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About Razz

  • Birthday November 11

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  1. Nice looking "stuff" that first belt made say "WOW" when I saw it....love the colors.
  2. Nice tooling and the stitching does look very good! Great work.
  3. Bark ON Bark OFF? good one Cogs.....My girlfriend as one of those little yappers that barks at evrything that moves..... He would turn that collar into a strobe light! hahaha!
  4. Great idea and the collar looks real good.....Start production dog owners are going to want this!
  5. Nicely done, you captured the old coin look real good with the shading, faces are hard to do even if it's a profile. Great work.
  6. Those are very nice and good choice of colors.....
  7. Beautiful work, lots of nice tooling. I'm willing to bet she is very proud of her backpack and wil be getting lots of compliments on it. Great job.....is this your own design?
  8. Well you are both talented, love the case and that bolt action pen is very original!
  9. Beautiful piece of machinerie...work of art!
  10. Always love to see what you are going to do next...... nice to see what you can do with a bit of imagination and of course skills and talent.
  11. Thanks for showing....also fun to see unique and amazing work like that.
  12. Nicely done.... Very good use of the pebble tool, great effect. Looks fantastic.
  13. Very nice work......love the sheath attachement with conchos accents ect......and also the double prong buckle attachements.
  14. A little tidbit of info on the name Portmanteau, as you probably already know it's a french word.....really a combonation of two french words. Porte wich means "to carry" and manteau wich means "coat".......so litteral translation is "coat carrier"
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