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Everything posted by groovytech

  1. We are fairly acclimated to the heat here in Fla...the key is to stay near a pool full of cool, cool water.

  2. Grainger Industrial Supply will have a wide section.
  3. I'm not sure about the thickness,but this is what this stuff is made for. You might also want to research woven metallic fabrics. Good Luck! Please keep us updated on your findings. are Ultraperm 80 Shielding Sheet Item Number : G16600A Unit Price: $10.00 Quantity Refer this page to a friend Detailed Description Large 7.75” x 12.38” x .005" thick sheet of Ultraperm 80 features a peel and stick surface on one side of the sheet. Ultraperm 80 sheet is a nickel-iron alloy (80.3% nickel, 14.3% iron, plus 14.3 %molybdenum). It has very high magnetic permeability (400000 @ 0.73-0.5mm -50Hz maximal permability) which makes Ultraperm 80 very effective at screening static or low-frequency magnetic fields which are difficult to attenuate with other means.The Ultraperm 80 is similiar to Mu-metal but the copper which is added to make Mu metal more ductile is not added to this sheet. This shielding is commonly found around transformers in high end audio equipment, cathode ray tubes in oscilloscopes, photomultipliers, magnetic phono cartridges, hard drives, super conducting circuits, MRI equipment, etc. This is a difficult item to find for the average hobbyist. We have a limited quantity of these brand new rare sheets of Ultraperm 80 so hurry before it’s gone! G16600 Source: Electronic Goldmine
  4. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=quick_search&search_filter_app[forums]=1 see if this helps.
  5. If you search your library's offerings for Leather, Leathercraft, Leatherworking, you'll probably be surprised at the free resources available. never heard of the milk treatment.... let us know how it turns out.
  6. There are tutorials in almost every Forum, on the 1st page, generally 'pinned'. You might want to check the 'Patterns&Templates' in the Fabrication forum. Also, look in the Specialty Leatherwork forums. Post a pic or drawing of what type hat that you are looking to make. I'm sure someone here has the info you seek. Welcome.
  7. Comma- CT H 904 quotes-repeat periods- use a hole punch as a stamp. rap it lightly.... exclamations & ? marks- swivel knife & awl
  8. Grandaddy is already smiling down on you! Use the inspiration he gives you in your creative endeavors. Welcome!! You are where you need to be.
  9. Here is a formula that was passed on to me by one of the old guard. Material costs X 5 -OR- $ .10 per hole for hand sewn projects. It adds up..................... I require a 50% deposit upon commission for the project , after both the customer,and I have agreed on the design. I do not place orders for Materials without the deposit. Because I only do commissioned projects, I can avoid high inventory, office overhead,and I can devote myself to the craft.
  10. Great work!!!
  11. Where did you get the steampunk style latch? Great work!!
  12. Centralia Fur & Hide up in Washington could probably help you. Phone # is 360.736.3663
  13. I stumbled across this today. http://koikoikoi.com...-by-mark-evans/ pretty cool!
  14. The creativity and execution are incredible!!! Show us more!! The creativity and execution are incredible!!! Show us more!!
  15. Chief, Tom, I grew up in Sylvester. I'm down here in Tallahassee now. I have lived in Tifton and Agony. I remember the Lamplighter Pub in Tifton and The Monkey Palace in Agony.Can't forget Charlie B's and other places that have fallen by the wayside. Good to see SOWEGA represented here.
  16. We all gotta be something...me? I'm an genuine,died-in-the-fur,Bad example. 1st Class Pain In The A$$(curmudgeon). Someone has to do it,I'm good at it, why not me?

    Enjoy life.

  17. I know both from science and math classes when I was younger. Metric weight was learned more from a misspent youth, than class. As a Millwright in the 80's, I worked mostly with Japanese Co's and you were lost if you didn't know both systems. In dealing with foreign and US suppliers I had to be fluent in both. Personally, you can use binary or you can't, I prefer dealing in 10's. Math & science education sucks today. Even after they slay the Arts with the sword of budget cuts.(slinking away from the soapbox..............)
  18. Thanks for sharing your pattern! Your hat looks awesome, it has me reconsidering how to dye mine.
  19. Be proud, I'm sure he has the coolest wallet of anyone he knows. Good Job.
  20. :notworthy:::notworthy:: Very nice!
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