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Everything posted by mmirob

  1. I have sewn several SR holsters on my Tippmann. Here is what I have learned. First it depends on the size of the hide. The larger hides 10 or more inches (measured width across the "Pearl") have much larger beads as you get closer to the pearl. These larger beads will absolutely divert your needle slightly and make for what appears to be sloppy stitching. If you are stitching in these larger areas it is best to use a dremel with cutting wheel and grind or groove your stitch line. You do not have to go through the beads but simply groove it so your needle will track straight. As you get closer to the hides edge (smaller beads) you do not have to worry or groove at all, stitch away. I have never broken a needle but can see where it is possible so I do wear glasses. You will crunch some beads which I believe will ultimately dull a needle. It is one of my most favorite exotic hides. It is simply beautiful and so durable. It stays shiny, wipes clean with a moist towel, and looks great for a long time.
  2. Wow. You are indeed a man of great patience to hand stitch a piece like that. ...and the stitches are so close together. Incredible work! Please tell me how much time you have in something like this? Rob
  3. I love seeing lacing work like that. It never seems to turn out like that for me! Terrific work! Rob
  4. Just so impressive. As a fellow tippmann user, I hope I can ever get that good on my machine. Do you even back stitch? Do you use the same size thread on your bobbin? Do you air brush your dye? Regular fiebings dye? I just cant seem to get my dye to finish so uniformly. Denster feel free to chime in.
  5. So nice and the stitching looks perfect too! What kind of sewing machine do you use? Rob
  6. Not that I am an expert to this forum but have made several stingray holsters and read up a bunch on those that use it. A simple pair of walmart sissors will cut stingray. However, do it often and it will dull the blades quickly. Do not use an expensive pair of leather shears. You can also cut it rather easily from the back side (flesh side) with a box knife. It too will dull the blade but blades are cheap. I love stingray as it is so durable.
  7. Really Cool! Duke, what kind of paint and any experience with paint durability? Rob
  8. Got mine in the mail this week and have to say I really, really like it. All the grooves seem to vary widely enough to fit most projects. Most importantly it spins true and very well finished! I have to say, with the right exposure you will not doubt sell them. I love the fact that it has a metal shaft so I feel that it will be quite durable. Frankly it's hard to find anything wrong at all with it. It will no doubt do the job. Here is the holster I made using this burnishing tool! Thank you so much!
  9. I love stingray. A bit of a challenge to stitch and pricey but fun, durable and beautiful!
  10. Sews beautifully. Comes complete with cast stand and threading tool. Lowered price to $640 from $950. Machine must go, I simple do not use it. This is a follow-up to previous post, I hope the forum will allow me to repost??? Pick-up location is Nashville TN. It is heavy. Have questions, feel free to ask. You are welcome to come by and try it before you buy. Rob (615) 482-7233
  11. Doesn't anyone want to make an offer on the Adler 30-7? How about a suggestion on where it should be priced?
  12. I have an Adler 30-7 for sale in the forsale forum for $950 with treadle stand. Sews beautifully. rob@cobalttn.com I have pictures. It is a long arm, no motor.
  13. I have a complete stand and machine for sale $950. Mine is a 30-7 long arm. (615) 482-7233 Rob B
  14. Here is a pic that I promised! I have a few more, email me if you need them.
  15. I have for sale a great working, beautiful stitching Adler 30-7 (this is the long arm) with original cast base. No motor, hand crank. $950 Simply selling because I hardly use it. Would love a local pick-up and I'm not sure how to ship, but would work with you to find out how. Trying to buy a 205 or 441. Will get pictures up soon. I will also be selling a beautiful Tippmann Boss, cast iron, still using it today. $1000 (sews perfect) I am not a professional just a hobby holster maker and looking to upgrade my wares. I went from hand stitching and lacing, to the Tippman, and I am now ready to plug in! I make and sell about 4 holsters a month. If you live near Nashville TN, would love for you to try before you buy. Call Rob B (615) 482-7233
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