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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. ArtS

    New Member

    I'll be using screws not strings. The strings will be on D rings under the conchos. The reason of that I did it that was is being a novice and not following the book as I should. LOL If it ever goes in for repairs it will be me repairing it I hope. I'll do it right next time. I haven't been happy with Resolene either. It streaks when I use it. Would you use antique on something like this? I appreciate any help and advice I can get. Thanks, Art
  2. ArtS

    New Member

    Thanks for the info. The reason I ask is I'm working on my second saddle. Just a beginner. I can't decide if I should just put a top coat or if I should antique it. I really liked the way your saddle looked an now you have me thinking. Attached is a picture of mine so far. It's slow going since I have so little time to work on it. What do you put on after the antique, Resolene? ArtS
  3. ArtS

    New Member

    How do you apply your antique and what antique do you use? Thanks, ArtS
  4. Thanks. I thought I've seen them on pack horses before. ArtS
  5. What are the straps that go behind the horse's back legs for? ArtS
  6. ArtS

    New Member

    Awesome absolutely awesome !!! I love it. ArtS
  7. Thanks David. What kind of problems does it cause? Sores where the flexible meets the rigid? They told her it was padded on the bottom of the bars. I told her that wouldn't make a difference once there is any weight in the seat. That would just compress until it's firm. Was I wrong? ArtS
  8. Does anyone know anything about the new Tucker Gen II tree? If so what do you think? I have a friend thinking of buying one. Thanks, ArtS http://www.valleyvet.com/Library/lib_36480...cker_Gen_II.pdf
  9. ArtS

    Plastic canteen

    I bought them at Wal-mart last time. Where do you get the other kind with the opening on the top side? ArtS
  10. They sell Barge at Ace! In big cans or just the small tubes? ArtS
  11. An acquaintance of mine that is a horse trainer (or so he says) had one buck him into the air and he landed on the horn fracturing his pelvis. I bet that is one time he wished that he didn't have a horn. ArtS
  12. That is beautiful craftsmanship! Someday I want to make one for myself and the saddle. I'm a big RR fan. Check out this link for one for sale on the RR site. Over $2500! http://www.royrogers.com/shop-index.html ArtS
  13. Wow, those are really nice! Great job. I really like them. ArtS
  14. It's real experience like this that makes this site a pleasure to read. It's worth it's weight in gold. ArtS
  15. Same for this Art! As they say "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6." ArtS
  16. Depends on what you're doing in my opinion. You can always use different shades of dye to highlight areas and make others stand out. I personally like to see the leather rather than painted or dyed colors. I have used colored dyes though. I did this rose but to me it doesn't look like leather. ArtS
  17. This site has lots of magnets that would work. http://www.kjmagnetics.com/products.asp?cat=10 ArtS
  18. Thanks for all the good advice guys. I'll remember it and abide by it. They make good sense to me. I wouldn't have ever put one on my saddle. I was taught from the beginning to ride the horse not the saddle and that has saved me more than a few times from getting hurt. ArtS
  19. I also use the leather ground seat and Lin-X coated trees. You do really nice work! ArtS
  20. LOL. Good advice on getting the younger fellow to ride 'em. I was thinking of putting one on my father in law's saddle that I'm making for him. Since he's getting older I thought it might help him.ArtS Thanks Bruce. Looking on the net for Night Latch I found some of the tied strings. You always are a well of knowledge. Experience pays in the end.ArtS
  21. ArtS

    Fast Buckle

    I've never seen anything like that. Do, or should is say, did they work well? ArtS
  22. Thank you! I've been looking at it thinking that it looks as if it was twisted or something like that. Your explanation is perfect. Tomorrow morning I'm going to try one. I was looking on the net. and it appears that they call this a Cowboy Night Latch. Thanks again! ArtS
  23. Can anyone tell me how to make a strap like this? Is this braided or what? Thanks, ArtS
  24. If you need smaller tools check this site out. They use them to make miniature saddles. ArtS http://www.riorondo.com/
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