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Everything posted by Roger

  1. that's gonna be a cool seat! well done dragons always seem to be a hit!
  2. quality tools make a huge difference! i got a set of barry king bevelers for my birthday this year and i no longer doubt weather they are worth the money. also... l didn't think about lifters ect. after looking at pictures of what a lifter sorta looked like and what it did i came up with my own. i had this seat come up and this is what started my thinking about it. lifting and matting will add huge amounts of depth to your tooling. i use 5-6 oz leather btw
  3. Thanks Ashley! i have done somewhere between 75 and 80 in about 3 1/2 years. i love the tools i got from Barry and want to get a few more as i can afford to do so. i want to also pick up another swivel knife and one of his mallets Thanks Dave! I do my best to help anyone with questions. i don't know near as much as some but, i will always offer my ways of doing things. yes! veg tan leather drakens up nicely and there is no dye to fade or wear off.
  4. David... here is a pic that shows the p-pad and seat. the p-pad was done right before the smokeout last year. most of the color was from the 5 days spent in salisbury
  5. no problem david! i don't use any oil any more. i lexol the seat once it's assembled and then once or twice after it's dyed depending on how quick it sucks it up and then the same with pecards. i apply a liberal coat like the directions say and let it sit till the next day and if it's all absorbed, i give it another coat and wait another day
  6. i don't mind at all! i get it right from their website. http://www.pecard.com/store.php/ i have always used the classic dressing. i have ordered the smallest containers they have and will start supplying it with a new seat. at the moment i have them use lexol now and then to keep it conditioned and saddle soap to clean
  7. i just put a coat of pecards on it and set it out. i give it another coat as it soaks in. i have a pic of it mounted on the bike. i will see if the p-pad is in one of the pics. it has about a weeks worth of direct sun. thank you sir!
  8. i would think most of what you were looking at was made from much thicker leather than you are working with. besides proper casing.. a good solid work surface makes all the difference in the world!
  9. thanks dave! much of the improvment in my work is work surface and better tools. i am wqrking on a much stronger table and a 3" thick slab. i also got a barry king swivel knife for christmas and a set of is bevels for my birthday. they took some getting used to but they have made a would of difference. here is the seat completed. we did not have enough sun today so, it didn't darken much i spent a couple hours on the design, 5 hours tooling and around 5 hours stitching
  10. some incredible work!!! i learn so much from looking at work like that! i think i am most impressed with the swivel cut patterns. thank you for sharing them with us!
  11. thanks all! i like tri weave. i like to find uses for it when i can. if this was a bigger seat, i would have worked more into it. no black for sure! i think i'm gonna let the sun do it's thing on this one. i got the pan padded and the cover saddle stitched over it this eve. i just need to clean up and burnish the edge and it's done. i'll have a pic up tomorrow night for sure. the font is one i use quite often. cloister black
  12. the smokeout is just a couple weeks away. i am still hoping to put together enough cash to make the trip this year. i use perma-loc needles for all my lacing. most all my stuff is done with 1/8" roo lace and they work great for that. i have a jumbo that i use for latgo and 1/4" roo
  13. i'ed really like to know about fading and penitration of this stuff. also how easy is it to control? can you brush it into small areas and not have it bleed where you don't want it?
  14. i'm working on something for myself. still don't have a belt for myself but, at least it's for me
  15. do you work from a book on different weaving and lacing patterns? i'ed like to try some different stuff on some seats
  16. not bad! you are right about taking care when transfering the pattern. it is easy to get lax with tracng the pattern for sure and carving celtic knots is great practice for sure!
  17. i buy from both. i order from tandy and get it the next day. hide crafter carries some better quality tools including barry king tools and herman oak leather. both have good customer service. it just depends on what you need and how long you can wait for it. i also buy from siegel and weaver but, it's the same game. what i need and how soon i need it. for me everyone but tandy takes 5 to 7 days to arrive
  18. man... those are beautiful! what sort of lacing patterns are you using? what pattern was used on the visor of the black one?
  19. nope..red can and it says right on the can water resistant not water proof. after having the same problem a couple times, i went back to tanner's bond and barge and have had no further problems. both barge and tanner's bond claim to be water proof
  20. i have used weldwood and for some things it's great. i now only use barge or tanner's bond because they are waterproof and oil proof. weldwood is only water resistant and looses it's bond and turn to goo if it gets too wet
  21. very nice! seems a shame to hide it in a book
  22. dave, i see that hide crafter carries a few oval punches also. 1/8", 3/16" and 1/4". weaver carries a few more sizes. they call them belt punches
  23. can't say that i do. i was looking through the weaver cataloge the other day and nicticed they sell them. that is the first time i recall seeing an oval punch. not sure who made them or who else carries them
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