would like some advice, here is my plan please tell me if I am headed in the right direction. 1. gently clean with saddle soap and a soft brush(shaving brush maybe) and let dry. 2. apply leather conditioner (lexol) and let soak in and remove excess. 3. apply leather dressing/sealer (Pecards) 4. restitch 5.. do happy dance because I did not ruin Bosses bag!!!!! I think it is pretty straight forward, but should I clean and condition before I take it apart or should I take it a part and then condition it so I can ensure the seems are properly conditioned and cleaned. Lastly, how much should I charge for such a job? Thanks for any and all advice!!! Brad
  9. I don't see anything to critique, Tom, well except there are not any skulls anywhere..... :-P Top notch wok as always!!! Great job Bro!!
  10. I overlapped the barbwire stamp so it was not to bad and I scribed a guideline, the only tricky part was getting the corner stamps lined up and in the correct location. Thanks everyone for the comments!!
  11. Those look really nice Tom, I bet the owner is going to be really happy!
  12. Thanks Man! Yeah he was pretty happy with it and that it was personalized with his initials. I think the $ inside didn't hurt either
  13. I made this wallet for my stepson for his 15th Birthday! Let me know what you think! Brad
  14. god dag!! My dad is from Sherburn, minni sota, you can add me as another scandahoovian!! Grandpa hardly spoke english, sadly I only saw him twice in my life.... :-(
  15. I would seal it so you don't have any evaporation, but do leave a vent hole. One person on the boards seal it tight in a glass container and pressure built up until it exploded. I think I would dye it before the taping.
  16. Are these just basically potato pancakes? Is klug the correct spelling, cant find reference to them anywhere.
  17. looks good from what I can see! You may try loading a larger picture into your favorite photo website like flickr and then using the insert image button (second row of buttons on the post page 7 buttons over) to insert the url for the picture, it will resize them if needed but will show a much larger picture so we can see the saddle better! If that didn't make since send me a private message and I will try to explain it better. Looks like you did a great job though!! Brad
  18. That is nicer than my first wallet also!! Welcome!
  19. BradB

    Tried a skull

    Welcome to the Dark Side!!!!
  20. Great Job Alex! I was wondering what the actual color the scarlet would be (I have some)! What weight leather did you use for your wristband and are those line 24 snaps?
  21. Bobcat - you do such amazing work I would love to be able to watch you work so I could see how you produce such beautiful leather! Keep posting!!!
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