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    San Francisco, California

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  1. I was wondering if anybody here from the San Francisco area has any recommendations for craft fairs or trade shows in the area. I'm not looking for fetish or that kind of fair, just places where leather art is displayed, sold, etc.
  2. Thanks @x101airborne I wish I had a little more patience and would have taken the rest of the pictures, but hopefully this will help someone.
  3. @Jetdoctorbox Thanks. I started out just making one for a display and they kinda took off. Good Luck.
  4. Just curious if anyone has any information on the reverse option they did for a few years. I missed the boat on sending my machine in to get the change done and have regretted it ever since. Schematics with sizes would be nice so I can make my own parts as there are no more parts to be had from what I've been told.
  5. Very nice. Are you hand sewing for a specific reason? What size (MM) is your pricking iron and thread?
  6. Nice design and execution.
  7. I can't see how the dust made would be worth it. My shop is small and that crap would be in everything. I also would agree that doing it with wet leather would pull the leather. Having said that, people are always looking for something new and different, so maybe you're onto something.
  8. Thanks @Fire88 If you're ever up in Northeastern Ohio, there used to be an Amish harness maker named Eli Miller that helped work on my family's saddles after I joined the Corps and wasn't around to fix things. Gunny
  9. At this point, I was tired of messing with photo resizing. The next steps were to clean up the edges and coat them. The only thing left to do is sew it. Instead of using my old Singer 29, I'm going to hand sew them on Monday. I posted them on my Instagram to let my followers choose the colour thread to sew it. If you want to vote, check me out at gunnystewart if you want to vote.
  10. Before and after glueing the lining.
  11. Padding on the buckle strap and after lining and trimming.
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