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Everything posted by JustWakinUp

  1. oooo nice skull find tasha
  2. If you've seen a messenger bag then you have the idea. Just don't use the bag. But have the sling go around the head just like a messenger bag would. Then have 12 slots for harps.
  3. Ok, someone has asked me to make them a harmonica sling. I can only think of using the wet molding method to get a nice fit for the harps. I'm not the wet molding kinda guy but I see alot of you guys making holsters and what not so maybe you would be interested in this persons request. If so please let me know.
  4. I'm a Dreamweaver fan myself, it just makes it sooooo easy to get a site up and published. As for the shopping cart most hosts these days have shopping cart options in their cPanel. I use Hostmonster.com for my hosting and they have a couple options to choose from when it comes to shopping carts. I think they are running a special now for $5.95/mo for webhosting.
  5. I think the work looks cool, i especially like the skulls !
  6. Oh god im interested in this one as well. I've looked all over it seems like,
  7. Thanks everyone, It's always grat to get positive feedback, it's what makes the next wallet to be honest. Sometimes I finishe a piece and just not quite sure about it, but sometims all you folks really encourage me with positive feedback and gets me motivated to do the next one.
  8. not tried pounce powder. I guess I never tried it because i've not heard of it. SOmething to look into though. Anymore thoughts folks?
  9. Latest wallet finished up and currently on eBay. Black shark body, white overlay skeleton w/ black leather inlay heart cross and skull at base, all black stitching and a skull bandana interior that has 6 credit card slots, 2 cash slots and a zipper pocket to stash your bones.
  10. Super nice , I love the evolution pics too.
  11. I think it looks good. I too have done the closure on the wrong side of a wallet and it works out fine. The thing about this wallet is, it will last much longer than one he bought elsewhere that is mass produced.
  12. Yeah Auskin.com Ask to speak to Mandy
  13. Ok this riddle is still alive. I've tried several different techniques to achieve transfering lines onto black chrome tan and none have yielded a good result. I've used products from Golden, air erasable pens etc. I've spoken to several other folks about this and some are leaning towards it being done using a thermofax. The thing is , I'm unable to find any red thermofax paper that would give this red line. More ideas please.
  14. Hey kevin I'll add you to mine ( http://myspace.com/anarchyleather )
  15. Oh man those flips are long since gone. I don't think I have any images of them. However I did sleep at a holiday inn express last nite. ( just kidding, just happened to see commercial and thought i would toss the joke out)
  16. I've saved some pictures of my shop nice and clean just for posts like this one. Since the photos though there is alot more mess, alot more leather hanging around and wayyyyy more stains on the floor. Oh the computer table is now caddy corner so I can reach it from either the stamp table, or the stain/cut table. Anyway, here's a few shots.
  17. It sure does make easy on the strap maker when the folks use strap likes like dunlop or schaller. Punch one hole and VOILA you're done.
  18. All good info, I really appreicate it.
  19. ahhh sweet thanks butch. I knew posting here I would surely get some help
  20. I believe its called a pippin punch
  21. Hey guys, I finally put aside a week to start working on my website. By no means is it complete , i'd like to look at it as a work in progress type scenario. If you get a moment take a look and if you see anything out of line, please let me know. Visit My Website
  22. Good times ! CONGRATS
  23. WoW, the carving is amazing. Very nice looking
  24. Hell yeah, that's bad ass. I love the fabric lining.
  25. I was dealing with Roje leather for exotics. also these folks seem to have a variety of stringray colors http://www.charleshardtke.com/
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