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Everything posted by Minnesota

  1. Sorry about the delay. My niece claimed the bag the moment she laid eyes on it. I had to get it back from her to snap a couple of photos. The bottom is all one piece folded length-ways. The two ends each have a notch cut in them so that the ends could wrap around, be stitched together, and voila! A bag is born.
  2. I really want to try that diamond pattern with the shading. Where do I start with that? Do you lay out the diamonds first or the central image first then lay in the diamond pattern around it?
  3. I decided to make a practice piece before attempting the bag I am planning to make. This was done with a few cutoff pieces that were too big for the scrap bin.
  4. It a fantastic idea for sure. I don't know that I would have a dedicated belt. I might take from your idea and just do the pouches that can attach to one of my existing belts like a knife or tool sheath.
  5. Really impressive piece of artwork.
  6. I don't have the patience to tool leather. That is an absolutely amazing piece of art.
  7. It just goes to show that with a little imagination and ingenuity, an ordinary object or design can be taken to taken to another level. I want to try my hand at your design. I am extremely impressed with the way it turned out.
  8. It's never too late, well... I supposed the day we are put in the ground is the deadline... too dark? I started leatherworking about a year or so ago at the age of 40. I am disabled and desperately needed something productive to do. My brother bought me a beginners tool kit and a few belt blanks. He was in need of a new belt and I was falling headfirst into a deep, dark depression. Finding purpose in creating pulled me out of that headspace and I started becoming creative again. I will continue to do this until my body gives out, my mind gives out or the money runs out. Tip: Start small. Each step of the way requires a bit of practice, so begin with something simple to get a feel for it. Just don't wait to get started.
  9. That halter is a gorgeous piece of craftsmanship. Just curious, what you used as padding and liner?
  10. This was my very first attempt at making a bracelet.
  11. This is the very first belt I made. It is riddled with mistakes and it taught me a lot of lessons about moving too fast, the need to slow down when dyeing with daubers, and why I do not need to apply so much pressure while burnishing the edges.
  12. First attempt at making a bracelet. Very rough, but everyone starts somewhere.
  13. I am fascinated by different stitching patterns. I spent a weekend wrapping everything I could get my hands on in leather so I could practice the Corset stitch.
  14. This is the suede laptop liner for a backpack that I just finished.
  15. One of my very first belts with a matching watchband.
  16. Thank you. The liner is 4/5 oz Turquoise Suede that I glued on.
  17. I am a published writer with articles in a now defunct trucking publication. I haven't written anything of substance in a while but I am open to learning your format if you are still looking. I posted a few images in the gallery of things I have made. I am well versed in the use of a leatherworker's toolkit and I am familiar with the various chemicals we use in the process. Let's have a conversation.
  18. I had no idea there was this kind of conversation swirling around the term "handmade". I'm not sure I really have anything of substance to offer here but it occurs to me that maybe the term "Artisan" (which I have seen in this conversation a few times) is more appropriate for what we do. I know I will be repeating much of what has already been said, however, In the same way that a baker uses basic tools like a measuring cup, rolling pin and a hot oven to make artisan bread. A woodworker may use a tablesaw, mallet and chisels to make custom furniture. Leatherworkers may use needle/thread, after poking their holes with a mallet/chisel punches. Or they may go the route of a sewing machine to make their custom creations. What we do has far less to do with the tools we choose to employ than how we manipulate the raw materials we work with into pieces of art. Understanding what a tool is for and how it affects the final outcome of the thing you are making is what makes us Artisans. To the original post: I think the terms "Handmade" and "Handcrafted" have just become synonymous in our vernacular with terms like "Artisan" and "From Scratch". Handmade indicates to the buyer that what they are getting is something that wasn't just assembled from a pile of ready-made pieces that needed to be fit together. Saying this belt or this purse, this watch band or this backpack is handmade is the makers way of saying "With love, I made this".
  19. Thank You. I have found over time that hand stitching is something I really enjoy. It is fun and relaxing.
  20. That's Beautiful. I love the way the blue thread looks. I just finished my first watch band with bund strap as well.
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