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Everything posted by cowdog128

  1. Im looking for a good source for sheep skin applicator scraps or should i just break down and buy a whole side?
  2. You got some wrinkles in your stirrup leather LOL just kidding looks real good great job
  3. Your painting is amazing may I ask what type of paint you use?
  4. They look way too nice for work Lol great job keep it up!
  5. Very nice keep up the good work Kings. Happy trails
  6. As always Bob you never disappoint. Keep it up and happy trails my friend
  7. Very nice job I think there should more videos out there to learn from. Too much is never enough keep up the good work.
  8. Does anyone know where I can find stencils in different style fonts and sizes for lettering on belts,wallets,notebook covers,etc.?
  9. Your drawings don't look to shabby just my 2 cents
  10. That's real nice i especially like the tooling pattern
  11. Thanks for the response i was thinking chinks were close but I've never made a pair its a favor for a buddy at least I've got a starting point.thank you much for the advice
  12. Does anyone have a pattern for a pair of farrier chaps and also a suggestion on what's the best materials to use? Thanks a bunch
  13. I tell ya those are really nice good job. Happy trails and happy holidays
  14. Very nice happy trails and happy holidays
  15. Lol mike that ain't right. Ed awsome piece congrats
  16. I thought it was really cool thanks for sharing
  17. All I can say is wow your detail is way above the bar very nice work keep it up and happy trails.
  18. very nice job that looks great
  19. A old saddle builder showed me the best way [ for me anyway] a dremel with a very small bit i use a stitch wheel or old fork [shout out twinoaks lol] to mark my holes and zip zip in no time you have perfect holes hope this helps. Happy trails
  20. It might be cheating but i have had good results with black sharpee and then finish the edge as described by Hidepounder hope this helps.
  21. Very nice as always Bearman by the way never noticed you were from p.c. i was raised right up the road in Bonifay but my wife relocated me lol. Anyway one howdy from one florida boy to another. Happy trails my friend and Happy holidays.
  22. Im just wondering would a resisting technique would work like after you brand take a small brush and apply like some super sheen or some kind of sealer then apply your finish i have never tried branding but would like to. I hope this helps in some way let us know how it works. Happy trails
  23. As always Casey very inspiring work hopefully one day i can reach the level that your at. Happy trails
  24. The tool list is pretty simple for that peice anyways swivel knife,beveler,background tool thats about it.
  25. Sometimes its the simple things that turn out really cool good job keep it up. this leather stuff can be real addicting.
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