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    Looking for a sewing machine

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  1. Nice work. It looks great!
  2. Looks great! Nice work.
  3. If you got the funds, buy a juki cylinder arm. Then buy or build a flatbed table top for it.
  4. Nice! Only if it could talk? Imagine the stories to be told.
  5. Idk if a narrow feed dog & plate could help eliminate some of your stitching issues. As mentioned the diamond point or LR point needles, don't seem to pull the stitches down as deep as a S point needle.
  6. Nice work. They look great! Looks like you are on the way to a great adventure. Btw: Welcome to the group.
  7. This is my ugly art work off my phone. But add the height you want to the top of the pattern. Hopefully you can see/understand what I mean.
  8. Why can't you add the heighth on the top of the hat pattern like you want. Then just modify the top part of the pattern/cap. It will be a bit smaller at the top, but keep the headband size unchanged.
  9. I think you are going to get puckering, regardless of the needles you use. You can try stepping down a needle size. What needle size & point style of needle are you using? You can massage the puckering with a hammer or bone slicker or both.
  10. Also don't loose the springs on the 2 screws.
  11. Lacing chisel looks soo much better I think personally.
  12. Also another thing I forgot to mention, sometimes it's the leather quality/brand that can have uneven dying/splotchiness. I had a really nice looking imported veg-tan that did that to me in 1 part of the side I bought.
  13. How long has the bottom example been drying? If I dip using fiebings pro dye, it takes a good 12hours, sometimes more to fully dry out. I've had no luck using a dauber. I dip dye if I can.
  14. Nice work. It looks great! Yeah TomE has got me aspired to try some new things.
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