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Everything posted by Vikefan

  1. Adult section... Where and how do I get in?
  2. I am looking at possibly purchasing an Air Brush to dye and finish my pieces. Could anyone out there give me some pointers on what brands or what specifics I should be looking for in a spayer? Thanks, Vikefan
  3. AndyL1, How heavy a deadblow hammer do you use? I have heard this twice now... I am looking on Harbor Freights website now. Thanks, Vikefan
  4. Am I missing something here?
  5. I have purchased (IMO) an exquisite piece of tourquoise from Nevada Gem. Cabachon I think it is called. I have also purchased some Copper. What I'd like to do is make a wrist cuff, setting the stone, under a piece of leather and sewing the two pieces together once the copper inside has been curved to fit a wrist. Has anyone attempted this? If so; do you have any pointers you could give? See examples of stone settings in leather I've done before on two purses, and the last pic is the stone I bought. Thanks, Vikefan
  6. Latest belt I made...used vinegroon, should have used "rusty water". I wanted an antique used look on the edges, but the acid in the vinegaroon ate thru the wax...so now I have an all black belt. Looks good anyway! Take a looksee. Vikefan
  7. Does anyone have any knowledge or have used these machines? They are on sale I see... AKviking64
  8. What kind of swivel knife did you have before...I just bought a new swivel knife last year..;didn't pay $140 for just the barrel... What makes this one different and easier to use than a normal swivel knife you've used in the past? VIkefan
  9. Originally this purse started as a Tandy Kit purse for my mother, but ended up being one I had to design and build from scratch. I still have the 45 dollar on sale purse kit in my garage. This is my second stone inlay and thought it came out well. This is genuine turqoise and purchased from "Nevada Gem". I also used Tandy's new solid brass buckle and d-rings. I used the Vinegaroon process on the leather so the color will never come off. Please view pictures and critique... In the future if I make any more purses I will do things a bit different and am always looking and taking pointers from people with more leather experience than myself. Thanks, Vikefan
  10. Has anyone ever made mocassins and lined them with something like Sheepskin; if so; how much bigger should one make the pattern in order for them to still fit properly? Help. Vikefan
  11. Very NICE!! Very clean. I like your finish and the way you added the belt clip to the holster... Great job. Vikefan
  12. I am looking to find some basic carving/tooling patterns which I could use to practice on/at before moving on to something like the Hand of God Rig holster Pattern I want to eventually attempt. Does anyone have any drawing I could print, then trace and practice on? Thanks, Vikefan
  13. I absolutely loved your helmets. Vikefan
  14. Who has in your own opinions - the best flower center stamps out there? Vikefan
  15. Simply Awesome work! I love your design, simple and very effective. Vikefan
  16. Fellas and Ladies, I am building my Dad a 1911 holster and put a liner in it, but when I fold it like it will be sewn, it bunches up. How does one keep this from happening? I have a western holster made by a J.C. Stewart out of Show Low, AZ that has a liner, but his has no bunching in the curve on the inside of the holster. What am I not doing right or not considering? Can you all give me some advice? VIkefan
  17. Thank you for your reply...Tacking down with contact cement then cut apart....Never thought of that, but might try that myself. Thank you, Vikefan
  18. I recently had trouble basically doing my fathers holster, in the order you have listed. My Tandy Pro stitching groover slipped on me when putting a stitching groove into the leather (everything was done, except sewing and dying). Now I have to start over... I've been told it is probably better to put the stitch groove in the leather, before one bevels the edges... Live and Learn I guess... Still a little P.O'd I made this mistake on this almost completed project. Vikefan
  19. Does anyone have any Photo examples ot the HTA Basketweave stamps (in leather). I think the stamps are on the smallish side; what are your opinions on this? Vikefan
  20. Lady's and Gentlemen, I am looking for good stamping tools and have been to Robert Beards website, but he only has pictures of a very limited amount stamps he makes shown on his website. If anyone has any of his stamps; could you post pictures of them, so I can get an idea on whether I wan to order some from him. I am particularly interested in BB's RAMS CURL and Teepee stamp he lists. I would like to see other makers stamps also. Please don't post any Tandy stamps. Vikefan
  21. I can not view the Basket weave stamps you attached for some reason. Could you e-mail them to gnaatz@mtaonline.net? Vikefan
  22. Thanks Terry I will have to call and order some. I've got a motorized burnisher setup I try to use and the results I get are mixed/varied. I've been using atom wax and a combination of Parafin and beeswax. Thanks for the advice! Vikefan
  23. Are you sure Ron's is gone? I found the website.... http://www.ronstools.com/ Vikefan
  24. Has anyone ever used this Wyoming Quick Silk stuff to burnish edges with? I saw this product in a Sheridan Leather and Douglas Tools Catalog from this past christmas holiday timeframe. Please let me know as I am looking for some good that works fairly easily. Vikefan
  25. In your honest opinion; just how good are Hides to Art stamps? I am very unimpressed with the consistency/quality of Tandy of recent build. I've purchased older Tandy tools from the 60/70's and purchased a set of 15 tools from Hackbarth last christmas, and also a few stamps from Barry King. Those tools are way better than most of my cheaply made Tandy stamps. How do the Hides to Arts Stamps compare? Vikefan
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