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Posted (edited)

Never been much for facebook stuff myself but in this digital marketplace world I been giving it a go.

Tried linking the web page to the facebook market place and got some rejected. Several try's later still have rejections.

Got I response from them said : Our internal team has reviewed the products and it will remain rejected
>> because Posts that involve sale/lease/trade/adoption/auction of
>> animals/products derived from animals are prohibited on Facebook. Sale of
>> animals draws a lot of negative user sentiment also there are legal
>> regulations around the sale of animals/endangered species around the world

Following he provided a link which shows the prohibited content - https://www.facebook.com/policies/commerce/prohibited_content/animals#

As you can see at the bottom it states

Any part, pelt or skin from an animal, including fur 

Therefore I can only reason that any thing made from leather is now prohibited !!!

No leather shoes, belts, wallets or handbags?

No bone or horn products?


It seems that perhaps a .1% of the population is going to tell the other 99.9% how we are now to behave and sell our products.


That may sound emotive BUT .... I have seen some terrible activities carried on by some vegan extremists here in Australia lately and the doors this opens for them is DEVASTATING. Why????  I did a bit of searching on line to see how some of the notable companies are handling this and found that

they are mostly not mentioning words like skin, hide, leather and fur in what shows up on their Facebook Shop section at first glance. This means a new norm then

is to use deceptive practices to fool Facebook and market their products. Deceptive practices in how a product is advertised within Australia is against Australian law.

If a person (perhaps a vegan) complains to Facebook that the company is selling leather goods by doing that, then that company would be expected to be banned from Facebook. This.. if accomplished would give plenty of interest to every day media in a negative way to the deceptive marketing practices of the companies involved.

It would be surprising if some extremist parties were not to collectively spend days trolling looking for any company they can damage and get removed.

Although I do not use Etsy I did check out their guidelines on this area and thankfully it is a whole lot clearer. https://www.etsy.com/legal/prohibited/

Facebook has the right to ban what they like on their platform and that is fine but I hope that they reconsider their position as I have to ask, what comes next?????

No Meat? No eggs? No .........?????????????????



Edited by RockyAussie
Wrong word
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Facebook is a horrible company. I deleted my account over a year ago.. Etsy is ok they have many fees but you can put a link to your website on the platform. 


I agree with BattleAx , facebook are an appalling company, they have allowed everything including beheadings and terrorism, and streaming of suicides, murders and rapes in the past, and now because they are suffering backlash over their awful record on privacy and selling of anyone's private data to anyone, and legal problems with various governments, they are attempting to "save face" with jumping on various "millennial" bandwagons.

The way they run their system anyway, you'd get very little "reach" unless you pay for it, and given that they are a bot infested platform with only around 20% at absolute max of their claimed membership being real live non marketroid humans..You'd not get much exposure anyway..even if you were "allowed"..They will wither and die eventually, and many of us will celebrate the day..

Meanwhile ..if you haven't already set up on pinterest ( much as I hate their crowd sourced image theft ) you'll get more traffic from them, not so much as "click throughs" but if you watermark your images, you'll get "repins" and people coming to your site from there..Same applies to instagram..( IDK if they, instagram, have a leather ban ) , but pinterest definitely do not. There are other platforms, many are opening up out of China, but ...

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Rocky, this is a sign of the times.  Just wait, it will get worse, much worse.  Extremes aren't good on either side of an equation.  What you are seeing is what happens when some extremists get their way.  There are far more people who use leather, love real leather and want it for their bags, wallets and shoes compared to practicing vegans.  

I went to a friend's wedding recently and was surprised to see several ladies, not all older, wearing fox and mink stoles.  I hadn't seen that in a while.  I wonder how many there had a problem with it?  Nobody seemed to.  I suspect in another 20 years the same ladies will be read the riot act and barred from entry because they might offend other guests.

I will stop now before I get too worked up.  Your topic is a good one.  What happens if Etsy follows suit?  Craigslist?  The local newspaper?  


This madness is beginning to take catastrophic proportions. Now, logically, Facebook should ban the pages of restaurants, shops, etc. - after all, there, oh horror, sell the cooked animal parts.

Posted (edited)

I always wonder how many of these people get their hair done , or their hipster beards shaved / shaped by people who use a leather strop..Plus, given that ( with only a very small number of exceptions, most of which is illegal, and IMO rightly so .. in order to protect species ) the leather hides and skins that we use are from animals that have been killed for meat.."leather" is a"by-product" of the worldwide meant industries ( multinational and artisanal ) what would they say if the skins were thrown away..

Ecologically at least we are not wasting resources, and the plastic alternatives ( even so called "bio-plastic" ) are very polluting to manufacture so far, with the possible exception of work being done on fungi, which is still in it's early stages for potential uses as "bio-leather"..

What about wool and wool products, ( farming of sheep and goats ) facebook going to ban them?

Will they ban McDo..Pizza hut, Kentucky Fried..

Nike..who have some leather models in their vastly overpriced shoes made by kids in 3rd world countries for adults in the "west"...

Edited by mikesc
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I am going to go ahead and say this. For years I have wondered what happens when the next generation starts a war for plant rights? We will all starve. But in their defense it will end the overall problem. 

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Hahhahaha Facebook

Never been on it never will.

Posted (edited)

Unfortunately had to create a page in the business name there years ago, just to prevent someone else creating one using our business name ( yes facebook don't do anything to prevent someone else doing that, unless your business is called BMW or Ford or something equally huge and not to be messed with ) ..never used it since, just log on from another computer, have many ( that gets wiped immediately after ) to keep the account "valid", never published anything there at all, never even created a page there, follow no-one ..

But doesn't stop Marky's minions telling / lieing to me ( when I do "log in" ) that I have "hundreds of followers", and that I could get even more if I paid for some ads or some additional exposure ..

Zuck and co wouldn't know an "ethic" if it jumped up and bit them in the neck..

what happens when the next generation starts a war for plant rights?

Put the following search string into Google..
movement for the rights of plants

Read some of the results..it is already a "thing".. :(

Edited by mikesc

It is the sign of the times, the more outlandish the view/action I think the more people are afraid of saying something just in case it may offend someone  or even worse themselves be targeted. The 1%er's use to be the not so friendly biker clubs and other outcasts of society now it's the socially inept bubble wrapped snowflakes. When people wake up and realize that their facey book "friends" will eat them alive in a heartbeat things my change back to some form of normality. Just wait and see what happens when the smart home assistants get really refined and become as normal as today's cell phone.




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4 hours ago, mikesc said:

Plus, given that ( with only a very small number of exceptions, most of which is illegal, and IMO rightly so .. in order to protect species ) the leather hides and skins that we use are from animals that have been killed for meat.."leather" is a"by-product" of the worldwide meant industries ( multinational and artisanal ) what would they say if the skins were thrown away..

The extremists would rather that nobody eats meat at all, nor uses animals for any personal gain or profit.  If things keep going the direction they're going, I can't even imagine what this world will be like in 25 or 50 years.  

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Unfortunately, these wackos are my generation. That's why I like hanging around the older folks rather than my peers.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, kgg said:

Just wait and see what happens when the smart home assistants get really refined and become as normal as today's cell phone.

There is no way I would install things like this, neither the freakin Alexa thingy (or similar) nor something that can control my heating or fridge, power supply or what ever via smartphone / internet. This technology makes "us" more vulnerable. There may be some niches in life where it can support you but I was able to survive without this BS until today and I for sure I will crawls around on planet earth for a while w/o having this stuff around me. What happens when the smart-home stuff no longer can be updated - like Win XP or soon Win 7 and the smart-home stuff is not compatible with Win 10 (just to draw a picture ;)) or the fancy startup Co who installed all the shit disappears from the market and tech support is no longer possible? Buy all that shit new? Njaaa - I don´t need that! On / Off switches are good for me and are fool proof (most of the time).

Yes, I´m on "freakbook" but do not (but barely did) post or "like" anything that has to do with my self on my personal life. I do not "like" other peoples / friends pics or posts or what ever... I even deleted most of my "private" FB posts and comments. I´m just checking in there from time to time to smile about what BS some of my "FB friends" posted there. I don´t even take new friendship requests. ITFDC.

Yes I have an google account but just for posting (mainly) private / not listed videos for certain purposes and delete them when I think they are no longer needed. I do not follow anyone on YT nor do I "like" other peoples Videos there or elsewhere.

I have no "Insta" account and don´t need one. I´m not on Twitter. I have an Pinterest account with a fake name. I´m not using any smartphone messenger (even my sister is moaning) - never did and when ever possible I never will. Not saying the smartphone is not a useful tool but I just don´t like it very much because I do not know what "it" knows about me or what data is "spreads" so it is in a drawer 90% of the time (no - it´s not wrapped in alu foil :lol:). I sometimes even forget it in the drawer or in my car and find it uncharged after a few days. Missed a phone call or two or ten - WTFC - I don´t  :lol: Leave a message and when I think it was important I probably will call back - or maybe not.

I´m not wearing an aluminum hat and no copper or magnet jewelry to protect my self from "earth waves" or "outer space radiations" but I just do no like all that freakin way over done social media BS. If people like it - great - go ahead but and spread / share your life or what ever you want but I don´t.

Yes, I left online traces but I´m trying to control it a little bit. ;)

I´m so fxcking 90´s - and I like it  :rofl:   and now you can draw a picture or try to analyze of me and my "social media life" - if you want to.

So I think form a nowadays view I think I´m antisocial and again ITFDC - and hell I like it that way. Makes life a lot more "unagitated".


Note to my self:  I´m staring to prattle  :blahblahblah:

Edited by Constabulary

A hard lesson learned by some FB users who are addicted to letting their "friends" know what is going on in their daily lives moment by moment do count downs. Vacation count downs to when, where and for how long they plan to go for. Guess what their homes / apartments get visited and their stuff magically disappears. The crooks were able to schedule an leisurely uninterrupted visit. To harden the lessen their insurance company looks at their page and doesn't cover their loss, who says your digital footprint doesn't count.



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1 hour ago, Constabulary said:

There is no way I would install things like this, neither the freakin Alexa thingy (or similar) nor something that can control my heating or fridge, power supply or what ever via smartphone / internet. This technology makes "us" more vulnerable.

What's really surprising amongst all of this, is that, for many years, a lot of people have been worried about Orwell's "1984" becoming reality, with "big brother" surveilling every aspect of our lives...BUT INSTEAD, the people have essentially decided to surveil themselves!!! Snap a selfie - "here I am at XYZ" etc etc.

As a result, it is not the government per se that is functioning as the "thought police" today-  it is the private sector.

Back to the point of the original post - the question is, what do we actually want done about private company censorship, shadow banning, outright banning, manipulating what is actually "trending", etc. ?

I am NOT one who calls for government regulation of private companies in general, even in the face of such reprehensible behavior. People voluntarily click "I agree" in the terms of service. HOWEVER ,HOWEVER, HOWEVER -

These companies, through their dishonest policies, have FAR more influence on election results than any Russian plot could ever dream of. The deliberate manipulation of political speech, ads, etc., amounts to billions of equivilent dollars in the political arena. For such deliberate abuse, there absolutely should be prosecutions for violation of election laws - if a TV station refused to run a political ad due to their bias, they would be fined and possibly lose their license. There is no "license" for social media, but unless and until they CLEARLY state that all opinions contrary to theirs will not be permitted on the site, they should be shut down entirely, solely for their deliberate election interference.

In the end, I'm betting that "Atlas Shrugged" will ultimately be a more prescient work than "1984", meaning that a time WILL come when those who produce, will simply refuse to play the game of the leftist collectivists who believe that they have a moral claim upon what you create.

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We have a group up my way called At War For Animals. They are against any kind of use for an animal. From food to working animals. It's all abuse to them. Of course when asked about seeing eye dogs. Or search and rescue dogs. Or PTSD animals. They have no answer. But they are more than willing to protest anything animal related !

2 hours ago, JazzBass said:

What's really surprising amongst all of this, is that, for many years, a lot of people have been worried about Orwell's "1984" becoming reality, with "big brother" surveilling every aspect of our lives...BUT INSTEAD, the people have essentially decided to surveil themselves!!! Snap a selfie - "here I am at XYZ" etc etc.

As a result, it is not the government per se that is functioning as the "thought police" today-  it is the private sector.

Back to the point of the original post - the question is, what do we actually want done about private company censorship, shadow banning, outright banning, manipulating what is actually "trending", etc. ?

I am NOT one who calls for government regulation of private companies in general, even in the face of such reprehensible behavior. People voluntarily click "I agree" in the terms of service. HOWEVER ,HOWEVER, HOWEVER -

These companies, through their dishonest policies, have FAR more influence on election results than any Russian plot could ever dream of. The deliberate manipulation of political speech, ads, etc., amounts to billions of equivilent dollars in the political arena. For such deliberate abuse, there absolutely should be prosecutions for violation of election laws - if a TV station refused to run a political ad due to their bias, they would be fined and possibly lose their license. There is no "license" for social media, but unless and until they CLEARLY state that all opinions contrary to theirs will not be permitted on the site, they should be shut down entirely, solely for their deliberate election interference.

In the end, I'm betting that "Atlas Shrugged" will ultimately be a more prescient work than "1984", meaning that a time WILL come when those who produce, will simply refuse to play the game of the leftist collectivists who believe that they have a moral claim upon what you create.

Atlas Shrugged - one of my favorite books!  I feel we are fast approaching this type of society...


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On 5/3/2019 at 10:24 PM, noobleather said:

Never been on it never will.

G'Day , I've been waiting for this topic  to come up.

This is not the platform to air our views about social media, however,  this thread certainly  has opened up a can of worms ( organically sourced :rofl: )  

but my 2 cents worth? 

@noobleather  I'm with you . I simply don't like  or use social media period  ( or the person that owns most of it) 

Never have been on it never will be on it .  I've survived this long without it . 

@kiwican Well, I have had people come to my stall having a whinge about  me  using leather etc. even Cane Toad leather for goodness sake ( Cane Toads , that are  the biggest environmental disaster here in Oz) . But then I notice these  people  wearing expensive  *brand name*  clothing and shoes made in a sweat shop over seas .  I could get down to the ' nitty gritty'   and point out to them  some subtle points of logic,  ' how much  environmental damage has  the production of your clothing caused?  "How much are the employees paid?  How many animals were killed  during construction of the factory " how many animals lost their habitat &  how many people were displaced ? "   etc etc.   I could go on!!  

And you're right, animals also help so many people in a positive way . They also keep our borders safe at airports etc. 

@mikesc do vegies feel pain ? :)   Does an onion cry when I cut it ? ....gawd !! :rofl:

Geez , where does it stop ? 


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On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 7:22 AM, bullmoosepaddles said:

I am going to go ahead and say this. For years I have wondered what happens when the next generation starts a war for plant rights? We will all starve. But in their defense it will end the overall problem. 

Plants are people, too!  --  Wheat is murder!

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Is this decision coming from the top ie the executives of F***book? ( We all know what that four letter word sometimes could mean - hope we are all adults reading this). The ones that drive round in high end German cars with with lovely leather trim?!!!


All the best 



Quote from Natalie Portman.

“Only after I became active in women’s issues did I realize that my veganism was related to those very issues,” she told the crowd. “Dairy and eggs don’t just come from cows and chickens, they come from female cows and female chickens. We’re exploiting female bodies and abusing the magic of female animals to create eggs and milk.”

All I can say is I'm glad I'm old and will probably die before this shit gets too crazy!

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9 minutes ago, Mark842 said:

Quote from Natalie Portman.

“Only after I became active in women’s issues did I realize that my veganism was related to those very issues,” she told the crowd. “Dairy and eggs don’t just come from cows and chickens, they come from female cows and female chickens. We’re exploiting female bodies and abusing the magic of female animals to create eggs and milk.”

I am female, and while I can't handle much dairy, I love meat,  and I have 2 eggs plus bacon every morning for breakfast.  While I don't have a problem with people eating whatever they choose to eat, or not, the spreading of that BS to people who may be easily influenced by it makes me angry.  Completely ridiculous.


Out of curiosity, i just ran a site search with Google of facebook for the term leather..
If you copy and paste into the Google search box this search string on the line below.

site:facebook.com leather

You get nearly 59 million results..Every one of the 1st page of results has the word "leather" in the descriptive text that is on their facebook page..
RockyAussie, you must have really got someone at facebook who got out of bed on the wrong side..!!
The place is choka with people and companies selling leather, leather goods, and mentioning "leather" on their pages there..with pictures too!!

If what you were told is "policy" there..they are applying it very very selectively..

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The future worries me, the internet has gotten better and worse since it first started.

What's happens when Google goes to war with Facebook?


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