Adding to what was said, I wouldn't have applied neatsfoot BEFORE dyeing- it would have been after, & if needed, IMO. Spirit black, no matter the brand, is ALWAYS a bitch- you need to buff & buff & buff (advice= use a mechanical devise to remove as much pigment as possible). As for deglazing, I don't know how well an 'acetone/xylene/ketone' mixture would work vs standard deglazer (which is ethyl acetate, made for leather, [with NONE of the above listed ingredients, btw]) ; sometime mixtures of things are less effective than their individual parts, (example: the mixture of 2 very strong glues that ultimately resulted in Post-It notes), sometimes more toxic (example: bleach + toilet bowl cleaner). I also am leery about using a water-based substance (acrylic) on an item that could conceivably by subject to a great deal of water on a regular basis...