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Everything posted by Bluesman

  1. I was shopping at my local Tandy and what do I see. Sting Ray on sale. So I pick one out. It is black with a really nice pebble finish and a very symetrical Mother of Pearl inlay. I plan on using as an inlay for a guitar strap. So, question. Do I just cut glue and stich it like regular cowhide? And is there any finishing requirments? Please let me know if there are any pitfalls I should be aware of. Oh Boy Exotic inlay time Thanks, Jon
  2. No, were fine. No problem here. Just my sense of humor
  3. Thanks Dwight, you the man.
  4. I look at this way. If you don't ask stupid questions, you stay stupid. Furthermore, getting the info direct helps everyone get better. Sharing is a wonderful thing.
  5. ^^^^^
  6. Dwight, This wax finish of yours has my curiosity. Just exactly how do you use it? In process steps. For example, oil, neatlac, antique, wax. Going to the Goodwill to find me a crock pot. I want to try this, but need a bit of guidance first. Thanks, Jon
  7. Interesting concept. Must try that. Thanks for posting.
  8. FWIW, Ebay is a royal PITA. I've used it since 1997. Over the years it cost more and more to sell on there. Listing fees, selling fees, Paypal fees. By the time you get done you take a 10-15% hit on your item. It is one of the only viable avenues at the moment though. I would try Ebay to get a launch on my own WEB site. That way customers start to find out they can get from you direct. You have to set up a Paypal account with Ebay, that you can use for your own WEB Site. Jon
  9. Nice work Josh. The gun rig is really nice. Great antique look. Good job all around on everything. I like your added touch with the silver, rivets?, or whatever they are called. Nice touch.
  10. The biggest motivator for me, is, the great things on this site. When I see some of the exceptional tooling, sewing and outstanding design work I get pumped. Reddevil76 is right about your work place. The more convienent and easy to get at everything are the more you will enjoy it. The thing for me is looking at something that makes me go, WOW and then my mind races with, "I want to do that!". So I continue to practice and learn. Someday, hopefully, something, I made will make someone go WOW! I can dream, can't I. Keep going, you'll get there, Jon
  11. That is over the top. Very cool Very cool. You took it to another level.
  12. Fantastic, Homerun in deed, Great design. Coupel of notes: Edge Finishing. Read this by Bob Park. Clean edges improve your project 300% http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=18101 Casing: Get you moisture deeper into the leather. Those impressions will jump out and hurt you. Found here. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=19121 You got most of the basics going Brother, now you detaill. Jon
  13. Finished two sample guitar straps. Trimmed the lining, edged and coated, applied finish coats. Am now comparing the good and the bad.
  14. Very nice. I also like your finger carving at the bottom. Did you dye the lacing after assembly?
  15. Congratulations. Outstanding site. Your work is an inspiration. Good Luck, Jon
  16. Thanks for the Tutorial and thanks fo the PDF. you folks are Great :You_Rock_Emoticon:
  17. Cheryl, You need to apologize to the originator Miso. Art was only answering a post. If you spent less time, LOL :rofl: LOL. Then maybe you might understand. The person asked a question and did not need to be ridiculed. And I am quoting so I know you get it. Jon
  18. welcome to to the club. When you send Barry your money have it say hello to mine. And to many tools is a.falicy being spread by my wife. Jon
  19. Now that is cool. Really a nice feature. Now I can browse what's new for the whole site. Thanks Jon
  20. You can also watch a topic which alerts you. No quoting required.
  21. I just posted to his FB. I'll see if I get a response. If not I'll call. Thanks, Jon
  22. Does he have a schedule of classes that I could see?
  23. Hi, Whenever I want to go to my profile, like to respond to a message. I try the pull down menu and it blows by everthing and takes me to my profile. I want my meassages, but can't get there. What am I missing Thanks, Jon Name: bluesman UserName: Bluesman IP Address: Email Address: todryk@charter.net
  24. Got it, that is impressive. Thanks Jon
  25. Okay, so you're telling me that, that logo is an INLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You attached it to pig, then cutout a window in the veg tan and then sandwiched it and sewed?
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