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Everything posted by BradB

  1. Thank You! The customer was really happy with it as well!
  2. Here is a pic of the finished piece!
  3. Merry Christmas to everyone, and a special thank you to all who keep this site running!! Speaking of missing food from the past, I miss my grandma's green beans, She was from the south and made the best green beans.... Basically they were slowly fried in butter, MMMMmmmm. several of us have tried but we just cant get it to taste like grandma's I think it is missing the love she put into making it for us.
  4. I'm in as well, sound like fun and I need to work on my swivel knife skills!
  5. Try oregon leather company, they have a whole floor of nothing but tack equipment supplies and I got some rivets that are very similar to that.
  6. That's perdy! You got the pattern on EBAY?
  7. Beautifulwork as always Roger!
  8. He does some of the best work that I have seen! You should look through the whole thread he has more work displayed. Kevin K you know Christian better then I do can you send him an invite?
  9. Check out the purse at the bottom of the page, this is awesome work! http://www.clubchopper.com/forums/showthre...961&page=38
  10. Thanks everyone! Hoping to have it finished today or late tonight!
  11. Here is a guitar strap I am working on for a customers son. I hope to have it finished tonight and will post the finished piece but wanted to show what I have so far. There are a few places I wish I could change but it is to late now... The customer is really happy with it so far. Brad
  12. I think it looks really good for a first big project! I don't have much experience with lace so I cant comment there. I bet she likes it ALLOT!
  13. Uh... What is that or do I dare ask??? I am at work so I am not sure I even want to google it, lol....
  14. I had been told that the lacquer finishes had been discontinued. I can not find NeatLac in Portland Oregon.... :-(
  15. Will a singer 15-91 sew leather? If so how what thickness could you sew with it?
  16. I think this is the weirdest thing I have seen, besides the car... Bathtub wrapped in leather
  17. Welcome aboard, glad to see you made it here from the other site!! If you got questions don't be afraid to ask, everyone here is very friendly, with the collective knowledge you should get an answer to any leather working question you will ever have! Great work so far!
  18. Yep what the others have said, take care of family first, your brothers and sisters in leather will be here when things calm down!! I hope things turn out for the best and you and your family have a great Christmas!!!
  19. WOW that is AWESOME!!!! Very well done!! So how much leather did it take to make that and what weight do you use?
  20. I agree No Black, I love the color you got going on there!! That is one nice looking holster, great job!
  21. Thank you Clay! That answered my question, I am cutting a strap and I thought I remembered reading that but then could not find it to read again!!
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