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Everything posted by candyleather

  1. Romey, darling! Months ago you told me a lot of nonsense (a lecture about rules in this forum) because I had posted a big photo in my thread. Now I tell you the same nonsense: you have posted 4 big photos and that is out of consideration with this forum and his members. Don´t worry, I finish here my remarks with you for ever and ever, and please don't read or reply my comments never again. I don't like your sheath, is very wide and rough, and the knife is simple. Have a good day!
  2. These pics are from this link. The author or the owner of the pics is www.denismura.com http://www.knifenetwork.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44932
  3. A very easy tutorial with pics for beginners in this link http://www.knifenetwork.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44932
  4. Thanks Clay! If you wish look at another interesting french leatherworks: http://www.e-monsite.com/polanddeqo/album.html http://www.cuirartis.com/index.php?numlien=4 http://www.loutan.net/yves/albums/index.php?/category/9 http://www.guylevesque.com/fr/index.asp http://www.auchatperche.com/carnaval.html http://www.brunoduffort.fr/dispo-cuir.htm
  5. Thanks, very nice!!! Do you know where are the saddles from, country or saddlemaker? Wood and leather?
  6. The typography for an old printing press, hundreds of letters engraved in plumb or steel. You can read a back issue of Leathercrafters&Saddlers Journal showing this technique, I remember a bible cover writed with this method. Any years ago there was a toy's plastic printing works in the market.
  7. I make my own tools: mallets and head maul with nylon 3" (they aren't the best fot stamping), hole punch, some strap end punch, groovers, adjustable U and V gauge, edge bevelers, an adjustable creaser, an awl, a lacing-stitching pony, wood folders and wood slicking sticks, and my knives for cutting leather... my tools are "made at home", simple but working, only with steel, wood or brass, a Dremel, grinder, sandpaper and file. Now I'm making a strap cutter with my design and a new handle swivel knife with a lathe for metal tube. If you have a minimum of knowledge and some tools of carpentry, woodturner, plumber or blacksmith, everybody can do it. I assist sometimes to courses of do-it-youself, I look for the tutorials in a web site and I have read some book about.
  8. Al Stohlman's "How to Make Holsters", "Frontier Holsters" and "Custon Knife Sheaths" with Chuck Burrows (DVD), red or blue guns for holster molding, holster patterns or your own design, and a little workmanship and imagination, no more! http://www.wrtcleather.com/tr-books/books-1.shtml http://www.leatherworker.net/forum/index.p...587&hl=blue http://www.leatherworker.net/forum/index.p...4&hl=vacuum http://www.leatherworker.net/forum/index.p...6&hl=vacuum http://www.leatherworker.net/forum/index.p...ic=2186&hl=
  9. http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetail...2BGun%2BLeather http://pictures.abebooks.com/BRASSDOLPHINBKS/802046421.jpg
  10. I don't understand. I work in Europe and I'm not a certified member of an indian tribe. Carving leather with a native american design from a book is an offense? If I sell in the USA or Europe my articles with indian desings stumped is illegal? If I use the word "Reproduction" is not an offense?
  11. I bought these books in www.amazon.com Traditional Indian Bead and Leather Crafts by Monte Smith, Michele Van Sickle Indian Designs (Native American) by David Villasenor North American Indian Motifs CD-ROM and Book (Dover Electronic Clip Art Series) Southwest Indian Designs CD-ROM and Book (Dover Pictorial Archives) North American Indian Motifs: 391 Different Permission-Free Designs Printed One Side (Clip Art Series) by Maggie Kate
  12. Fine work! Nature has wonderful designs.
  13. http://wow.tentonhammer.com/index.php?modu...119&meid=60 Leatherworking Guide The profession of leatherworking is a primary trade skill in the World of Warcraft. When choosing leatherworking as a primary skill, make sure you really want it, as you may only have two primary tradeskills at once. Also when you choose leatherworking you are pretty much locked into taking skinning as your second primary skill. You are able to unlearn trade skills but if you do this, you will lose all your skill points in it. If you were to start leatherworking again you would have to start from the bottom, not at your last skill level. What items do Leatherworkers produce? Leatherworkers produce a variety of useful items, the main item they produce though is armor (leather and mail). Leatherworkers also produce some secondary items that include: Quivers and Ammo pouches -Bags that only hold arrows or bullets but provide a weapon speed increase to bows, guns and crossbows. Armor kits - Adds armor class to your armor permanently, much like an enchantment
  14. Tutorials for to make (and marbling) a leather handle: http://www.britishblades.com/forums/showth...hlight=tutorial http://www.britishblades.com/home/articles...=cat&acid=9 http://www.britishblades.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5204 I'm not sure now, but I think that in The Leather Crafters&Saddlers Journal you can get any article about leather handle.
  15. Thanks, Queen of the Leatherworkers!!! :angel_not: :flowers:
  16. My friend X. L. Rey, Breoghan couteaux, a french knifemaker, has sent to me these photos. Gembloux 2007 in Belgium the last weekend. Knife sheath Knives with leather handle Gudy van Popel. Knives with leather handle
  17. http://www.leatherworker.net/forum/index.p...post&id=883 http://www.leatherworker.net/forum/index.p...post&id=884
  18. Whith a brushstroke of glue over the leather (in the flower) and after dyeing it I get that effect. I don't know if we use the same dye (fiebing's) and glue (usual).
  19. At the left of the last pic says "you can request a price list for export" and link you to this email encueros.terrani@gmail.com
  20. Here you have the pics with some stamps and punches, and pics with the works make it by the pupils of the courses. http://www.en-cueros.com.ar/alumnos/cinceles.htm By my experience, If you wish to buy anything you must to choose UPS for shipping, no away the argentinian postal service. For to know the prices write an e-mail here: encueros.terrani@gmail.com
  21. Thanks Alex. I have look any pic about tools in that website. Give me time and I'll send you the link.
  22. Stamps and tools for leathercraft in Argentina, he is a maker. The website is not writed in english but you can look at the models. http://www.herramientasdobleg.com.ar/produ..._mateadores.php http://www.herramientasdobleg.com.ar/produ...do_rodillos.php Be careful! They have a low price for Argentina and another very high price for foreign.
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