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Everything posted by rharris

  1. I have been using Clear Lac. I can not tell much difference than Neat Lac RussH
  2. Joe That is what I have done. I have not notice it dulling my knives. RussH
  3. Clay Since there has not been any activity for the February Challenge I thought I might get it started. Here is my picture of 4 different roses.
  4. Thanks for the tutorial. It could not have come at a better time. RussH
  5. Casey, the one I got from Jeff is small so I ordered a larger one today. will make sure you can see my stamp on the next one. RussH
  6. Casey, the main reason you could not find a makers stamp is because I did not have one when I made these. I just recently had Jeff at Grey Ghost Graphics make me one. For years I have signed my work the R hanging H but you can not see it in the photos. Yaklady Thanks for the tip, I will try it. I have used everything from paint brushes, sponges, Q-tips, felt and etc. and have not found anything that works that good. ATX, Butch, Madmax22 and Wildrose thanks for the nice comments. RussH
  7. Here is a couple of notebooks that was made to keep horse travel papers in. Any suggestions on how they can be improved? RussH
  8. rharris

    Christmas Crosses

    Just getting around to posting pictures of some crosses made for Christmas presents. Comments on how I can improve is always welcome.
  9. Go to coolhorse.com and look under used saddles. They had several used smaller saddles the other day. RussH
  10. Tina, great pattern, thanks RussH
  11. Ivan I received my burnisher Saturday. Works great. Took about 5 minutes to burnish a set of reins that normally takes 30 minutes using my old method and did a much better job. Thanks RussH
  12. Alan, I am in the Amarillo area and would be interested in attending. Very much an amateur but have some experience braiding leather. RussH
  13. Oakwood also makes a very good saddle conditioner. I agree with Greg, DO NOT use a power washer. RussH
  14. Dale Bass in Amarillo, TX does some great work. He does not have a web site but here are some examples of his buckles and conchos. Dale Bass Amarillo, TX (806)373-1235 RussH
  15. Joanne My wife has a McCall Lady Working Cowhorse saddle with full QH bars that she uses on her gelding that looks to be wider than yours. She also uses it on a smaller horse that has fairly high withers. It has not made either one sore and she has ridden both horses in the hills and mountains over several days. She got hers new from Brighton Saddlery http://brightonsaddlery.com/xcart/customer...=285&page=1 . They might have a used one. Hope this helps. RussH PS You can go to her website and see her horses. mrsrh.multiply.com
  16. Thanks for the nice comments.
  17. Here are 2 pair of chinks that I finished, 1 for the wife and 1 for me. Hardware was made by Bass Buckles & Spurs, Amarillo, TX. Comments and criticism always welcome. Any help is always appreciated. RussH
  18. Aaron That is what I have heard. Do not have a laser printer only inkjet. So make do with what I have. Thanks RussH
  19. The trouble I have printing on a transparency is when I am tracing it on to the leather the ink rubs off on my hand and I end up getting the ink on the leather. Lately I have been covering my transparency with clear packing tape. No more ink on my project. RussH
  20. Regis & Russ I will try to attach my patterns. I scanned them and they printed out the right size. I put some measurements on the patterns in case they don't print out the right size. The bigger pattern is the same one I used for my multi tool, but multi tool and pocket knives are all different. I had to put another row of stitching in my multitoo sheath to tighten it up. If you have any questions I will try to answer them. Good luck RussH
  21. Regis Here is a picture of a sheath I make. It is for a pocket knife with a 3" blade and the handle is 4". It is made for a cross draw. More comfortable horseback. You might look a Big Bend Saddles for some other styles. I don't have any made up to give you the dimentions, but could scan my pattern and send to you if you are interested. RussH
  22. Tracy I have a couple of chink patterns but they are not the step through kind. Also I don't like either one. I would be interested in a good pattern if you run across one. Sorry I could not help RussH
  23. Jim Thanks for posting the plans for the splitter. I will get some lumber the next time I go to town and try to get one built. Thanks again RussH
  24. Paint.net is another free program. I use it and also Microsoft Picture It. The paint.net will take a photo and make a pencil sketch to use as a pattern. It will do a lot of stuff that I haven't figured out yet. RussH
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