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Throwing in a quickie for a friend whose daughter is 18 tomorrow and a fullblown metal headbanger.

Though a very small bracer (just over 4" wide if you lay it out flat) it got a few hours into it. Black n red painted with brush and some blue on the splashes (that turned green, then brown and in the end dark brown), one coat leather sheen and then some antiquing.

Throwing in a pic that shows original artwork side by side aswell for reference.










  • Members

:You_Rock_Emoticon: That is very nice. I love your artwork and how it translates to the leather.

  • Members

Great skull and japanese waves. I especially like the texture and color of the background the texture reminds me of gravel - nice n tough. Good on you, nice looking piece.


Thank you friends! I love your work too ya' know so I feel honoured.

I worked alot to get the shading down and for the backgrounding I first went a pass with proper casing, let it dry to the point where the leather doesn't really want to take the impressions well and whacked the backgrounder in irregular patterns over again and lastly I tilted my tool and gave a few really hard whacks on a few places to get some really deep impressions. Just to get variety from using my favourite backgrounder 'cuz this one's running the risk of being overexposed!!!


  • Members

Love the design, love the stamping, love the colors, love everything about it! I'm sure she's going to be real proud to wear it. Really cool work, Tom!


Very well done Tom. Shes gonna love it.


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This is awesome!!! I really like skull but the overall piece is just da bomb. I might have to try to make one of these soon.

  • Members

Great job on these Tom, I love the design and the overall finished look, like a pro:-)


Thank you guys!

Thought I gotta catch up with all the skulls going on lately...nah..just wanted to make Spider happy..eh..well customer told me to do skullmotif but it was a great timing since it's a long time since I got to flex my horns a bit...groarr!!

About the overall look I just wanna add that for the first time I used Fiebings black instead of ROC pure spirit base and it just lifted the finish a lot, that or I had some unknown factor that made the black shine so nicely.


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i really diggin this one as well tom...any of them with the lace tie or the strap back type are sweet...those two styles

just seem to go with the whole renaissance bracer theme thingy that they remind me of :specool:



Thanks Darryl! I just love the lace behind style and I have one cool archers model that laces under/on the side of the arm that is neat too. I could do other types aswell but theese seems to be popular so I do them like this for now.

I started making bracers since they show alot and was a popular item for wristprotection in viking times aswell.


  • Members

Very nice work, Tom. Good to one of your pieces posted here!

  • Ambassador

wow tom, this is so great...love the skulls and the backgrounding..got to get one of those tools..the colors really set it off.


Cool job! I really like it.


  • Members

I really like your choices of colors and textures, Tom. Your scull really appears to pop out of the background.


  • Members
He he just commented yours about the same way!

Thanks Gremlin!


uuhhh ..... great minds think alike?? :evillaugh:

Cool job! I really like it.


Thank you Art! So glad you liked it 'cuz I never forget the fine inspiration I got from that stirrup bag of yours!

I really like your choices of colors and textures, Tom. Your scull really appears to pop out of the background.


Thank you Kate!!

I think if you went through my posts since the crash you could see a very distinct developing line leading to where this is.

That skull has a good chin I think that makes it look more poppin.

uuhhh ..... great minds think alike?? :evillaugh:

OF COURSE...Arrhh harr harr.. :rofl:



Oh Alex that's so nice of you, I sometimes have so much to do I feel like vomiting so I post everything I do ASAP but the tubes takes up much time too, and family and work and more. I wanna do more but but..

Thank you so much for liking!


  • Ambassador

I get the feeling you'll be making this one a mate. That's a really eye catching cuff . Love the colors , shading and the tooling, Heck i like everything about it !!

  • Members
Thank you guys!

Thought I gotta catch up with all the skulls going on lately...nah..just wanted to make Spider happy..eh..well customer told me to do skullmotif but it was a great timing since it's a long time since I got to flex my horns a bit...groarr!!

About the overall look I just wanna add that for the first time I used Fiebings black instead of ROC pure spirit base and it just lifted the finish a lot, that or I had some unknown factor that made the black shine so nicely.


You are right Tom. I am happy with this. :clapping::thumbsup::notworthy:

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