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Everything posted by dsenette
alright, got a guy at work who's asked me to do some photo-manipulation of a picture of his dad. He wants his daughter removed from the photo so that he can have it placed on his father's tombstone. i've been able to do some of the work in photoshop of getting the girl out and replacing some of the image with background filler etc.. HOWEVER, i'm running into some issues with some of it. basic layout is a guy on a horse walking away from the camera in a creek, the daughter is on the back of the horse (picture included here)....i'm having issues with recreating the missing parts of the saddle and a little bit of horse rump .... i'm wondering if any of you would have the ability to recreate some of the angles/parts of this picture (background isn't important) so that i can have a source to replace content with. the angle and lighting doesn't have to be exact, but something really close would be nice. i can't imagine this thing ending up needing to be massive in size (the photo itself) so fine detail isn't a must. Original picture where i've gotten so far. the big white spot behind the guy's butt is where i'm having the most trouble...basically i need a photo at this approximate angle so that i can even begin to know what's missing and how to put it back in there...i guess any source images don't have to have someone sitting on the saddle...though it would help when i go to place it to know the scale and placement etc... doesn't have to be on a brown horsie either...i can remove what i need to get to what i can't replace on my own
gotta preface this with...i'm not arguing...or looking to argue...just offering some clarification....with dell...the option (when available) to have XP installed from the factory is $99 as to why you can't buy a computer with XP on it without paying extra.....XP has reached the end of it's life cycle...i.e. they're not making it anymore...and they won't be supporting it much longer....the ONLY reason you can still get a computer with XP on it is because of the public outcry to have this as a feature....you can't buy a computer with windows 98 on it either...there's nothing stopping you from installing it yourself when you get the computer home (assuming you've got the disks and a license)....i can't see where any company would continue to offer the installation of a product that's been basically discontinued.... for the first year of vista's release you had the choice to get vista or xp on all computers...then following the STANDARD (as in the way they did it when 98 went out of support and xp was introduced) life cycle they made XP "less available"...for the second year you could STILL select XP as an option...but only on SELECT builds (generally less powerful computers)...after that second year (or half year or whatever) the option was SUPPOSED to go away...but because of the public's view of the OS (which is ACTUALLY a good OS) "they" decided that the OS should still be available...but with a charge for that luxury....i don't think this is outside of their rights as producers of a product..... if a customer comes to you and asks for something "non standard" (i.e. custom) don't you charge them extra?
this is completely untrue and has never been done... you can happily go back to XP on any system that can support it...you just can't BUY one with XP already installed (easily) from those manufacturers
i'm not an economist... but... NONE of the current economic issues began when Obama was elected....ALL of the S@#t we're in right now started quite a while ago....sometime in the mid to late 90's when the economy started getting crazy and continuing on until the "crash" the stock market has gone completely insane...the housing market has gone completely insane....default credit swap? seriously? who the hell thought that was a good idea? i think it's a little unfair to blame someone who's trying to do SOMETHING to fix something they're not 100% responsible for (yes....he's been a senator for a while...and no i don't know any specifics as to bills he may or may not have worked on that may or may not have contributed to our current state)... WE (i.e. AMERICANS) are responsible for this calamity that has come upon us....WE have made stupid decisions with our own money... Also...i postulate that if mccain had won (or anyone else who ran)....that your portfolio would be in the exact same state that it is now....this economic failure was coming no matter who's at the wheel...it's coincidence that YOUR portfolio started tanking during the current presidency...but i can assure you that's just because it takes a while for things that effect the large scale to filter down to the small scale
make sure you upload any recordings of the TV coverage....i'm pretty sure if you got a big enough stink stirred up you could get some pretty good coverage..also if there are any town hall meetings coming up (or if you can get the mayor to call one) you might be able to get the whole town in an uproar...most of them are probably in the same place you started and assume that they're the only ones having the issue....if anyone's taken their PCs in for repair and paid for it because of this issue they could probably even sue telus...
when it goes really fast it's PROBABLY (again without seeing it) either a "static content" kind of website where things don't change that often....or to a site you've already been to on that session...in the second scenario your PC has a cached version of the page sitting on your hard drive waiting for it to be accessed again
yeah it's either that they're over loaded or their equipment is actually failing....either is completely possible without looking at anything i would doubt that it's the connection profile (since in theory nothing changed with regards to the setup)...but it's worth a shot
wow...that's barely even dialup speed (the max is 56-ish)....i remember my old 28.8 baud modem...big honkin beast that sat on the table.... it wasn't really worth connecting with i agree...probably nothing to do with your specific phone line since if you hook up to a phone somewhere else it does the same thing this could indicate (as Ian pointed out.....is that EEE-an or EYE-an?) an issue with the local distribution site....which is probably a big grey box at the end of the street. however since you have the same problem "in town" (man livin in the boonies is great isn't it?) i would say that this probably isn't the case since they're not connecting to the same distribution point as you...i would point my hairy monkey finger at telus (they suck to begin with even in metro areas....or so i'm told)....their local ISP demarc might have some issues (the local hub for all their connectivity...basically wherever that phone number you dial to dial up actually sits at)....of course getting an ISP to admit fault is like pulling the teeth from a bobcat while it's awake... how's your cellphone service where you live?
hmmm.....i seem to recall somewhere (can't find it now) someone posting something about the availability of kangaroo.....er...."ball pouches"....that would have been funny to use for this application
can you make me a seat like that?.....and buy me a motorcycle to put it on......and do all that for free preferably? extremely sweet seat!
i like the jester ideas too or maybe something bat related....or "Steve"
hehe sweet! puppy tractors!
that's not a dog billy....that's a furry sausage (....wait...that sounds really dirty ....)...hehe cute pup!
ok the dog on the bike is awesome hahaha there's a guy here in town that has this awesome "rat-rod" style hot rod (looks like he built it out of trash...no paint...just "creative rusting")....and he's got a little jack russle that rides around in the car with him wearing those "doggles" (doggie goggles).....he's also got an old indian with a side car and the dog rides in that too.....i love seeing them drive up to the kroger
here's a couple of the old dog that we had to put down here's the chaweegles (she takes horrible pictures) and....the cat (notice the hitler like moustache? i don't think that's accidental)
i can personally attest to the shear volume that dog can create...he's a barker for sure one of the wife's clients (she's a hair dresser...er...stylist...er...colorist....whatever) raises newfies for showing....she also uses them for "HABIT" (therapy dogs)....my favorite dog on the planet was one of hers (cody...he's since died)...he would drag her down the hall at the hospital when he saw me....great dogs if you're ever looking for shelter dogs check out http://www.petfinder.com/ ....the site is a little funky to navigate but they've got alot of dogs there
indeed! between me and the wife...if we had a house on alot of land or a farm or something i'd probably be taking out loans for dog food
hehe jacks are nuts! we're in the process of looking for a new dog....we had to put our 14 year old "labra-terrier" down last year which was tough (the wife had her since the dog was born....awesome dog....very good snuggler)...and we're just 2 dog people...we've got a chihuahua(proper spelling)-beagle or chihu-eagle (pronounched "cha-weegle") as we call her......unfortunately...we live in an apartment so we've got a 35lb limit...which means i can't get any of the dogs i'd want hehe...
i'll stand by any shop that uses judas priest for the inspiration of it's name! welcome to the site
very nice! for most of your seats do you draw the design yourself or do most people come in with artwork?
either f5 on your keyboard or...the refresh button in your browser (looks like two green arrows chasing themselves around in a circle) however...i do notice now that you're getting a different message than the rest of everyone....i don't know what that means....i cna't think of anything special your computer would need to display the profiles...
it's not you...it's us...this is a known issue....meaning we know it's happening....don't know why yet (at least i don't) but we know it's happening....USUALLY when this happens you can refresh the page and the profile will show up....if it doesn't show up after a refresh...press the back button it should show up then
hmm...not sure why it's showing that....one way or another it's inconsequential...that number isn't really needed for anything...
pretty much just to tell you how important you are.....not really...it's just something that's included in the board...just tells you how many folk have been looking at your profile
alot of times when you change your avatar...your cache won't update and in the CP (control panel) you'll still see your old avatar (with a skewed image like you described) however your avatar has actually changed....you can usually get it to display correctly in the CP if you hold shift and press F5 (forced refresh)....or get someone else to check for you.....you can also delete your temporary internet files then come back to the page....or find a topic that you've posted in and check your avatar there....it'll usually show the new avatar