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Everything posted by shadowryder

  1. nice bib, very handy pouch,love your lacing.
  2. Hi, Thanks,no I didn,t need too to be honest,it is made from 3mm+ veg tan and is as solid as a rock shape wise. thanks again for your interest. JJ
  3. 41 Views and not a single comment huh! Well guess it aint as "Finished" as some of the professional stuff on here,But its what my buddy wanted and he and I are pretty pleased with it. JJ
  4. made for a vt600 bobber being built 40,s military style,ammo box one side this bag the other. customer wanted a well worn vintage look,, All comments welcome.. JJ
  5. I just draw up a rough sketch of what I want to make,then build it in sections with cardboard and when I got it right with the cardboard I transfer it to the leather then just cut out and stitch or lace/braid.. thats what I did with these, Saddle bags/tool roll for honda shadow. vintage style despatch bag made for military style bobber. The good thing doing it this way is you do not make mistakes on the leather just on the cardboard. Hope this helps... JJ
  6. a good looking piece, made from scratch without a pattern you should be very pleased with the outcome looks good,looks right. well done..
  7. looks darn good to me,has that real rustic look/feel to it, well done,
  8. after googling kazack saddle tree this is what i found, some interesting images here, https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=kazakh+tree&hl=en&tbo=d&rlz=1C1AFAB_enGB512GB512&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=LvQKUa2QEOao0AW18oHADA&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAA&biw=1366&bih=655#hl=en&safe=off&tbo=d&rlz=1C1AFAB_enGB512GB512&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=kazakh+saddle+tree&oq=kazakh+saddle+tree&gs_l=img.12...17198.20795.0.23886.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41642243,d.d2k&fp=b489d75d97d6b9bf&biw=1366&bih=655 BY THE WAY,,,,, AWESOME WORK
  9. Epic work, I am SOOOO JEALOUS that rig is beautifull.
  10. Aurelie, thanks for the spoon tip will try that, Everyone thanks for you comments, laters JJ
  11. Well was asked to make a collar and leash for a friends dog last week, one n half inch wide by 35 inch long for collar and leash is 48 inches long. Used 3.mm/7 to 8 oZ veg tan for the job died with feibings acrylic black and finished with resoline. Basket weaved them both and added the dogs name to both. Do apologise for pics but something like this not easy to photo. What You all think.
  12. Would have to agree its a great idea but i do not have the initial outlay to afford a Roo hide my friend,where possible I tend only to buy as much as i need for the job I,m doing. love your work by the way,I would rather braid/lace than stitch the jobs i am doing. So much more satisfying. laters.
  13. Hey Chris, How ya doing Brother,I appreciate what you did for me back then buddy,really helped me out man. I found a supplier in the UK for the latigo and calf lace at prices I can afford,would love to start using the roo lace but only one place for it in UK and dam its expensive,And my buyers will not pay the prices for it. I just found a guy this week can supply me with 6/7 oz natural veg tan for $4 sq/ft so I am gonna up my game a bit n try some basic tooling and other lacing. Watch this space LOL!!!! David,thanks for your comments buddy, laters JJ
  14. Hi Benlilly, I did make a mistake its not shoulder,yeah it is already dyed thru butt split weight is 6/7 ounce and it is a very firm leather and is bought in 18 to 22 ft hides,the tannery do it in various colours, I got it here,http://www.jwoodleathers.co.uk/whole-butt-splits.html I think the shipping to the U.S. may be a bit hefty though,LOL!!! thanks for your wishes, JJ
  15. Well i was asked a few weeks ago by a buddy of mine to make a set of white leather bags for his wifes motorcycle,{christmas pressie} the bags are now made but here is a quick "how I did it" First using his measurements I made up a dummy bag from cardboard. I then opened out the dummy and laid it flat on my skin,I used 2.5mm dyed thru shoulder for this job. I then marked out the shape on the back of the skin and cut them out. Once everything was cut out I then using white calf lace proceeded to lace up the bags using triple loop lacing on the seams and plain old applique on the corners of the lids. When all that was done I fitted 1 inch straps with buckles n keepers on the front of the bags and used double loop lacing to edge the lids. Made a tool roll from the left overs so a satisfactory job all round,buddy is well pleased.
  16. Dunno if these any good but best I can find. http://www.zazzle.co.uk/us_cavalry_officer_early_20th_century_posters-228780548936541961 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTv3LOzpe5BBXMM1hVQIQsMbPErS8L418nCUoeYzuiO1l23W0lWyA http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~gregkrenzelok/veterinary%20corp%20in%20ww1/placementofinsignaww1.html https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=1910+us+cavalry+officer+costume&hl=en&prmd=imvnsb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=6hWtUKXeAo_J0AW17oC4Dw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=655#hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=+U+S+cavalry+officer+uniform+1900&oq=+U+S+cavalry+officer+uniform+1900&gs_l=img.12...127190.134561.2.140847.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=1fa2cd124dc2a2e5&bpcl=38897761&biw=1366&bih=655
  17. :thumbsup: Well COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RESPECT,,
  18. Thankyou All for your kind and supportive words, II have been made to do this thru neccessety though I am looking forward to it as well, So good luck to those of you also wishing to go it alone. Cheers JJ
  19. I use a 2mm single cs osborne punch with 3mm lace 5 holes to the inch. gives a good tight finish with mexican braid. hope this helps JJ
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