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About DieselTech

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    Leatherworker.net Regular

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    All kinds of stuff

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    Everything leather
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Looking for a sewing machine

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  1. I would just buy a plastic uhmw cutting board. Lmao if your worried about plastic, then you probably don't want to know what is in your leather.
  2. Look on the back of the control unit for a reverse polarity switch. Or the motor. I think some had it.
  3. Look into the cobra class 26 cylinder arm. Very versatile machine. Heavy, light material both.
  4. They look great! Love the edged braid work.
  5. Some gum trag has a sweet perfumey smell. Gum tragacanth is plant based of some sort. I have heard of people getting some nasty smelling edge slick solution off the web, but can't remember where they got it. When I use gum trag it leaves a sweet perfume smell on my fingers, but usually will go away. No smell after it gets warm or hot either.
  6. Yes you can cut & shape it with a router & good bits. The trick is to get your router rpm right, so it don't melt=too fast, or bit chatter= from too low of rpm. I shape 1/2" bullet proof glass with a router to make molds occasionally or jigs.
  7. Nice work. Looks great. Should last a lifetime plus some. Is that for a Buck 110 folder?
  8. Nice work. It looks great.
  9. Fill us in a bit more. Is it sticky on the outside, inside, or both on the handbag? It seems like I had this happen to me once on a old leather recliner. But I am trying to remember how I remedy it. How long has it dried since cleaning it?
  10. Nice work. It looks beautiful. Awesome craftsmanship.
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