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Peter Darby

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Everything posted by Peter Darby

  1. That should work with no problem. Reduced to it's lowest common denominator a quiver is a tube with a bottom. Covering it with leather is a nice touch.
  2. I have had one securing my pouch for several years. I would trust it to hold for a brief upside down foray such as picking it up from the table. To open the pouch I have to push up on the pin. It doesn't want to come loose by pulling it from the top.
  3. Very nice. I have a couple of questions. 1. Where do you find those little copper rivets? I am about out of my rivets with the little shanks and can only seem to find the thick ones. 2. Is the brass frog button in place to help hold the sheath inside the pants?
  4. Thought you might want to see an antique stitching pony that I use for sewing. I found it in an antique store about 25 years ago. from the bottom it was obviously originally a stitching horse. But that is okay, I sit the screw on my knees and it is the perfect height for sewing whether I am in a folding chair or a lounger. It has a 12" throat so I can sew about anything in it and the screw will tighten to whatever pressure you need.
  5. Beautiful work. I like your comment. I tell people that their is an art and craft to leatherwork. Craft is how you do stuff and art is how you fix your mistakes so it doesn't look like a mistake. LoL.
  6. Wow! Very impressive, Well done.
  7. Very nice.
  8. I also would like in.
  9. I like the clean lines of the sheath. Any problem catching the snaps when putting the knife back in the sheath? Nice table. Carving/stamping leather and bouncy tables don't go together.
  10. I like it. Original thinking is always nice to see.
  11. 6/7 to 8/9 leather for most knives. If you want thinner edges you can skive down the edges, including the welt. If I am hand sewing thick leather I keep a cake of beeswax handy and prick it with the awl before punching through. It really helps get through thick leather.
  12. Beautiful work. If it isn't to much trouble, what do you make your molds out of?
  13. They look good. Non-sheath work? You have to have a belt to put the sheaths on . Oh, and a matching pouch would be nice. You might try making the wrap sheath belt loop so the sheath sits at an angle. It makes the knife easier to access with either hand.
  14. Thanks for the tip. I am getting ready to do antique so it came just in time. One of the things I do is use a steel ruler or wooden paint scraper scraper wrapped in a paper towel to take off the antique. Then a damp towel to finish off the top layer.
  15. Beautiful work.<br /><br />Although I am not a big fan of rivets on knife sheaths either. What I do to eliminate the stress point at the top of the sheath is build up the gusset so it's pretty closely matches the width of the handle/guard where it meets the ricasso. I find this no only eliminates the stress but keeps the sheath from developing that little pouched look at that point.
  16. When I dipped the leather it came out beautiful, wet. However when it dries it has sort of a grey cast to it. It almost looks like it is got white powder rubbed into the black. Is this normal? From the various pictures I thought it would be black without the grey cast to it.
  17. I am making my first batch. I took distilled vinegar and put in the steel wool (no soap it is for wood smoothing). Now a week or so later the steel wool has mostly turned into filings so I know something is happening. However the shaken liquid is the color of steel wool, there doesn't seem to be any rusting and turning yellow as shown in the pictures of vinegaroon I see on here. Have I done something wrong or do I just need to wait a bit more for the rust to come since I didn't pre-wet the wool to start the rusting.
  18. Thanks, I never would have thought about going to Wal-Mart.
  19. I had lots of good knives with crappy sheaths. Course once you make a sheath you need a belt. And a little pouch would be nice. Then your wife and mother need something and suddenly you have a new hobby.
  20. Obviously a talented metal worker. The knife is awesome. The sheath is nice but like Halitech said I hope you put a welt in the knife.
  21. Very nice. Where do you get your flasks at?
  22. I really like the design. Coupled with the excellent construction. I bet it will work well for you.
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