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Everything posted by ABHandmade

  1. Thank you!
  2. @Smartee @Bugstruck @motocouture @Rossr Thanks for such a high appreciation of my work and compliments! Thank you, Tom!
  3. @GuitarLeatherDopeFiend @Scoutmom103 @HaloJones Thanks a lot for this high assessment of my work! Thanks, YinTx!!! Regarding classes, there is some problem - I'm afraid my spoken English will only allow me to say hello. (or rather ) Thanks!!! No special lesson, only Al Stohlman's priceless books, studying of the works of leatherworker masters in an attempt to borrow some ideas and a little bit of patience Thank you, Sir!
  4. 100% sure Considering that carving and coloring took about 50 hours in total, she (puma) at the end of my work began come in my dream. Thank you! @noobleather @JazzBass Thank you for such a high appreciation of my work! Johanna, I am very honored by your comment! Taking this opportunity, I want to sincerely thank you for your work, which enables opportunity invaluable communication and exchange of experience to those who work with the leather!
  5. Thanks, YinTx!
  6. From the album: Mountain lion (puma). Carving & embossing.

    Puma (mountain lion). Decorative item of bag. Carving, embossing. Leather 1.4-1.6 mm (3-4 Oz), size 12x12 cm (5"x5"). Spirit dyes. No finish layer applyed yet.
  7. Puma (mountain lion). Decorative item of bag for my wife. Carving, simplified embossing (without leather insert). Leather 1.4-1.6 mm (3-4 Oz), size 12x12 cm (5"x5"). Spirit dyes. No finish layer applyed yet.
  8. Yes, now every program (including Windows) is trying to pull a whole bunch of stuff on the computer, which nobody asked for I absolutely agree with you that every detected fact of automatic content download should be treated with caution. At my work, some of the computers that are used in the development process are at all physically separated into a own network that does not have access to the outside world. Also a kind of paranoia, but I think it is quite justified. Andrey.
  9. Harry, In an MP3 file, a malicious program can actually hide the malicious code, but with standard replay of this MP3, this code will not gain control.
  10. Thanks, Brian! By the way, after the lacquer finally dried (after a day), most of the details again "returned". Apparently, this is a feature of polyurethane matte varnish. So I was upset in vain.
  11. Bright and impressive work, Mike! Although I can not remember any your work, about which I could not say the same thing (as least)
  12. Thank you so much for your offer! I will try not to abuse :).
  13. I'm trying do it. For me, the scheme of making a comment consisting of more than 2-3 sentences looks something like this: My text in Russian (or Ukrainian) is translated by Google Translator into English. Then - back translation into Russian (believe me, often the meaning of the text is distorted very much). Next - an attempt to correct the English text, using my poor knowledge, in order to return the original meaning of the comment. And only after that I post it in the forum
  14. @billybopp has already written here about the inconvenience of the on-screen keyboard and that this often serves as a definite obstacle for expanded advice. I want to continue this thought. Despite the fact that the forums are usually English-speaking, it have quite a few people who know English badly or very badly. For many, knowledge of the language (in combination with an automatic translator) is enough to understand what is written by others. But it is clearly not enough to write a text that is understandable and not misleading native speakers. Even when I see that I could help with advice, I rarely do that. Not because I do not want, but for the reason described above. And if I try to advise, I feel that what I have written gives little benefit due to brevity and tongue-tiedness
  15. Thanks, @JazzBass!
  16. Thank you, @Smartee! Sir, you are driving me to embarrassment Thank you for such a high rating and compliment! Looks like today my cheeks and ears fully will burn out. Thank you, Mike!
  17. Caracal. Leather carving and simplified embossing (without leather insert). Veg tan 4 Oz, spirit dyes. Size 3.5 x 5 inches. I applied too much lacquer and as result small fur details because of this “lost”. It's a shame until tears
  18. In the photo of the product to which you referred, it is clearly visible that the lines are a stitch ;) Firstly cut by Swivel knife. Here, for the outlines of the mountains, bevelers like B935, B203, B200 are used. I would apply F890, F891, F895, F896. They can also used to form the relief of the mountains. For matting / dimming, it seems that a pear shader such as P217, P975 is used. For a tree, I would apply F910. All of these stamps can be viewed either on the Tandy website https://www.tandyleather.com/en/category/leather-stamps or on LeatherCraftTools https://leathercrafttools.com/stamp/list. PS. "Topography lines" can also be obtained by first making cuts with a swivel knife, and then using a F890, F891, F895, F896 stamps. EDIT. Using modeling spoons for individual parts will also help make everything more accurate and realistic https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/craftool-pro-modeling-tools.
  19. If you showed a picture / photo of what you want to get, I could try to offer a minimal set of stamps (based on what I would use in this case). There are a lot of types of stamps, some of them are used for very specific tasks, some is universal, some are interchangeable.
  20. Thank you for so much appreciation of my work.
  21. The 8 books of Stohlman (in electronic form) that I bought are worth every cent paid for them. I consider this as my most profitable investment in my attempts at mastering the art of working with leather I made this beveler myself, when I needing a tool to perform delicate work when embossing figures. No, the purpose of these stamps is different. These are pear shader, which are not used for the edge (as bevelers), but for the formation of interior (the surface of petals, leaves, etc.) Yes it is beveler. But not steep. I dare to recommend this book to you https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1144/craftool-tech-tips-by-al-stohlman for start.
  22. For me, "Pictorial Carving Finesse" by Al Stohlman turned out to be an excellent tutorial book and gave more than many videos available on the Internet. https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1139/pictorial-carving-finesse-by-al-stohlman From my own little experience, I can add that in the case of the carving of figures, bevelers are very often used without a preliminary cut by a swivel knife. Much depends on what specific result you need to get in one case or another. For example, a very steep beveler can be used to get soft lines without cuts. You can, for example, simply with the effort "draw" them a line on the leather.
  23. Thank you!
  24. @RockyAussie It seems to me that "show off" and showing wonderful works (yours) is not the same thing. This applies not only to the leather, but also to your designs and devices.
  25. Yes, I meant this option. I apologize for the fact that my creepy English is sometimes misleading.
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