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Everything posted by whiteeugene

  1. Looks like SLC has halter bolts.
  2. I’m making a tie down to match a head stall I made for a costumer and am trying to find the hardware the part that the strap clips to. I have seen two different types one is a one piece looks like two rings at 90 degree offsets. The other used a ring and two pins. Can anyone recommend a place to get them? Thanks Doug
  3. Looks cool what will you stuff the ball with?
  4. Great job they will like those.
  5. Thanks Guys Vhakra these are all for 1911's I still have one more to finish. Cogs the emblem is a combat medic badge it’s for a guy stationed in Georgia he saw the one I made for my son and ask for one. The color was kind of a mistake I started playing with my air brush, I was trying to get just a little black around the edge kind of a fade effect. Once I formed the holster and let the leather dry I put a top cote on it and oiled the inside that’s when the color changed.
  6. Started these on Sumday just have to wait for them to dry and give them a final top cote. Doug
  7. Thanks Mike yes it is machine stitched I purchased the machine last summer and have been trying to learn how to use it, this is the first large project I used it on. Normally I just kind of use it by hand turn the wheel real slow only using the motor to keep it moving. On this project I made a roller guide attachment and let the machine do more of the work, the guide helped but its still touchy work I really need to get a new servo motor that I can control the speed with.
  8. This is my first completed Sheridan style carving project and my first leather book. I think I should have chosen a simpler design to start with but I liked the horse design in one of the pattern packs I purchased from Chan Geer. If you ever had one of those days where one error led to another this is mine, I sat down to put the book together sanded the inside where the pad holder and document holder were to go, set it aside and put glue on the backside of each item, set them aside and grabbed the book its self put the glue on the places where I had sanded the finish off, waited awhile and placed the peaces together. I rubbed the edges and center down with my bone folder real good to make sure they were glued well, pated my self on the back for doing a good job turned the book over to place a weight on it to keep it compressed while the glue dried and realized I had glued the inside pieces upside down. I was able to pull the pieces apart add a layer of pig skin over the part I sanded and then reassemble the book. It's still a work in progress sorry for the poor pictures I had to use my cell phone. Thanks Doug
  9. I wonder if they finished it then used some kind of a resist maybe two or three cotes let that dry and came back and wiped it with acrylic paint the paint would stall in the low spots and would wipe off of the flat spots I have used this to fill in letters as lone as you let the resist dry good the paint will not stick you can wipe it of with a damp cloth. Doug
  10. Great job I really like the the colors and the tooling is awesome. Doug
  11. Those look cool how do you size them and is the snap on the bottom or side. Doug
  12. Thanks Steve I'll try some 277 on top and 207 on the bottom with a size 24 needle, I looked at some other folks work and it looks like if you use a machine you have to run a double stitch starting and stopping to lock the tread in. I just wasn't sure what was the correct way to lock the stitches in. Thanks Doug
  13. Hi everyone I have kind of a new guy sewing question. I was sewing some holsters together with my sewing machine and am having a problem with how the beginning and ending stitches look; I put a larger tread on the top and bottom 230 on top and 160 on the bottom I think and a size 24 needle. When I do my back stitch to lock the tread in looks kind of bunched up same thing at the end. Is there another way to lock the tread in so it won’t unravel besides back stitching? Thanks Doug
  14. Looks great if you made another one what would you do different?
  15. I think it looks ok the basket weave is a little weak the carving looks cool do you think it would look better if it was lined? Not sure on the trigger cover it may need to be a little higher hopefully one of the holster guys will make a comment. Doug
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