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Everything posted by BradB

  1. Wow, thank you! I kind of wish I had done some tooling on it now, but I really like the smooth leather look too, I struggled with whether or not to do any and smooth won out.
  2. When I got my Blackberry it came with a leather case but the case did not have a belt loop so I am forced to carry it in my pocket. I finally got tired of doing that, I liked to over all design of the case nice and simple, so I copied it and put a belt loop on the back. It fits great on the belt, I am am rather proud of this one! The leather is from scraps that I got from Roger! I think it is about 6oz, and it is hand stitched. Mine is the one on the right, like you couldn't tell, lol... Thanks for looking!! Brad
  3. That looks really really nice! I bet she will love it!
  4. Thanks Guys! Thinking more about it after I posted the question I came to the same conclusion, make both. I agree about copying the common styles. I have some ideas for setting mine apart from the others so that they are unique, I think..... I guess we will see! Troy and Ian, thanks for you input!! Brad
  5. That looks really nice! I am going to have to get that book, I don't have that one!
  6. That looks really nice!! dontcha love it when all the holes all line up, I hate it when they are off just a little or you have that one rogue extra hole.....
  7. Which one sells better or which is preferred in your opinion, I am going to start making them but am not sure which one to concentrate on.... I am thinking round since I see a lot of them... Any help would be appreciated! Brad
  8. Well he liked it so much he tipped me a bottle of doppelkorn direct from Germany! Never had it before, can't wait to try it! Thanks Surveyor!!
  9. Davy, If that offer is still good some pictures and instructions would be awesome!! Thanks, Brad
  10. Nicely done!! Was that all hand stitched or did you use a machine?
  11. That was a really cool video, makes me miss my grandpa and grandma. grandpa had an old truck like that and he could sit around and tell stories all day just like that old timer. Thank you for posting that link!!
  12. Man, that is awesome Schno!!! Looks like you got everything within reach and I love the marble inlay, I have got to do that when I build my bench. I have one question, where did you get that awesome comfortable looking stool???? I love that thing, is it comfortable??? It is time for me to move out of the little area in the open sun porch now that it is cold and find somewhere in the house to setup, trying to talk the wife into letting me convert the formal living room into a workshop. I hate formal living rooms, to me they are the most useless room in a house. I would have to worry about dye on the floor though.. hmmm, I am rambling, I think I may have had to much coffee this morning.... Brad
  13. That looks really good Luke! What weight leather did you use and is it going to have a strap or just the handle?
  14. Were are the blue suede shoes??? That looks really good Troy!! Did you do the art yourself?
  15. Thanks Art!! I don't know yet, he has been in Germany seeing his Grandmother who is ill. I will be giving it back to him tomorrow, I'll post what he says! This is my very first repair job so I am hoping he is happy with the results. It should last him a good 30 years more if he conditions it once in a while, it really sucked up the Lexol conditioner.
  16. lol, he is gonna love that!!! Man I wish I had, had something like that when I was a little guy.
  17. My Boss carried this bag in Germany when he started first grade and asked me to do what I could to fix it, he wanted it cleaned up, conditioned and any stitching that was coming loose redone. He has not seen it yet, I hope he is pleased. Some of the dirt and grime (I guess stains at this pint) would not come off, but then it is over 30yrs old also and from the look and feel of it when I got it I don't think it had ever seen any type of cleaning and or conditioning. The original stitching holes were a little stretched out so it was difficult getting the stitching to line up but I think I did pretty well. Let me know what you think! Before picture followed by after. Thanks for looking! Brad
  18. That does look awesome! I am sure she will be very happy with it! You made the Pen???
  19. Great work Kevin!! It is good to see you posting work again!! I bet it felt great to make it to, after not having made anything in a while, huh?
  20. All I can Say is, WOW That is freakin awesome!!!! You did an outstanding job, wish I could have been there to see the owners face when he say it the first time!
  21. That looks awesome, what kind of paints or dyes did you use?
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