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Peter Darby

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Everything posted by Peter Darby

  1. Nice looking bracer. The knotwork stands out well. Sewing the eyehooks on. What a great idea. I've not had a problem with the rivets so hadn't considered sewing but I like it. With some of the fancy stitches it would look well.
  2. Neat idea with the Mora sheath. Cutting and fire and always on your belt.
  3. Congratulations. My wife received her Pelican last Pennsic and while I am not a big award person It was a very emotional event for both of us.
  4. Here is a small (4") armguard I made. It is very loosely based off a viking bracer found at York. It is the first real carving I have done since my cataract surgery and while it isn't great it is better than trying to carve and tool in a fog. I decided for summer shooting that my bracer only needed to cover where the string hits. If I shoot my longbow I wear it near the wrist and if a recurve nearer the elbow.
  5. Here is a picture of the bracer in place for a recurve
  6. Here is a small (4" long by 4" at the widest part) It is the first real carving I have done since I had my cataract surgery. Given my lack of artistic talent I think it came our fairly well. While not trying to make it a replica medieval pattern it is fairly close to some of the viking/saxon bracers found. I guess pulling a longbow hasn't changed much in the last 20 thousand years or so.
  7. I really like them. I am not a big fan of the the "show every indentation in the gun holsters" So I really like your holsters and the leatherwork looks top notch. I was impressed with the belts and your burnishing.
  8. Looks good. I like the kidney pouch look to your bottel
  9. Functional, well made and the esthetics conform to the type of knife. It looks great to me. Well done!
  10. Mark, The envirotex is a great sealer. I have a jack I use for everything from hot coffee to Beer. Barley! Someone doesn't like you. When I am making a bottel I first case the leather then I use playground sand (clean). Fill the bottel anduse a dowel to tamp it down. When you get some space pour in more sand then more tamping. Eventually the leather will stretch out nicely. Let dry and pour out the sand. Whack it around a bit to get out as much as possible. When you put in the sealer any loose grains will be sealed up and not a problem. If you want to see some examples of period costrels and bottels the images from a google search are good. The Froisert paintings also have several examples from canteen size to party size.
  11. Looks great to me. Here is something you might want to try. When I make an inlay I usually raise it to the level of the overlaying leather by skiving the cut out pieces and using them to raise the snake or lizard skin inlay. This gives a nice smooth appearance to the leather.
  12. Haven't seen much posted here lately so I thought I would throw my latest project. I bought a ILF riser and limbs but don't want to hang a lot of stuff off the bow. Besides the SCA does not allow you to shoot bows with holes in the riser. So I put side panels on the bow to cover the hole above the shelf and a wood grain leather patch to cover the small hole on the bottom of the riser. I then put a leather rest on. Lastly I built up a leather grip molded specifically for my hand. My wife says I made a plastic bow into a work of art. I'm not sure I would go that far but it is better looking than the plain jane bow. The riser picture posted is of a viking pin. On the other side (no picture) is the upright viking knotwork depicted on the crossburg cross.
  13. Looks great. I especially like the way you matched the sheath colors to the knife colors.
  14. I can't wait to see what you do when you know what your doing. Those are awesome.
  15. Looks good. Knife sheaths are why I got into leatherwork. Lots of good knives in bad sheathes. I learned the hard way to mark L and R on stuff even when it seems intuitive.
  16. I seldom watch things about 911, nor do I talk much about it. On Wednesday after the plane hit the pentagon I went to the Sheraton Inn where we established the Joint Family Assistance Center and spent the next month working with the families of the Pentagon casualties. No press was ever allowed in and very few stories leaked out. However, I will say that I was very surprised by the number of famous people who came without any other agenda than to try to help out. There was one very famous...

  17. I am starting a edge binding for a pouch flap that will have no stitch line underneath it. I saw it done years ago and never since. It took me an hour or more to figure out how it is done. But I think it will turn out all right.

    1. Luke Hatley

      Luke Hatley

      waiting for the photos....

    2. Anacott Steel
    3. Sylvia


      photos and tutorial to match please.

  18. Very nice. The hardware and leather coloring and design compliment each other very well.
  19. I would go to some of the Traditional Archery sites and search for quiver pictures. I hunt with a longbow and have used three or so different quivers I have made. To hunt with a Howard Hill type back quiver is probably best for hunting. It will hold a couple dozen arrows but of course for hunting you can put sandwiches and stuff in the extra space. For going through brush you have to learn to pull it under your arm so the arrows don't tangle in the underbrush. A side quiver also works well. Many of us use a tube type quiver that hangs over your shoulder and you pull the arrows out of the side. That is what I currently use. I put foam in the bottom which i used a hot broadhead to burn a nice hole to fit each broadhead in.
  20. Why do you people do this to me? I have a new quiver to make, a pilgrim's bag, motorcycle gear. And now you posting all those great looking holsters have me thinking my S&W revolver needs a new holster.
  21. Been trying to make a new quiver but cataracts kept me from starting. Eye fixed and ready to go and I find I have to make a pilgram's bag 1st. Oh well, Life is.

    1. Sylvia


      Congrats on the new vision!!

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