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Everything posted by cleanview

  1. In regards to where the dye comes in ........ I have been dying after cutting and before gluing.....never done it the other way.........I know some dye in the beginning and some ate the end what are some of the differences........looking for opinions here
  2. Just found out it is a colt pocketlite stainless with colt laser ??
  3. I have a customer that want an avenger for a colt mustang 380 with a laser. Any one do that?
  4. no picture of mine in the makings....but that is pretty much what mine looked like when cut out.
  5. Very interesting, so far. I clearly have seen so far that the more I work on at one time the less over all time it takes for each holster, I could only assume that can be even better shold the day ever come that orders really take off. There are so many things that happen a little smoother and less time with practice and repetition ....... and that will better itself as well with more experience George B seems to be the only full time one on here so far and those numbers seem very impressive to me ......looked at the site as well.....very nice thanks
  6. This was mine.......2nd one , first one was to the same customer, so I guess they like them. One piece of leather, wet molded to the speedloader
  7. interesting.....I was just conversing with someone this week about "when is it no longer hand made?" and the thought of them having to "look alike" also entered my mind.......I guess I was wonder ing if you guys that do a lot more business than I do, use them I have had some goals for my first year and pretty much seem to have met them....one of the biggest is working on more than one and knowing what comes next the minute you pick it up....that along with many other things comes with practice and repetition......learned alot along those lines and seems like the more you learn the more questions seem to come to miind, about "well I wonder how others that do more, do it?"
  8. I dont have need for higher production yet.......but wonder how many holsters you make a week. And if you are alone or have help and approx approximate hours spent. Only been doing it for the public about a year, and am in the shop anywher from 12-20 hrs a week. Keep fastidious records, just to see what can be done and ideas for the future. I seem to do 5-7 holsters a week and it seems about 3 hrs a holster unless it is something new or odd. I have a lot of ideas as to little helps on production in the future, but it really seems like a clicker cutting would be the biggest help. A local leather store has a set up and I am sure I could get dies and pay a fee to punch a side of leather out......but I ASSUME that would mean making a lot of the patterns the a general same size. I would also assume the clicker would save timenot only on cutting, but sanding as well.
  9. I have never applied neatsfoot..........I have a bunch.........inbestween dying and sealing?
  10. I have taken a shine to this knife.....but cant find where to order this kind of blade......much heavier than an exacto Anybody know??
  11. I bought my 3200 about 10 months ago..........It is my only experience ...........I like it.
  12. The gun is question is the 4" xd which would be the service model. I could see why people would refer to it as a "compact" since its between the 3 " sub compact and the full size. But the observation at hand that I can't explain is that the 3" subcompact 9mm dont fit in the 4" xd service model. Yet they are "supposed" to be the same. I am going to look into the take down lever and see if that makes the difference that I am seeing
  13. THere has to be something, cause the one in noticeably different.
  14. I have come across different XD 9mm guns that are different where I had thought they were the same. Frustrating. I have in my shop an XD9 subcompact that is my sons new gun and is different than his XD 9 compact (if memory serves me) which he has a holster for. I had the same thing not to long ago but would fail to call the two nomenclatures correctly. Is there any rhyme or reason to compatibility that I can reference in the future? This is one of the little frustrations, thinking a gun is compatible with another one and there is the ever so slight difference.
  15. I am sure glad to read all of this. In the back of my head is a little voice "you aint done this long enough to go against the grain"..... I have so many thoughts and differences that have developed over the past 1-2 years, which contradict what so many people tell me. Most of the things are by people that wear holsters and not make them. People I have great respect for. and even greater respect for those that can actually grasp the fact that some one might think differently than them. On that topic I think it opportune tune to mention. Don't get to caught up in the "praise" of your peers, or customers, but look for it in those that know more than you (applies to more than holsters) The scary part is that some things that I am convinced of, I later am convinced another way. long way of sayin......learning as we go
  16. most of mine do have a larger panel that does in deed cover the port. I guess what I was really getting at is....is it considered essential for retention? I have been told "that is where you get your retention" but after making them for a while, I kind of think that is bleed over from how a Hybrid holster gets its retention.
  17. Experience has taught me some, but wanting advice from the more experienced. Is the molding the ejection ports essential? It seems too me that the rounded guns (1911, cz, ect) need that little extra catch. The plastic guns, I aint so sure sometimes. Molding thought two pieces (re enforcement piece) seldom looks good. Is there some tricks?
  18. I see that.....looking again at the picture chief posted. That is very interesting .....thanks
  19. Thanks.......I thought it was ok, but have learned the hard way that if I build for something I have no experience using......get it checked out by someone with experience.. Camano.......I remembered reading (probably your comment) about that some time ago and searched to no avail and could not find it......I extended the straps and not the loops.........I am pretty good sized and it is snug, last night a customer saw it and tried it on .....being a much bigger boy......it fit but would need extending. Chief.....that is a good looking rig for sure. For some reason the shoulder rig has been very intimidating to me, so I started with the only pattern that I had and had read it was a good starters rig to try (someplace here in previous posts). This one will be mine that I probably will never use......but with new and intimidating things, it seems best just to make one that I have no intentions of selling. I am supposing that the actual carry angle of the holster is different for every person, or am I wrong? How is that achieved if it is sewn on? Or is there a better way to fasten it with the ability to remove and re position it? Thanks again
  20. had some people ask me about shoulder holsters. I I have said no on several requests in the past but decided to give a try to one. It is from the stohlam how to make holsters book. I have zero experience with shoulder holsters. Need some input as to how this one is. Made it out of lesser quality leather just giving it a try. I put chicago screws instead of how the book says. I did the same with the gun attachment as well. THat was a mistake since they rub the gun, but my thought was that it would let me adjust it however I wanted. Over all I think it seems fine but I just don't know. I don't care for the shoulder carry my self, seems more cumbersome than belt wear holsters. I assume it takes some practice for the draw, Kind of have to pinch it with the left arm to get it to come out. It is not super tight just awkward to me Input would be greatly appreciated
  21. I am just starting to get a handle on which Semi Autos are the best purchase Revolvers are like starting over again.........
  22. very nice in deed....some day I will get around to doing one
  23. Read these all this morning and thought about it through the day. Wanting to be bull headed, but reminding myself that 200 holsters in I still consider myself new. There is always so much to learn. My first thought was that my daily carry holster has unstitched lining at the barrel end of the the holster and looks fine. Then I began to think, well if it is able to come apart it will even on stitched linings. I made a cowboy SAS type belt that I wear daily in my job as a work belt. I sweat profusely, I mean ALOT. Today I examined it (hoping to prove myself right) and some of the most abused areas I could see some separation. Well, I guess I will go back to stitching the lined areas as well. On that note, some of you may wonder if the time and effort you put into articulating your point of view on matters such as this (and many others) fall on deaf ears or is worth the effort. I hope you know that your time and effort is not without appreciation.
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