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Everything posted by candyleather

  1. I need to make a blacksmith apron, a shoemaker apron and a leathercraftsman apron. Does anybody know where I can look a pattern and the measures? Which is the difference between a blacksmith apron, a shoemaker apron and a leathercarftsman apron? What kind of leather, cowhide only, vegetable tanned, suede? Thanks for your comments.
  2. Excellent! How do you design the other side, the billfold inside? I make it for credit cards and notes-bill, and sometimes nature with antique and sometimes black dye and I paint with acrylics. I don´t know the outcome with the new the eco-flo of tandy.
  3. I suppose all you are talking about the plastic craftaids from Tandy make it with laser, not with a pressure machine. Anybody can tell me the scientific or commercial name of the material which the pattern is made? I read in the catalogue Delrin but I can't to ascertain the name. Thanks.
  4. A link to a french website selling fine statues molded in leather and painted Musicians Journey Goblins Elfs and witches Folklore: samurai, africans, touaregs Medieval The youngest can to look at this excellent leather works beause there are not human nudes in that french web, which it's a sadness for to learn something more about leather art and molded leather.
  5. I have discovered that a big photo can be a good pattern!!!
  6. Can you help me to choose the colors for the mushrooms and for the leather? I want use this leather stamps for satmping in keyrings, wallets, bookmarks, knife sheaths, ... Thanks for your answers.
  7. Yes Johanna, I´m planning to restore it at all, leather and wood, but I have priority for restore before a very old english saddle and I don't know where to get started, help! It looks so dry in the pictures but only in the pictures, I have spread the bellow with a moisturizing cream for leather. I love my family heirlooms and I have all them in an excellent state of conservation, but this fire bellows is on my hands only from 3 weeks ago. I'll draw paper tracings of the pattern for you, but while you can look at these bellow patterns, and I don't remeber in which forum I have got them, I'm sorry. If I can´t add these attachements you can delete them.
  8. You can buy the book Celtic Knots for Beaded Jewellery by Suzen Millodot. Is a very good book for to learn how-to celtics knots. You can search by celtic knots in amazon.com, there are a few of good books for knots.
  9. This fire bellows was made in 1885 by my great-great-grandfather. Now is in my own leather museum, but nowadays he still can run perfectly!
  10. Here you have the model http://collectibles.search.ebay.com/manneq...32QQsacatZ10797 This link is from MatthewD in this forum
  11. Does anybody has a pattern or the measures (thickness, length, width) for make a leather strop? What kind of leather is better for a leather strop, horsehide or cowhide? Do I must to use the same kind of leather for make a hanging leather strop than for a hand held leather strop? Do I must to apply any dye or finish to the leather? Does a leather strop needs any upkeep, any cream or similar? Thanks for your answers.
  12. Very good link for old books, thanks! Did you searched only by leather, leathercraft, leather craft?
  13. Your leatherworks have a hight quality and I like your knot's tutorials. Thanks and wellcome.
  14. I'm sure that your wife prefer that wonderful notepad before the biggest diamond. Very nice your work
  15. Wonderful!!!! Where I can download that program, from aon-celtic.com?
  16. You can look at this book in amazon.fr . I wont buy it but is out of print. I sent several emails to csmeja for to buy any articles and they never answer to me. I don't know if her e-mail is running out or really they don't want to sell overseas. There are a liquid called "cola de conejo" (rabbit's tail) that we used for make masks and moulded leather.
  17. In ebay France, but I have seen that leatherworks in Spain. I know that in the leathercrafters&saddlers journal you can look a banner from a store selling material for made leather masks. Lc&s Journal, May/Jun 2007, nº 3, page11, csmeja.com, but I am not sure if they use the same technic.
  18. You are right Art, but I dont know who is the artist, I would like speak with him. I think he is french or spanish.
  19. I want make this leatherwork but I don't know how to, or if I need a real model for to mold or to cast the body in leather. Easier said than done. Thanks for your help.
  20. Here you can look at my celtic drum. Sometimes I play the galician pipe. I have one like this and at the first I printed the leather with laser and I finished it carving or embossed the lamb leather very smoothly.
  21. If you want write in spanish in Internet you can write without accents because everybody understand that the english keyboards have not accents or ñ (you can write nh). I have my keyboard and Word configured for write in spanish and I can write in english too, and any indoeuropean lenguage. You can write in spanish with a reconfigured keyboard but it can be possible that if you send by mail that text or you publish the text in a web you can not look the accents or the ñ.
  22. I got a few clips like this. They are like the willianhenryknives clips, but within the logo of the mark. I think they are elegants and strong.
  23. Of corse, Madame Johanna Cuir (cuir = leather)! Is a joke. I can read and understand french perfectly because is similar to the galician, my native lenguage, but I don't know write it and I speak french only a little, therefore I don't sent her an email; I also speak portuguese. I don't know none french leathecrafters forum but I look any time someone or other french knifemakers forums, they have a good level for the knife sheaths. I also ignore the french leathercraft market, but I have a friend living there and he told me that they have problems for get all they need for leatherworking and they buy a lot of articles to the stores in Germany (a Tandy dealer) or England. Now I am studying germany, russian and chinese!!! I do it just in case they coming into leatherworker.net
  24. A link from an excellent french artisan
  25. I'm sure that the leathercrafters industries or manufacturers need more imagination for to made new leather stamps models and new craftaids models, and new patterns or new tools, even new leathercrafting books and more how-to tutorials. I would like read your opinion about and another questions you want write about this trouble. What kind of patterns do you need and you don't get in your leathercraft store? Which new designs for stamping tools do you need? I make any custom leather stamps for me and for my customers. If you send to me a pic with a model that you like and you can't get in the store, if i make it for sell to my customers I promise send one to you. How much do you think is a reasonable cost for a leather stamp? As far as quality is concerned medium, not the expensive stamps with first-class quality. What kind of books and how-to tutorials would you like get in the store? Do you think that we have enough variety of leather, tools, thread, finishes, buckles, dyes or acrilic colours to choose from? What do you miss in the leather world? Thanks for your support!
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