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  • Location
    near San Antonio Texas
  • Interests
    Former Rodeo Clown and Bullfighter! I’ve worked for Eli Rios when he was with Longhorn Boot Company in the early 80’s after my rodeo career I went into making Chaps. Made some and got credited in the movie 8 Seconds as well as All the Pretty Horses! Was one of the first people in the country to design and manufacture a bull riding vest!
    David Mills

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  1. Don’t ever let anyone tell you a 31-15 won’t sew heavy chap leather… I’ve made thousands of pairs using 138 top and https://www.facebook.com/share/1EUtwTDNmi/?
  2. Photos of what you’ve got?
  3. Never mind, I’m re-read the ad!
  4. You’d be better off keeping the Ferdco, or selling it to me! ;) And yes, at the time, they were in the 5-6k range!
  5. Pictures Please!
  6. This… the “splitters” mentioned do not work with chrome tan… a band bland splitter will have hell even…
  7. That’s good! I’ll eventually get around to pulling it off and trying to clean it up! I emailed you a few days back, looking for a spring for the bobbin shuttle! The flat spring in shuttle!
  8. Yes, I knew there were several sizes, although I never see them available!
  9. I hate it that someone had the nerve to steal parts like that! If you painted this, shame on you for painting over the plaque! Lol this machine was salvaged, or combined… two different serial numbers on it!
  10. How is the one you printed working out for you? David Mills
  11. I found a second Landis 3 to add to my collection! It was a head only, so I put a servo motor and speed reducer under the table! give a like and a follow! davidmillssaddlery.com
  12. Interested! What would it cost to ship to 78155
  13. Or an internet link?
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