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Everything posted by Vikefan

  1. Check out my lateste project. My first Purse I've ever made. Genuine Turqoise with leather crown laced to flap strap on front of purse. Tandy's purse doesn't have the flap holder. Enjoy!! Vikefan
  2. The key is to cut the leather for the crown smaller than the stone straight down at first, then (I used a no. 4 tandy edge beveler on the back side to get about the correct angle (almost 45 degrees), then I wet the leather front and back, then formed / wet molded the leather to the stone, I like to use polished small antler tips for this. Good luck and thanks for your reply, Vikefan
  3. I am looking for advice in stone inlaying to leather pieces. What is the best way to do this? I really don't want to wreck/damage the stone and have my own ideas in accomplishing this. I am thinking on using contact cement on the back of the stone and backing leather piece and gluing it to the leather crown I've made. Here's the crown I've made. This peice will then be laced to another piece to be part of a purse. Vikefan
  4. Dave, I understand what you just said, and think you are correct. I will keep that in mind in the future. Thank you for your reply and advice. Vikefan
  5. Here's my latest work. To me it looks fine, but I'm not satisfied with my work as some may see from my pics. I ate this project; "freebie" for person I made it for. I did learn a great deal though completing this project. See what you all think and let me know. Thank you in advance, Vikefan
  6. Very cool; what kind of swivel knife do you use?
  7. Vikefan

    Saddle Bags

    Wow!! I like it! Are those stones on the saddle bag? How long have you been lacing like that? Beautiful work...
  8. Very nice tutorial on the Tri-weave... By the way; what brand stamp is utilized in the pictures you have posted? Doesn't look like a Tandy tool to me...I have a couple. Thanks, Vikefan
  9. Boy that sure is pretty! I bought a replica ss canteen (civil war era) and have thought about doing something like that with it and will someday... KUDOS!! Very well done...
  10. Please help!! I've been having an extremely hard time with this knife sheath I'm trying to build. I have an stingray inlayed into a portion, and with the way the dagger is I needed three thicknesses of 8 oz leather (for wedges to taper almost to the tip of the knife for the thing to sit right) and it has a metal tandy belt clip deal on it too. I've glued it up now and have now torn it apart twice. I am extremely frustrated! I cannot get the stitching holes straight from the from the front to the back. I am about ready to give up on the project.... I've now wrecked the inlayed front piece trying to drill from the back to be able to try to stitch it together.. I will most likely have to start over... too much time and money. Can anyone help?
  11. Not a stupid question at all. I came across this recently (past week) and I think you should look it over. I have never done this type of tooling on a holster before, just did the vinegroon thing a couple times. Check this out and let me know what you think. From seeing this I would gather you could do all your tooling first. http://www.willghormley-maker.com/MakingHOGRig.html Vikefan
  12. I am looking at upgrading to better stamps (Tandy's kinda suck). For everyone out there; what brands are the best for the money and please give some reasons why? All information I can get will be very helpful. Vikefan
  13. Awesome!! Is that hand stitched?
  14. Very Nice Work! I sure wish I was able to do that. It seems very hard and time consuming. How long does it take to put one of these together? Vikefan
  15. I love it also, but I too would like to see a larger picture or close up pictures of your work (more than one). I also have a question as how or what you did to make your piece look "aged"? Vikefan
  16. I've been using the stitching groover TANDY sells, it has a cutting tool that you can adjust for spacing from the edge of the leather you're putting your groove into (tool has a tiny hole in it). I am not sure of the Martingdale groover you're talking about, but will look it up now. Thanks for your inputs. Vikefan
  17. I've been getting advice on my projects and most of them are telling me to use a stitching grover. Problem is I am. Now my question is how deep does the grove have to be? Maybe I'm just not making it deep enough to be noticed? Please advise. Vikefan
  18. Would you be my friend?

  19. Yes I agree; I have a Mahagony/Brown mix I like a lot and thought of using it on this. I have since tried to redden it up some - I put two coats of Red dye over the brown I had. I like the color better now. Thank you.
  20. Thanks Aaron; Do you have any pointers to help me correct this, as to make my projects look better? Vikefan
  21. Please feel free to critique my latest Knife sheath. This is not my first knife sheath, but is my first attempt at an in-layed knife sheath (this one is stingray). I have attached four pics. Please let me know what you think and what I could do better. Thank you Vikefan
  22. Sorry I took so long to read your reply. I think I have one of those hand snap setters I bought and have never used (JoAnn Fabric). As for the glue thing.. Cannot really picture it in my head or using glue setting snaps. Sorry. As for skiving down your leather - have you thought about using a dremel tool to sand a flat area the size of your snap to recess it to work? Thanks, Vikefan Sorry I took so long to read your reply. I think I have one of those hand snap setters I bought and have never used (JoAnn Fabric). As for the glue thing.. Cannot really picture it in my head or using glue setting snaps. Sorry. As for skiving down your leather - have you thought about using a dremel tool to sand a flat area the size of your snap to recess it to work? Thanks, Vikefan
  23. My wife's mother died not too long ago and she inherited her purse. It is a leather purse not sure of the maker, but it has a turquoise stone inlayed into a strap (laced) that helps hold the purse flap closed. I would like to get some pointers on how to do this without loosing our stone. I attached some pics to try to get my point across more effectively. Please help!! Vikefan
  24. I like your suggestions (two very nice examples). Are picture examples your own work? LOVE THEM! I made the sheath to my customers specifications as that was the type of retaining strap he wanted; he was happy with it. As for the belt loop getting bent; I made it out of very substantial leather (two thicknesses); I don't think it will bend much unless it gets sopping wet.
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