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Everything posted by Leatherbaron

  1. Have you ever wanted one of the leather presses for settinig your rivets and line 20 + 24 snaps ? etc etc but cant afford the Tandy price for one in the hundress of dollars... then check this out... This buy was made in Australia just so you Aussies know it.... I bought the following on ebay today 29th Nove 2017 Grommet Eyelet Hole Punch (green) Machine Hand Press 3 Dies With 1500pcs Silver Grommets https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Grommet-Eyelet-Hole-Punch-Machine-Hand-Press-3-Dies-With-1500pcs-Silver-Grommets/382196467673?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=651040156767&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 $36.89 Australian and from australia also bought this to go with it Spring Snap Fastener Button Die Mold for 831 15mm Dia Hand Press Machine Setter https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Spring-Snap-Fastener-Button-Die-Mold-for-831-15mm-Dia-Hand-Press-Machine-Setter/201962680257?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 $12.73 Australian and from australia also bought this to go with it Spring Snap Fastener Button Die Mold for 12.5mm Dia Hand Press Machine Setter https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Spring-Snap-Fastener-Button-Die-Mold-for-831-15mm-Dia-Hand-Press-Machine-Setter/201962680257?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 $9.00 Australian and from australia total is nearly $59 including the dies for line 24 and 20 snaps.....
  2. Hey there , the holster and belt look great...... only pick i have is that I think you will find that the basket or bag weave on the holster usually goes across and not downwards.... hey but who really cares..... check it out
  3. II have been playing with making swivel knives from brass on my new lathe... I made all the stuff in the photos except the shanks with the finger piece...waiting for some bearings from china that are $10 for 10 bearings 4mm also making stylus's for tracing onto the leather but mine are longer and more of a pleasure to hold. regards Terry O'Brien the LEATHERBARON www.leatherbaron.com (facebook link ) photos show thee brass swivel knives and some that were flat chromed as a test
  4. 10pcs 681 Miniature Bearings ball mini open bearing 1.5 x 4 x 1.2mm on ebay from China for $ 10 for 10 bearings Regards Terry
  5. Any burnisher that spin in balance is a good idea.... my first one was an old washing machine motor with burnisher mounted on the end of it , worked good Thanks Rohn , easy to make , just gotta do it huh !!! took me 3 years to get around to it , the one afternoon to make it. regards
  6. Only way to get known is to get 5000 business cards made and plaster them all over your town , leave them at the Barbers , hardware store, if you have a coffee leave one at the table when you leave etc etc
  7. Been doing leather work since 1968 still trying to get good at it heh heh , I was trained by A Texan in the 1960's , he came to Australia and bought a Station ( Ranch ) and ran a Leatherwork Supply shop in Darwin Australia. Made a Roper Saddle once , it was fun..... even a shit saddle is still a saddle , it just looks better as you get better. Now I enjoy making Miniature Saddles for Display only... they are about 1/4 scale..... good fun to do Rgds Leatherbaron
  8. what ever it is , it's leatherwork.... the next will be better , and the next you wiill get adicted rgds
  9. I make quite a few holsters mainly for cowboy rigs here in Australia and I can tell you that you Holsters look great , very neat one of the things I try to do is to make my leatherwork look neat. regards Leatherbaron
  10. Hi Guys , just thought I would show of my edge burnisher that I made this one is version 2 much more usefull than my first old model that used a washing machine motor and a Handgrinder hub as a gearbox etc etc the new one uses good stuff..... Had a friend who has a Wood Lathe to make me a couple of burnishing rollers of various sizes... to fit my 3/4 inch shaft .... which fits the bearings and casings.... the motor was the worst cost because i bought a brand new one.... as you can see it was easy to make using a bit of scrap steel for the base.... and a few hours assembly.... it works like a ferrari Regars Leatherbaron www.leatherbaron.com
  11. Hi ya Ben , glad to see your getting into the leatherworking we are all here to help if you need it.... regards Terry The Leatherbaron , Prospect SA www.leatherbaron.com
  12. I have no photos to explainn what I have done to my Arbour press , but I have a you tube video to link to .... this will explain it all.... I did the mod and its a great tip for sure. Leatherbaron
  13. Problem is once you start sewing with the machine your going to start sewing every damn thing just like me.... I enjoy sewing so much I hardly do any lacing anymore heh heh
  14. Hiya Seth , I had a hell of a lot of similar problems to start with , one of my main problems was not holding the thread for about 4 holes ... if i did not my bobbin would catch and lock up a lot. cheers
  15. Hi , I have a lot of the Angelus dyes that I got from Lefflers..... ordered online at www.lefflerleather.com.au so I can definatley say that they have them .
  16. Jim . to start with Facebook is not a place to do business .....and I do not go there much , but I have not seen any messages from you there, you have my email address, my phone number and my address so although you may have had health problems etc and you may be a nice guy, this is business and you must be truthfull that you were definatley just bloody slack in getting things done. I don't say that you are a fraud or any thing like , and I dont think you are , and it is not defamatory to use these pages to try to get you to reply , which you have... remember that you used facebook . but you must keep up your end of the deals especially when someone sends you $4000 or near to it..... all I need Jim is to get the stuff to make my machine work , if you have another machine then use the parts from it to get me out of your hair...it makes sense to me......Why should someone else ordering a new machine now get one that is working and Mine is still not after 1 year aprox.... Terry O'Brien Darwin.
  17. Jim may be a nice bloke , I know that but he has not come through with anything since the week I bought the machine.... we are talking about one yea now and nothing in all that time... he has said that he has the parts sitting there ready to send... but it never happens.... the parts in the motor broke the first week.... and I have never been able to use the machine except in a one fixed speed mode....getting bloody ridiculous, I will never trust a QLDer again , everytime I Do I Get bitten.
  18. Looks like yours .... same model 441 Master , but your motor looks different
  19. I bought a Cowboy sewing machine from QLD, I am still waiting for the rest of my sewing machine I bought last year . Also have been waiting for the electric motor parts to make it work - parts broke in the motor after 1 week , that was 12 months ago and the motors parts still have not been sent. I am still waiting for the Roller guide which was part of the deal, also the Speed Reducer that was said I could have.
  20. Hey Jim Saddler , also known as Jim Beaton, I am still waiting for the rest of my sewing machine I bought last year from you. Also have been waiting for the electric motor parts to make it work. Jim I have given up on ringing you and texting you as they don't seem to do any good , and you just don't care, you make promises but don't do anything. I will have to resort to leaving message like this until I get some response from you . I am still waiting for the Roller guide , the PArts for the electric motor , also the Reducer that you said I could have. Jim you have my number and Address etc ... call me please.and finalise this stuff. Anyone buying from you should be aware of your inability to supply warrenty as I am a witness.
  21. I bought a Sewing machine of Jim, last year , had parts failure in Electric motor and also never got all the parts for the sewing machine that were supposed to be sent, dozens of phone calls and text messages go me now action. Jim seemed like a nice guy but is just a pain to get warrenty or parts from.... my problem is now 12 months old and still no response . Terry O'Brien Darwin NT
  22. Good onya..... Now what did I learn Immediatly after getting my Cowboy 441 machine...basically the same machine ! - Yep Make sure you hold the 2 ends of the thread when starting a new stitch - I found that the thicker the leather the stitch length changes , - Also found that 99 % of my stitching is on the slowest speed setting. - When going round tight corners use the hand wheel or counter weight to advance the stitches not power. - Suggested use of 1 size smaller stitch in Bobbin than on top. but not a problem if both top and bottom are the same. - Found that with my smart Servo motor , the foot pedal connections on the inside of the motor are cheap plastic and mine broke first week - I drilled a hole in the steel on the underneath of the power pedal and put a bolt with 2 nuts and made a limiting mechanism so that my foot pedal could not be pressed to far down , because that is what breaks the smart servo motor connections. - When looking for heavy duty thread , I was at a loss where to get it from untill I went to my local Uplolstery Wholesaler and I found they have a full range of all the heavy duty 270 threads etc. if you cant find the wholesaler goto an upolstery business and ask like I did, they will help you if you tell them what you are doing. They also have the Durable press button studs etc , and Webbing which you can now sew, also they have Contact glue and other leather lookalike fabrics that are usefull for wallet linings and bags. - You will run out of bobbins all the time , I find that because I use 2 size threads, and 2 colours , and I sew a lot of belts , I needed at least 12 bobbins to survive without having to rewind bobbins all the time. I get about 2 belts with one bobbin if I do 2 rows of stitch on each belt. - I got a bright large single LED light with a flexible bendy arm at My local Woolworths store for $20 , I think it was a "one watt led" ( Damn is it bright ) better by far that 12 or 16 leds. - I found that if I finish my leather belts with a clear finish before I stitch the belts, the belts are softer and I get Foot stitching marks a lot more than if I dont treat the leather untill after stitching. That applies to all my leatherwork now. Well thats just a few of the things I wish I knew when I got my machines Cheers Leatherbaron - .
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