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Everything posted by Vikefan

  1. Here are a few Avenger holsters I've done in the past two weeks or so. A Remington 1911, Two Glock 23 holsters and a Glock 43. Hope you like them. Vikefan
  2. That is sweet! Great work!!!
  3. Nice Work on both of your projects! What color is that? Is the leather that color or did you dye it yourself? Vikefan
  4. Darn! That holster and belt looks AWESOME!! Congrats! I would especially be proud to wear that rig. Vikefan
  5. Same issue a few days ago, and again today. Expired Cert... Vikefan
  6. Very Nice holster and belt.
  7. Very Functional, and looks very nice! Vikefan
  8. Man... I wish I could build shoes/boots.. Great Job!!! Looks great! Vikefan
  9. rodneywt1180b Thank you. The one without the belt loop is just a pack sheath. To place in a backpack if he wanted to. Vikefan
  10. hashtagartz, I did not carve the handle. I understand that it is an Armadillo tail handle. Don't know where the ex-wife got it from. Vikefan
  11. Tugadude Thank you for that link and information... Vikefan
  12. Outfitr, Thank you... I designed the strap specifically that way as, it will be worn at an angle on his left side, sitting at about a 30 degree angle for a cross-draw. I wanted the strap to fall open and out of his way for knife removal or placing the knife back in the sheath. Vikefan
  13. Nice looking sheath... Very nice simplistic sheath!!! Good Job!!! Vikefan By the way, what kind of machine did you use for your sheath... I keep thinking about buying one myself. Vikefan
  14. Please take a look and offer any advice for product improvements. Thanks, Vikefan
  15. Thoughts and critique please. Vikefan
  16. Wow.. That saddle is awesome work..!!! Question... You really should put stitching on each side of the blade on that sheath, so as to not stitch it in can cut your outside stitching, plus it will retain the knife better if done that way.. JMO. Please see the one I did a while ago. See Attachment. Vikefan.
  17. Jeez.. Nice work... I've never felt that my skills were good enough to try a watch strap.. Awesome! Vikefan
  18. Hey, Check out the Weaver leather rotary sewing machine I saw a video on today. I wished I'd had this option when I bought my Tipman Boss. https://www.weaverleathersupply.com/catalog/item-detail/63500-01/master-tools-cub-manual/pr_59274/cp_/shop-now/machinery/sewing/machines Vikefan
  19. Great looking piece! Well done. Maybe you can cut leather circles, or add a lining to hide the rivets in the future? Great job! I like everything about it! Vikefan.
  20. Great Lines on that holster. Left handed huh? Nice work! Vikefan
  21. I am a guy that likes to re-purpose stuff, especially if it can be used again, in a new life doing the same work or similar work. I like antiques too!
  22. Man, I would love to have something like that myself! Great find! Vikefan
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