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Bobby hdflame

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Everything posted by Bobby hdflame

  1. I'm curious what this guy uses for the burnisher? I don't think it's wood, because he shows using a screwdriver pressing grooves into it before doing any burnishing. I wonder if it's tightly packed canvas? He mentions canvas a couple of times in the videos. This is the video where he uses the screwdriver: Bobby
  2. http://www.smooth-on...1290/index.html This is a very COOL site that I think may have a lot of potential for the holster makers out there. They have systems to make a mold and reproduce just about anything you can think of, in GREAT DETAIL. Take some time to look around their site, and look at some of the how to's and videos. There is enough on the site to keep you busy several hours, just looking around and admiring some of the work that has been done with their products. Hope this helps someone! Bobby Here's another link I guess I should've added: http://www.smooth-on.com/media.php
  3. I just ran across this "Fantastic Leather Edge Burnisher" and wondered if anyone had one or knew anything about it. How does the price sound? Here's a YouTube video on it: And on eBay: http://shop.ebay.com...sherlady/m.html He also says he has two kinds of special wax. One is for a "High Gloss". Let me know what you guys think. I'm thinking about ordering one but wondered if it was worth the bucks?? $159.00 plus shipping. Thanks, Bobby
  4. The finished brown just has so much more character and depth. It L@@KS like a one off custom seat. The black has no depth, or feeling or character. It looks like a production made cheapo to fill a market that wants an inexpensive alternative. It just looks like it was scratched on the surface. I definitely like the hand work better, but I'm sure there's a market for both.
  5. Thumper, You may have already looked here, but I wanted to give everybody a couple of links where they might find some fittings they can use. I have a wholesale account at Sailrite, so this is the link to their wholesale sight: http://www.sailrite.com/lowell-wholesale You'll have to sign up with them to get access there. You can also just go to http://www.sailrite.com and look around. They have lots and lots of different fasteners. Be sure to check out their extensive video library of FREE "How-To's". Rochford Supply also has a lot of fasteners and good prices too. http://www.rochfordsupply.com/shop/Fasteners/index.html Hope these help someone.
  6. Well, it may be your first cover, but not because of the quality of YOUR work! Your work is awesome, so it's obvious that the big time builders have found you. Very nice seat. I've been noticing more and more Asian theme seats. Is it your choice or was it requested? Just curious. Even though I'm one that loves skulls, it's nice to see something different.
  7. I just bought one of the new Damascus Round Knives from Tandy. I figured for the price on sale, I couldn't beat it for a starter knife. It was pretty sharp when I got it, but it wouldn't shave. I've had a Lansky system for probably 25 years or more. I have never had a problem with it getting lose while I was using it. I did have one of the little brass inserts pull/break out of a stone. Luckily, I had received a second system as a gift, so I had an extra stone to replace it. I also reposition the jig to both sides of the handle in order to sharpen both sides of the blade. I have never used circles, but just use long even strokes going from the edge back towards the handle while moving it across the blade. I also count the number of strokes that I use, usually starting at 20 on each side and working my way back to only 1 stroke per side. If it is the first time I've sharpened a blade, I start with the coarse stone, then the medium, and lastly the fine. I don't have the ultra fine or diamond hone. As I sharpen I flip the blade each time I count down in order to sharpen BOTH sides equally. After using the stone, I used jewelers rouge on leather to strop it. It was shaving even before stropping, but that really polished the blade! I have not seen the video of the Gatco yet, but will watch it. Thanks for sharing. Jerry, why don't you use some Locktite on the threads when you put the rod in? Then just leave them together instead of taking them apart for storage. I also put mine on top of a flat surface when I put on the rod in order to get them all at the same level with the stone.
  8. Steve, I just ordered a Large Seat Pan from http://spitfirecusto...OTB%20PANS.html This is the link for the pan http://spitfirecusto...om/P1010066.JPG I would like to cover it with veg tanned tooling leather. Two questions, first, what weight leather should I use, and second if I am going to wet it, in order to form it to the pan, should I do any tooling after I have formed it and let it dry, or tool it first and then wet form it to the pan? I want to try my hand at lacing the edges with the Mexican basketweave. Thanks, Bobby
  9. Steve, Very nice job, great detail! What kind of tool did you come up with to do the fins? Got a picture?
  10. Thumper, Try some of the marine upholstery supply houses...Like Sailrite, Miami, Manart Hirsh (sp?), Rochford Supply. My laptop has crashed or I'd give you the links. If you visit http://www.get-up-and-go.com/upholstery-forum/ there are a lot of things in the marine side that will cross over to leatherwork. Hope that helps.
  11. Steve, those seats are really good. I like them both, but my favorite is the snake and steer skull. Really like the detail! They're almost like 3D, they just pop out at you! I am just getting started, so work like yours gives me something to shoot for. Can't wait to see your new seat with engine. That should really be original. How long have you been tooling leather? I've been teaching myself upholstery over the last year, but have aquired an interest leaning more towards motorcycle work. I especially like seats like yours! I haven't done any hand stitching or lacing yet, but I've got a couple of Tandy books to get me started. I have a couple of bikes myself. None of the old iron like you, though I'd like to find an old one one day. I have a Road King and a Ural with sidecar. Both fun bikes. This site is awesome! There is sooooo much talent on here and it's great that all of you like to share your work. Thanks for sharing, Bobby
  12. Very nice looking seat. I have a Road King and have been trying to decide what kind of cover to do for myself. A couple of questions. How do you form the leather around the curves? I'm thinking make the leather really wet?? What kind of finish or sealer did you use to protect from weather? What weight is the leather? BTW, I LIKE your skulls!
  13. COOL! Where could I get a couple from?
  14. Thanks for all of the good suggestions. You are ALL correct in that I should've done the stamping first. I had just spent a lot of time getting a razor edge on my new knife and mainly just wanted to protect the new edge....and ME! I was in a hurry. The stamping was an after thought, but figured I might as well get a little practice in. I would have made the sheath a little different too, if I hadn't been in a hurry. One thing I learned is DON'T GET IN A HURRY if you want to do a good job. With that being said, I don't guess I could've expected any better outcome! I will use the suggestions to practice some more on the front, and I'll hopefully post some better results when finished! Thanks again for the help...THIS SITE REALLY DOES ROCK!
  15. It just started today, but every time I click on a link to Leatherworker.net, I get this warning page come up from Google: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25380 I visited the info page and there seems to be a problem that you may not be aware of. Here is the link to the Google 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jstcache="0">Safe Browsing diagnostic page for leatherworker.net. http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php%3Fshowtopic%3D25380&client=googlechrome&hl=en-US Please let me now if there is a problem with the site. Thanks, Bobby Name: Bobby Riddle UserName: Bobby hdflame IP Address: Email Address: hdflame@windstream.net
  16. OK, I just bought a round knife and got it really sharp. So I figured I needed something to keep me from ctting myself and to protect the blade. I stitched together a sheath for it and decided to use it to practice so stamping. I cased the leather and tried a new stamp I just got from Tandy yesterday. I think it's called a tri-weave basketweave. Boy is it hard to keep everything straight! Should I scribe a straight line to get my first row started? I'm going to try to post a couple of pictures for critique and suggestions. Keep in mind this was a quick throw together and the stamping was an after-thought. I can truthfully say I've got a long way to go and I have a new found respect for the work I've seen on here! BTW, I stamped the back side first. Now I can practice on the front after you guys give me some tips!
  17. I just bought one of those Al Stohlman knives that are on sale at Tandy. It's a good looking knife, but not polished razor sharp out of the box. It says it only needs to be stropped to use it, but I think it needs a little fine stone work first! I made me a strop glued to a piece of wood and using some jeweler's rouge, and it's not shaving hair on my arm yet! For the price, I figured it would be a good starter. But after finding this thread, I wish I'd gotten one from Duey! I sent him an email asking for prices and pictures. If I get any info, I'll post it here. This is the one I bought yesterday, I only paid $49.99. https://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/eflyer/1009-USA/35010-05.aspx This is the wholesale link, so not sure if it will work without signing in. Anyway, it's the Al Stohlman Brand Damascus Medium Round Knife Has anyone tried one of these?
  18. I think it looks great! Don't see anything at all wrong with it....and I was looking after what you said!
  19. I really like them both together! What is the leather on the piston bag attached to? Looks like metal ends??
  20. I'd be interested in seeing some finished pictures of the seat installed on the bike if you have them. Looks good!
  21. Thanks for the reply! I wasn't really sure if it was called lacing or sewing??
  22. I want to learn how to do the stitching that's on this seat. What books, videos, or other sources have this info? Thanks, Bobby
  23. Thanks for the reply. I'm filling out the paperwork for wholesale pricing at Tandy at this moment! Do you have any contact info for Fabricator Kevin? Thanks a bunch! Bobby
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