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Everything posted by dsenette

  1. http://secondlife.com/ check them out...the biggest waste of time on the planet that i can think of...but it's HUGE...companies (REAL COMPANIES) are spending millions setting up billboards and stores in second life that people can spend REAL money at to buy digitial products to "enhance their second life character's lives"....got an ipod in real life? think it makes you look cool...then buy your second life character one just like it!
  2. the even more :wtf: part about all that...is that you can actually make real money sometimes in these online type role playing games...selling fictional items to fictional characters...
  3. you can either put in front of the address and after the address...or highlight the address in the post (while you're typing it or editing the one you made) and click the green button with the plus sign (next to the underline button) in the post window...OR you can click that button (before typing the address) and a window will pop up where you can type out an address
  4. hehe i like it...but looks like your cheeks would still get cold
  5. well...there are probably more women who are made uneasy by guns...but there are ALOT of female gun owners in the states...and ALOT of the best target shooters are women...
  6. personally...i don't own any guns (the wife would freak out)....but i would like to....there's something relaxing about target shooting....and there's deffinitely something comforting about having one available for personal protection if the need should arise
  7. at the risk of sounding cliche....."guns don't kill people...people do".....i know that this is the battle cry of the gun owners in the states...but it's true....the people who want guns for the purposes of killing others....will get guns through any means necessary...whether their legal or not in your country.....the only statistic that gun laws effect are the accidental shooting statistics....accidental shootings can ALWAYS be attributed to stupidity or neglect..."hmm...i've got four children in my house...that like to play cops and robbers....i think i'll go ahead and leave my gun out in the open, loaded and unlocked"...the dangerous part of the "American gun culture" is the fact that SOME gun owners shouldn't be allowed to own guns (or have kids, or be responsible for anything but scratching their own butts) because they don't possess the proper level of intelligence, maturity, sanity, responsibility, or any combination there of, to own a deadly weapon. Also...something that's always neglected in the "gun ownershhip debate" is the population ratio of the example countries. currently the US has a population of around 301,139,947 people....that's a lot of folks....and we've got a rellatively dense population...the vast majority of people live in a rellatively small portion of our large country. the US's gun related death rate is OFTEN compared to england (alot of times it's europe as a whole...but we'll stick with the limeys because it's easier) who's population is around 50,690,000 people....do the math...that's a difference of 250,449,947 people.......there's no way to do a direct numerical comparison between the two... another metric often used is the suicide rate involving guns as the suicide method This image shows the suicide rates of various countries where a gun was the method of suicide and it's clear that the US is in the top list...HOWEVER This image shows the average suicide rates per 100,000 people on a global map...this shows that australia, the former USSR, china, and MOST of europe have the highest percentage of total suicides per 100,000 people....this shows that gun ownership is not directly related to suicide rates....and that the fact that the US has the highest percentage of gun related suicides is only a function of the fact that we have more guns available, while still having fewer percentages commiting suicide this is not to devalue your views...they are yours and you should hold them...but many people forget the facts and data when they start to argue about government policies....
  8. you don't use that gun when you're carp fishing do you? if you do...that's an unfair advantage hehe nice job though
  9. if memory serves correct...the "engraving template" is just a stencil to make engraving letters and numbers easier...if you're just "freehand" engraving (which i assume you would be) then they have a multitude of different engraving bits for different width lines and different shapes etc..and most standard engraver points will fit in a dremel chuck anyway (same with most small drill bits)...the "engraver kit" also doesn't seem to be variable speed...just variable depth...which is something you can control with your hand anyway (especially with the flex shaft...basically makes the bit work like a pen) i'm with the others that you'll get the most bang for your buck looking for one that's variable speed....i'm sure if you ever wanted to work on leather with the thing that you'd want to be able to make it spin rellatively slowly at some point
  10. it's not you....it's us (heard that before?) after the failure earlier in the week...the profile views have been a little....iffy....try refreshing the page (once you get the cannot display page)...does the profile show up then? if it doesn't...press the back button on your browser...does it show up then? if not...quit spying on people
  11. bill i was just able to recreate your error...so it's not you....i clicked your name and went to your profile...came up with a "cannot display" i refreshed it and got the same...then when i pressed back...i got your profile (which looked like everything was functional once i got there)
  12. alot of times yeah....that function is still working...i just didn't feel like explaining it johanna just got to ft worth....and within minutes...she's fixed the problem...hehe the new posts button should be working now
  13. We're having SERIOUS issues right now. Mostly with the "view new posts" button and adding attachments...but there are some other issues. We're experiencing short (to moderate) outages of the entire board as well...these issues ARE being worked on by the server admin and we hope to get things straightened out soon if you see an error like this please don't be alarmed...it's not on your end it's on the forum side
  14. we're having some SEVERE difficulties right now....the issues are being worked on...so far it's the "view new posts" button and attaching files to a post where i've noticed the issues....it's being worked on though
  15. there are a couple of ways to do that romey either click on your name in a post...and it will bring a drop down menu open...then press "find member's posts" or "find member's topics" or you can click on teh "my controls" link at the top of the forum....then scroll down till you see the subscriptions section down on the left side
  16. don't worry...no one would blame you....we all know where the real blame would point to
  17. YAY! more ratfink! i like the swirls too....very kustum
  18. that is a nifty idea....i wonder if the recipients of the invites would see it as spam though? dunno....hehe wait for the fearless leader to chime in on it
  19. hehe a new product on the market! "Leath-o-lanterns" nice
  20. i'm glad you said it...i (for once) didn't want to be "that guy"....hehe it is a nice bass though
  21. looks like that image is larger than 8.5 X 11 paper...right click on the image below and choose "save target as" then save it to your desktop and print it from there
  22. dsenette


    glad you had an easy question hehe
  23. dsenette


    One of these should do the trick
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