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About bluesman1951

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/03/1951

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    making bags,blues music,zydeco music ,cooking,Teaching leather ,Ball room dancing , Braiding and lacing ,leather brief cases ,

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    everything to do with leather and life
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    surfing the web

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  1. Love your pattern making skills.

  2. I left my Toro 3000 on too long just forgot about it .Went to use it and it won't work . I have the red light at the switch and nothing else.Have I killed the motor by leaving it on too long ?
  3. bluesman1951


    To all who know renown jockey saddle maker Garland Sugarman ,he had a stroke a week ago and in that time there has been no improvement in his condition.He is the hospital in Albuquerque.
  4. I don't do well with new and the changes here have left me totally lost and confused.Seems so sterile now. Can't find any of my contacts and friends.Everything that was friendly and inviting seems to be gone.

    1. paprhangr
    2. bluesman1951


      Thanks for the response. It will succeed or fail based on what the majority of the public thinks of it .My opinion dont matter.

  5. Magnificent bag .I very much enjoyed your post !THANK YOU!!!!! If you cut a piece of scrap and put it over your copper rivets with the proper size hole then cut off leaving a little . Then file down flush with the scrap taking care not to damage surrounding leather( bigger scrap piece might be necessary) . Now remove scrap and dome .This gives a very nice finished look and all your posts are the same height . Just a few extra steps make for a very classy finish .I am very impressed with this . WELL DONE !
  6. I am sick of prices going up at the Hide House current deer price is 5.25 per sq ft wholesale and I am not going to live with that not now not ever . I am looking for a new source for gold deer .
  7. I like it . You should check out the work of Logan Reise on face book .You guys are kindred spirits .If nothing else you will find inspiration with his work . best of luck with your work .Thanks for sharing it !
  8. Thank you for sharing your work ! Visited you web site and was very impressed . You are well on your way in leather working .
  9. This is well done . I would explore using Texas threads :bonded 346 thread it gives amazing results for hand sewing . Thanks for showing your project .
  10. How tough are customs in regards to importing leather and hides ,tools where you are ? Check out : www.goodsjapan.com .For hides check www.hidehouse.com they are in Napa California and ship far and wide . On face book check out Buffalo Girl she is in Australia I believe she goes on buying trips for her supplies . If I can be of any help just ask .
  11. Cards and flyers have a big down side . A large part of them will hit the ground as litter . Who ever owns that property will not take kindly to the mess. First thing that happens is they pick one up and call your number saying come clean this stuff up . Just saying, sounds good but success is not likely .I have 30 years in business and would never consider this approach . You research areas with high tourist traffic and drop a line in the water and go fishing play by the rules or trouble will find your door .
  12. Monica, Hi ! I dont see any of the mistakes you spoke of . I do a lot of hand sewing and use a bonded 346 left twist thread from Texas threads.What are you using . This bag is clean and eye appealing, efficient with the pockets inside . I would suggest on facebook look in the search bar for HERZ they are extraordinary bag makers . Then type :vintage Swiss army bags their speciality is bags 100 years old well done and very cool . I hope you enjoy my suggestion and are inspired to make more bags .Thank you for sharing your work I enjoyed seeing it .
  13. I do patterns and there are a great many Dr's bags to choose from . The brass parts can be made and there are some suppliers that are carrying them including Ohio travel bag . I bought a Dr's bag some time ago with the intention of making a pattern .It was not expensive so taking it apart will be no big deal .I suggest that you look on face book for "Herz" they are in my opinion some of the finest bag makers around,saying they are the best leaves a lot of others out and thats not fair . I do promise that the time you spend looking will be well worth your while . These pictures are NOT!!!! my work They are pictures I admired and saved for inspiration You can see the huge amount of possibilities. Warm Regards Bill I do patterns and there are a great many Dr's bags to choose from . The brass parts can be made and there are some suppliers that are carrying them including Ohio travel bag . I bought a Dr's bag some time ago with the intention of making a pattern .It was not expensive so taking it apart will be no big deal .I suggest that you look on face book for "Herz" they are in my opinion some of the finest bag makers around,saying they are the best leaves a lot of others out and thats not fair . I do promise that the time you spend looking will be well worth your while . These pictures are NOT!!!! my work They are pictures I admired and saved for inspiration You can see the huge amount of possibilities. Warm Regards Bill
  14. Tools: www.goodsjapan.com They are first class all the way ! fast service. Leather : www.hidehouse.com / RL Cox hide and fur Albuquerque New Mexico 505-242-4980 sorry no web presence .
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