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Everything posted by Treesner

  1. Curious if anyone has put a lip on the Edge of the table so after you cut a straight edge you can just put the leather against that edge and use a t square to cut 90 quickly. Kind of like a drafting table
  2. Hey guys I’m building a cutting table 36x60 cutting mate. Curious what features you think I should build into it based on your experience. I’m thinking these little hooks on the front for a large ruler then maybe a side ressesed tray to the left where smaller rollers can stay. Also to the side thinking a magnet strip where the knives and scissors can be stuck to. It’s oretty deep so having it on the back might be a reach but might be nice to have a shelf above the working area for dyes and glue as I heard the cutting mates are a good surface to work with those. i think some kind of fabric bag or draped leather to the side a few inches below would be handy to just push or seeep the scraps off, kind of like a trash can but really wide so stuff doesn’t go all over the floor
  3. well I havent really seen any topographical tooling but heres a photo of the pattern to give you an idea https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.etsystatic.com%2F7661818%2Fd%2Fil%2F2d1b39%2F1515525355%2Fil_340x270.1515525355_k53o.jpg%3Fversion%3D0&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Fmarket%2Fmount_rainier_topo%3Fref%3Dl2&docid=GaP08tmX43XWsM&tbnid=VnI4zY15ZHKGtM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwid3fCwzJHgAhWZHjQIHTBNBQgQMwhLKAswCw..i&w=340&h=270&safe=off&client=safari&bih=887&biw=1388&q=topographical leather&ved=0ahUKEwid3fCwzJHgAhWZHjQIHTBNBQgQMwhLKAswCw&iact=mrc&uact=8 for the mountain stuff https://linnykenney.com/posts/2014/02/18/the-mountains-are-calling-and-i-must-go https://www.pinterest.com/pin/453667362457074048/?lp=true
  4. sorry I dont know the quick guide to advertising/selling (and I've never run ads) but what I have done is spent years developing a brand around a particular passion and creating content around that passion on instagram mostly but also on youtube a bit then this past year I've been making products (different materials and forms but some are in leather) that is something that that my audience can use. because i've built all these internet friends through the content and stories I've shard and the conversations I've had, the people buy the things I make. I like to use the stories features to show the process of me making the the things and repost photos of the folks using my products. I've been listening to Garry Vee on youtube lately (he can be a little much but.. good insights on brand / social media) and he really emphasizes this idea of content creation. I believe his book jab, jab jab, left hook talks about the technique that I used (me not know it was a technique, just how things played out one the years). right hook meaning asking for a sale jab jab jab meaning content that engages the user. so less selling more giving. giving through the content you create.
  5. agreed, I find that making a batchwork product to sell really helps my craft. pushes me to make sure it's really nice rather than maybe letting some stuff slide if it was just something for myself.
  6. whats the length of one of the triangle sides? do you just put one piece per box and haver a bunch of the boxes or do you have different size boxes and nest them within?
  7. could you link me to some tooling tools that would be helpful to me?
  8. where would I purchase that one at? is this the type of thing? https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/craftool-pro-stamp-thumbprint-p2611/craftool-pro-stamp-thumbprint-p2611 https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/craftool-pro-stamp-thumbprint-p2622/craftool-pro-stamp-thumbprint-p2622 or is this narrower type of thing better https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/b201-craftool-beveler-stamp/b201-craftool-beveler-stamp I dont have any tooling tools so trying to figure out what whats would make sense for curving thinnish lines and such. I know a lot of them are for pattering big areas
  9. Do you mean stores in this orientation but with straps instead of hooks? https://pin.it/uyh4o5zbfbz44g
  10. Hey guys been focused on molding/dying/sewing and such when it comes to leather, haven’t done much tooling. How would you do curvy topographical lines or mountains. Do you swivel knife out all the lines then use some kind of thin narrow stamp? Any tools you’d reccomending and technique would be helpful
  11. I'm trying out this small carte (ideally a bit taller) where no roll is tied. because its vertical its easy to pull out the pice you want and any piece you're done with always roll tighish, insert into the middle and let expand. I wonder if doing this horizontally under the bench would work the same, might have. bit more friction when pulling in and out
  12. here's a couple of different styles I've seen in my research above in a rack: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/364299057343136062/ wall hooks: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/512777107566626682/ ceiling on small rolls: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/777856166868077827/ draped over a saw horse: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/696650636086154403/ rolled on narrow shelves: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/352125264592353820/
  13. Another thought.. maybe a pipe with a smaller pipe in it then a smaller piece within that attached to a board that way you can do 3 rolls standing vertically without having to tie them up. Thininking 20” tall. 12” 9” and 6” pipes (or wood boxes I guess might work as well
  14. Hey guys what’s a good way to store leather in a compact space? I’ve been doing what most do just rolls in rolls in the corner but I’ve been accumulating more and more and getting out of control. Is there a better way to store it? Was considering maybe some kind of draping style where you just pull one out and lay it on the top of the stack when you’re done. Or possibly doing the rolls but in some kind of rack on the ceiling since the rolls aren’t to heavy to pull down. Cieling rack
  15. nice I've got a sailrite machine that can handle some pretty heavy duty stuff. seems like the kydex solution could work pretty well. I tried sewing a second piece of leather on and it helped but still could be improved a bit
  16. Tandy just launched some videos for their sailrite made sewing machine yesterday. The upgrades I see is: -it comes with a little table -motor mounted in the table -you can adjust the speed and power digitally -Narrower foot as well as less agrresive tread to not mess up the leather (I ground mine down) Main thing that looks like a bonus on this machine is how slow you can stich with the foot pedal since they have it setup with a bunch of pullies and digital where as I normally would have to hand crank on my sailrite machine for the beginning/end of seiches $1500 https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/craftool-pro-stitch-master-sewing-machine
  17. could you recommend dyes (and techniques?) to achieve these colors for a motorcycle seat with veg tanned leather? Also if you know of a leather already in that color that might work well I'd be appreciate it!
  18. Im curious about this as well would like to know how many pounds veg tanned 1” 6oz leather could hold on average. @doorty did you do any weight testing?
  19. whats a block dye technique?
  20. would it be pointless to put neatsfoot oil under or over snoseal since the point of snow seal is to seal the leather? or would the naatfoot still penetrate?
  21. Does this technique have a name and how do you achieve just getting dye on the top of the logo?
  22. is there a way to embed photos using those free hosting sites like https://imgbb.com I wasn't successful/ dont see the little photo icon in the toolbar like other forums
  23. found these square ones, would be nice if both sides were square though https://www.etsy.com/listing/636181833/100sets-double-cap-rivets3810mmsilver?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=square+double+cap+rivet&ref=sr_gallery-1-10&organic_search_click=1
  24. thanks do you think I could like rivet them over some how or use a post of a double cap rivet to do the backside? I've tested Chicago screw in my application and they loosen over time and fall out from the rough conditions
  25. are these solid or normal style where the metal is folded? I want solid so I can cut off the edges and make square. maybe you could just make me some square double cap rivets??
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